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/tmp.hs Secret

Created November 6, 2013 18:54
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module Main where
import Control.Monad
import Control.Parallel
import Control.Parallel.Strategies
f _ 0 = 0
f x n = (x + (f x (n-1) ) ) ^ 2
-- The base type for all numerical operations
type NumType = Integer
-- Target and available numbers to solve a certain problem
data Problem = Problem NumType [NumType]
-- Results may be valid, in which case they are represented as
-- Val(ues) or invalid, which represnets them as Exc(eption).
data Result a
= Val { val :: a }
| Exc { exc :: String }
deriving (Show)
-- The result monad will continue when it encounters values
-- but pass on every exception it encounters, effectively halting
-- further evaluation.
instance Monad Result where
return = Val
(Exc e) >>= _ = (Exc e)
(Val v) >>= g = g v
-- More speaking constructor for exceptions
throwError :: String -> Result a
throwError = Exc
-- Expressions are either a constant value or two expressions
-- combined using a certain operation
data Expr
= Const NumType
| Binary BinOp Expr Expr
-- The possible operations
data BinOp = Add | Sub | Mul | Div | Mod | Bin1 | Bin2 | Bin3
deriving (Eq)
-- The visualization of the operations
instance Show BinOp where
show Add = "+"
show Sub = "-"
show Mul = "*"
show Div = "/"
show Mod = "%"
show Bin1 = "<+>"
show Bin2 = "<->"
show Bin3 = "<*>"
-- This
safeMinus :: Result NumType -> Result NumType -> Result NumType
safeMinus monA monB =
a <- monA
b <- monB
let result = a - b
if result <= 0
then throwError "0 occured"
else return result
-- Prints operations with matching braces
instance Show Expr where
show (Const zahl) = show zahl
show (Binary op exp1 exp2) = "( " ++ show exp1 ++ " ) " ++ show op ++ " ( " ++ show exp2 ++ " )"
eval :: Expr -> Result NumType
eval (Const val) = return val
eval (Binary opCode exp1 exp2) = eval exp1 `op` eval exp2
where op = case opCode of
Add -> liftM2 (+)
Sub -> safeMinus
Mul -> liftM2 (*)
Div -> liftM2 div -- custom div that errors required
Mod -> liftM2 mod -- dito
Bin1 -> liftM2 $ ((.).(.))(^2)(+)
Bin2 -> liftM2 $ \ a -> (^2) . (a-)
Bin3 -> liftM2 $ \ a b -> (a + b) * (a - b)
-- Don't call score on invalid results
score :: Expr -> NumType
score (Const val) = val
score (Binary op exp1 exp2) =
(score exp1) + (score exp2) + (val $ eval (Binary op exp1 exp2))
incOps = [Add, Mul, Bin1, Bin2, Bin3]
decOps = [Sub, Div, Mod]
solve :: [NumType] -> NumType -> [Expr]
solve (h:t) target = solve' h (Const h) t target
solve' :: NumType -> Expr -> [NumType] -> NumType -> [Expr]
solve' acc expr [] _ = []
solve' acc expr (h:t) target
| gtResult == target = gtExpr : solve' gtResult gtExpr t target
| lsResult == target = lsExpr : solve' lsResult lsExpr t target
| gtResult < target = solve' gtResult gtExpr t target
| gtResult > target = solve' lsResult lsExpr t target
-- What if ... we add to the current state?
gtResult = acc + h
gtExpr = (Binary Add expr (Const h))
-- What if .. we subtract from the current state?
lsResult = acc - h
lsExpr = if changeValid
then (Binary Sub expr (Const h))
else expr
-- Would the new change be valid?
changeValid = lsResult > 0
parseList :: String -> [NumType]
parseList = read
parseTargetNumber :: String -> NumType
parseTargetNumber = read
main :: IO ()
main = do
strAvailableNumbers <- getLine
strTargetNumber <- getLine
let numbers = parseList strAvailableNumbers
target = parseTargetNumber strTargetNumber in
sequence $ (parMap rseq) (print) $
solve numbers target ++
solve numbers target
return ()
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