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Last active August 29, 2015 14:02
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import Data.Foldable as F
import Data.Maybe (mapMaybe)
import Control.Applicative
import qualified Data.Set as S
import System.Environment
data Animal = Lion | Wolf | Goat
data Forest = Forest { lions, wolfs, goats :: !Int }
deriving (Show, Ord, Eq)
-- | Can a one animal eat another and, if so, what will it become?
canEat :: Animal -> Animal -> Maybe Animal
Lion `canEat` Wolf = Just Goat
Lion `canEat` Goat = Just Wolf
Wolf `canEat` Goat = Just Lion
_ `canEat` _ = Nothing
-- | The population of the given critter in a forest
livesIn :: Animal -> Forest -> Int
Lion `livesIn` Forest l _ _ = l
Wolf `livesIn` Forest _ w _ = w
Goat `livesIn` Forest _ _ g = g
-- | @eats a b f@ is the forest that results from animal @a@ eating
-- animal @b@ in forest @f@
eats :: Animal -> Animal -> Forest -> Maybe Forest
eats a b f
| a `livesIn` f == 0 = Nothing
| b `livesIn` f == 0 = Nothing
| Just c <- a `canEat` b = Just $ add c $ sub a $ sub b f
| otherwise = Nothing
mod :: Int -> Animal -> Forest -> Forest
mod n Lion (Forest l w g) = Forest (l+n) w g
mod n Wolf (Forest l w g) = Forest l (w+n) g
mod n Goat (Forest l w g) = Forest l w (g+n)
sub, add :: Animal -> Forest -> Forest
sub = mod (-1)
add = mod 1
-- | The possible meals
meals :: [Forest -> Maybe Forest]
meals = [ Lion `eats` Wolf
, Lion `eats` Goat
, Wolf `eats` Goat
-- | The overall population of a forest
population :: Forest -> Int
population (Forest l w g) = l+w+g
-- | A list of generations of a forest's evolution
evolve :: Forest -> [S.Set Forest]
evolve = iterate step . S.singleton
step :: S.Set Forest -> S.Set Forest
step = F.foldMap (\f->S.fromList $ mapMaybe ($ f) meals)
-- | Is a forest stable?
stable :: Forest -> Bool
stable f = null $ mapMaybe ($ f) meals
-- | A list of the largest stable forests. Specifically, only those
-- from the first stable generation
largestStableForests :: Forest -> [Int]
largestStableForests =
S.toDescList . population
. head . dropWhile S.null
. map (S.filter stable) . evolve
main = do
[g,w,l] <- map read <$> getArgs
let f = Forest {lions=l, wolfs=w, goats=g}
print $ head $ largestStableForests f
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