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# Reference:
import pymysql
db = pymysql.connect(host="", user="admin", passwd="adm1nadm2n", database="question_9")
cursor = db.cursor()
for i, row in people.iterrows():
person = **row
uni, firstName, lastName, email, role = person['uni'], person['first_name'], person['last_name'], person['email'], person['role']
cursor.execute('INSERT INTO people (uni, firstName, lastName, email) VALUES(%s, %s, %s, %s)', uni, firstName, lastName, email)
if role == 'S' or role == 'B':
major, graduationYear = person['major'], person['graduation_year']
cursor.execute('INSERT INTO students (major, graduationYear) VALUES(%s, %s)', major, graduationYear)
if role == 'F' or role == 'B':
major, graduationYear = person['title'], person['paygrade']
cursor.execute('INSERT INTO faculty (title, payGrade) VALUES(%s, %s)', major, graduationYear)
for i, row in courses.iterrows():
person = **row
values = [None if r == '' else r for r in row]
cursor.execute('INSERT INTO courses (courseId, title, year, semester, callNo) VALUES(%s, %s, %s, %s, %s)', values)
for i, row in people_to_courses.iterrows():
row = list(row)
values = [None if r == '' else r for r in row]
cursor.execute('INSERT INTO relationships (uni, callNo, role) VALUES(%s, %s, %s)', values)
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