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Created May 11, 2014 16:14
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import bpy
from node_s import *
from util import *
from bpy.props import IntProperty, EnumProperty
- range exclusive n
Start, stop, step. Like range()
Start, step, count
See class unit tests for behaviours
class GenListRangeInt(Node, SverchCustomTreeNode):
''' Generator range list of ints '''
bl_idname = 'GenListRangeIntNode'
bl_label = 'List Range Int'
start_ = IntProperty(
name='start', description='start', default=0,
options={'ANIMATABLE'}, update=updateNode)
stop_ = IntProperty(
name='stop', description='stop', default=10,
options={'ANIMATABLE'}, update=updateNode)
step_ = IntProperty(
name='step', description='step', default=1,
options={'ANIMATABLE'}, update=updateNode)
count_ = IntProperty(
name='count', description='num items', default=10,
options={'ANIMATABLE'}, update=updateNode)
current_mode = StringProperty(default="LAZYRANGE")
modes = [
("LAZYRANGE", "Range", "Use python Range function", 1),
("COUNTRANGE", "Count", "Create range based on count", 2)
def mode_change(self, context):
# just because click doesn't mean we need to change mode
mode = self.mode
if mode == self.current_mode:
inputs = self.inputs
outputs = self.outputs
# find if input socket three has any input from another node,
# if it does, as a nicety we keep track of it and reconnect that node
# into the changed socket. manually disconnecting is often less work
# than trying to find out where a connection came from.
link = inputs[2].links[0]
node_from = link.from_node
socket_from = link.from_socket
# now disconnect by removing
if mode == 'LAZYRANGE':'StringsSocket', "Range", "Range").prop_name = 'range_'
else:'StringsSocket', "Count", "Count").prop_name = 'count_'
_output = context.nodes[node_from].outputs[socket_from]
_input = inputs[2], _input)
self.current_mode = mode
mode = EnumProperty(items=modes, default='LAZYRANGE', update=mode_change)
def init(self, context):'StringsSocket', "Start", "Start").prop_name = 'start_''StringsSocket', "Stop", "Stop").prop_name = 'stop_''StringsSocket', "Step", "Step").prop_name = 'step_''StringsSocket', "Range", "Range").prop_name = 'range_'
def draw_buttons(self, context, layout):
layout.prop(self, "mode", expand=True)
# layout.prop(self, "start_", text="start")
# layout.prop(self, "stop_", text="stop")
# if self.mode == "LAZYRANGE":
# layout.prop(self, "step_", text="step")
# else:
# layout.prop(self, "count_", text="count")
def update(self):
inputs = self.inputs
outputs = self.outputs
# outputs, end early.
if not 'Range' in self.outputs or not (len(self.outputs['Rage'].links) > 0):
# inputs, both modes use these
if 'Start' in self.inputs and self.inputs['Start'].links:
tmp = SvGetSocketAnyType(self, self.inputs['Start'])
Start = tmp[0][0]
Start = self.start_
if 'Step' in self.inputs and self.inputs['Step'].links:
tmp = SvGetSocketAnyType(self, self.inputs['Step'])
Step = tmp[0][0]
Step = self.step_
# mode dependant stuff
if self.mode == 'LAZYRANGE':
if 'Stop' in self.inputs and self.inputs['Stop'].links:
tmp = SvGetSocketAnyType(self, self.inputs['Stop'])
Stop = tmp[0][0]
Stop = self.stop_
range_ = [c for c in self.intRange(Start, Stop, Step)]
# mode dependant stuff
elif self.mode == 'COUNTRANGE':
if 'Count' in self.inputs and self.inputs['Count'].links:
tmp = SvGetSocketAnyType(self, self.inputs['Count'])
Count = tmp[0][0]
Count = self.count_
SvSetSocketAnyType(self, 'Range', [range_])
def intRange(self, start=0, stop=1, step=1):
slightly different behaviour: "lazy range"
- step is always |step| (absolute)
- step is converted to negative if stop is less than start
if start == stop:
return []
step = max(step, 1)
if stop < start:
step *= -1
return list(range(start, stop, step))
def countRange(self, start, step, count):
count = max(count, 0)
if count == 0:
return []
stop = (count*step) + start
return list(range(start, stop, step))
def print_tests(self, tests):
for i in tests:
print(i, ':', eval(i))
def unit_tests(self):
# test intRange "lazy range"
a = 'intRange(20, 40, 2)'
b = 'intRange(20, 30, 1)'
c = 'intRange(-4, 4, 1)'
d = 'intRange(5, -4, 1)'
e = 'intRange(20, 30, -1)'
self.print_tests([a, b, c, d, e])
# test intRange "lazy range"
a = 'countRange(20, 1, 3)'
b = 'countRange(20, 2, 8)'
c = 'countRange(-4, -1, 7)'
d = 'countRange(5, -4, 1)'
e = 'countRange(20, 30, -1)'
self.print_tests([a, b, c, d, e])
def update_socket(self, context):
def register():
def unregister():
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