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#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include "hip/hip_runtime_api.h"
#include "hip/hip_vector_types.h"
#include "rocfft.h"
int main()
// rocFFT gpu compute
// ========================================
Memory access fault by GPU node-1 (Agent handle: 0x55c17fc9c660) on address 0x9263fc000. Reason: Page not present or supervisor privilege.
Nearby memory map:
0x905a00000, 0x80000, VRAM
0x905a80000, 0xa0000, VRAM
Address: 0x905a00000-0x905a80000/0x905a00000-0x905a80000
Size: 0x80000
Type: 1
Owner: 0x55c17fc9c660
using Dash
using DashBootstrapComponents
using JSON3
using Plots; plotly()
function create_graph()
customdata = [JSON3.write(Dict(:x => rand())) for _=1:3]
plt = scatter([1,2,3], [1,2,3], hover=["a", "b", "c"], extra_kwargs=Dict(:series=>Dict(:customdata=>customdata)))
figure = (data=[fix_nan!(p) for p in Plots.plotly_series(plt)], layout=Plots.plotly_layout(plt))
using Dash
using DashBootstrapComponents
using JSON3
using Plots; plotly()
function create_graph()
customdata = [JSON3.write(Dict(:x => rand())) for _=1:3]
plt = scatter([1,2,3], [1,2,3], hover=["a", "b", "c"])
series = Plots.plotly_series(plt)
using Plots
using Dates, Random, Test
function main()
P = [plot(title="$k") for k=1:3]
times_datetime = Dates.unix2datetime.(0:100:10000-1)
n = length(times_datetime)
alpha = 0.1
col = Plots.palette(:glasbey_category10_n256)
WARNING: Method definition _plotly_framestyle(Symbol) in module Plots at /home/stephan/.julia/dev/Plots/src/backends/plotly.jl:4 overwritten on the same line (check for duplicate calls to `include`).
** incremental compilation may be fatally broken for this module **
WARNING: Method definition labelfunc(Symbol, Plots.PlotlyBackend) in module Plots at /home/stephan/.julia/dev/Plots/src/backends/plotly.jl:19 overwritten on the same line (check for duplicate calls to `include`).
** incremental compilation may be fatally broken for this module **
WARNING: Method definition plotly_font(Plots.Font) in module Plots at /home/stephan/.julia/dev/Plots/src/backends/plotly.jl:29 overwritten on the same line (check for duplicate calls to `include`).
** incremental compilation may be fatally broken for this module **
WARNING: Method definition plotly_font(Plots.Font, Any) in module Plots at /home/stephan/.julia/dev/Plots/src/backends/plotly.jl:29 overwritten on the same line (check for duplicate calls to `include`
#include <cassert>
#include <complex>
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <hip/hip_runtime_api.h>
#include "rocfft.h"
int main(int argc, char* argv[])