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Created February 22, 2021 18:43
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.stream { _.table('\t').nullValue("-").noArraySeparator }
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
"DB-ID" ~> _id,
"DNA change (cDNA)" ~> "change_cdna",
"RNA change" ~> "change_rna",
"DNA change (genomic) (hg19)" ~> "change_dna_hg19",
"DNA change (hg38)" ~> "change_dna_hg38",
"Type/DNA" ~> "type",
"Allele" ~> "allele_origin",
"Origin" ~> "variant_origin")
.rename { _.toLowerCase.replace(" ", "_").replace("-", "_") }
.rename("vip" ~> "VIP") // restore legitimate acronym
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
.split("effect") .by("/")
.split("predicted").by(", ")
.split("owner") .by(", ")
// TODO: confirm no other null semantics for this field
.renestIfKeys {_.startsWith("change") }.usingDefaultSeparator
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