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Created January 25, 2018 19:08
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bug in StatementPreparer
using MySql.Data.MySqlClient;
using MySqlConnector.Core;
using Xunit;
namespace MySqlConnector.Tests
public class StatementPreparerTests
public void PrepareQuery(string sql)
var parameters = new MySqlParameterCollection();
parameters.AddWithValue("c2", 3);
var parsedRequest1 = System.Text.Encoding.Default.GetString(new StatementPreparer(sql, parameters, StatementPreparerOptions.None).ParseAndBindParameters().Array);
Assert.Matches("column2 = 3", parsedRequest1);
private const string BadSqlText = @"SELECT
FROM mytable
WHERE column1 = 2 -- mycomment
AND column2 = @c2";
private const string GoodSqlText = @"SELECT
FROM mytable
WHERE column1 = 2
AND column2 = @c2";
private const string AnotherGoodSqlText = @"SELECT
FROM mytable
WHERE column1 = 2 -- mycomment
AND column2 = @c2";
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