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Last active January 28, 2022 09:46
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<!-- This is an example of an XML file extracted from TMS -->
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<notice num-fiche="14060" date-validation="" date-creation="26/01/1989" date-maj="01/10/2018">
<collection>musée d'Orsay</collection>
<domaine>peintures et pastels</domaine>
<inventaire num-ordre="1">RF 1973 25</inventaire>
<inventaire-sort>RF 1973 25 </inventaire-sort>
<artiste num-ordre="1" id-artiste="35879" qualifiant="auteur" fonction="" nom_afficher="Vincent Van Gogh">Van Gogh, Vincent</artiste>
<titre num-ordre="1" type-titre="autre titre">Hôpital Saint-Paul à Saint-Rémy-de-Provence</titre>
<ecoles />
<date-oeuvre affixe="en" debut="1889" fin="1889" />
<date-modele affixe="" debut="" fin="" />
<designation-redigee>huile sur toile</designation-redigee>
<designation num-ordre="1">tableau</designation>
<stade-creations />
<materiel-technique num-ordre="1">toile</materiel-technique>
<materiel-technique num-ordre="2">peinture à l'huile</materiel-technique>
<materiel-technique num-ordre="3">peinture</materiel-technique>
<dimension-redigee>H. 63,4 ; L. 49,0 cm. @
avec cadre H. 89 ; L. 74 cm</dimension-redigee>
<inscriptions />
<organisme-responsable ville="Paris" departement="Paris (75)" region="Ile-de-France" pays="France">musée d'Orsay</organisme-responsable>
<lieu-conservation ville="Paris" departement="Paris (75)" region="Ile-de-France" pays="France">musée d'Orsay</lieu-conservation>
<historique num-ordre="1">
<collection-privee date-debut="" date-fin="" institution="Peyron, Joseph (Dr médecin de l'hôpital de Saint-Rémy)">collection du docteur Joseph Peyron, médecin de l'hôpital de Saint-Rémy, donné par l'artiste</collection-privee>
<historique num-ordre="2">
<collection-privee date-debut="" date-fin="" institution="Gasquet, Marie">collection Marie Gasquet, née Girard (qui l'aurait reçu du fils du docteur Peyron)</collection-privee>
<historique num-ordre="3">
<collection-privee date-debut="" date-fin="" institution="galerie Bernheim-Jeune, Paris">Galerie Bernheim-Jeune, Paris</collection-privee>
<historique num-ordre="4">
<collection-privee date-debut="" date-fin="" institution="Cassirer, Paul">collection Paul Cassirer, Berlin</collection-privee>
<historique num-ordre="5">
<collection-privee date-debut="" date-fin="" institution="Kallmann, F.">collection F. Kallmann, Berlin</collection-privee>
<historique num-ordre="6">
<collection-privee date-debut="" date-fin="" institution="galerie Etienne Bignou, Paris">Galerie E. Bignou, Paris</collection-privee>
<historique num-ordre="7">
<collection-privee date-debut="" date-fin="" institution="Witzinger">collection Witzinger, Bâle</collection-privee>
<historique num-ordre="8">
<collection-privee date-debut="" date-fin="1973" institution="Kaganovitch, Max et Rosy">jusqu'en 1973, dans la collection Max et Rosy Kaganovitch</collection-privee>
<historique num-ordre="9">
<collection-publique date-debut="1973" date-fin="" mode-acquisition="" annee-arrete="1973" organisme="musées nationaux, Paris">1973, accepté par l'Etat à titre de donation de Max et Rosy Kaganovitch pour le musée du Jeu de Paume (comité du 08/02/1973, conseil du 14/02/1973, arrêté du 20/03/1973)</collection-publique>
<historique num-ordre="10">
<attribution date-debut="1973" date-fin="" actuellement-valide="" institution-par="" institution-beneficiaire="" institution-gestionnaire="">1973, attribué au musée du Louvre, Paris</attribution>
<historique num-ordre="12">
<affectation date-debut="1986" date-fin="" actuellement-valide="" institution-par="" institution-beneficiaire="" institution-gestionnaire="">1986, affecté au musée d'Orsay, Paris</affectation>
<historique num-ordre="11">
<inconnu date-debut="1973" date-fin="1986" actuellement-valide="" institution-par="" institution-beneficiaire="" institution-gestionnaire="">de 1973 à 1986, musée du Louvre, galerie du Jeu de Paume, Paris</inconnu>
<exposition num-ordre="1" lieu="galerie Paul Cassirer" ville="Berlin" departement="" region="Berlin" pays="Allemagne" date-debut="1914" date-fin="1914">Van Gogh Exhibition</exposition>
<exposition num-ordre="2" lieu="galerie Paul Cassirer" ville="Berlin" departement="" region="Berlin" pays="Allemagne" date-debut="1928" date-fin="1928">[sans titre]</exposition>
<exposition num-ordre="3" lieu="palais des musées d'Art moderne" ville="Paris" departement="Paris (75)" region="Ile-de-France" pays="France" date-debut="1937" date-fin="1937">La vie et l'oeuvre de Van Gogh</exposition>
<exposition num-ordre="4" lieu="galerie Max Kaganovitch" ville="Paris" departement="Paris (75)" region="Ile-de-France" pays="France" date-debut="1938" date-fin="1938">Oeuvres choisies des XIXe et XXe siècles</exposition>
<exposition num-ordre="5" lieu="galerie Max Kaganovitch" ville="" departement="" region="" pays="" date-debut="1950" date-fin="1950">Oeuvres choisies du XIXe siècle</exposition>
<exposition num-ordre="6" lieu="The Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts" ville="Moscou" departement="" region="" pays="Russie, Fédération de" date-debut="1978" date-fin="1978">European Art, XIX-XX centuries in the collection of Max Kaganovitch</exposition>
<exposition num-ordre="7" lieu="musée de l'Ermitage" ville="Saint-Pétersbourg" departement="" region="" pays="Russie, Fédération de" date-debut="1978" date-fin="1978">European Art, XIX-XX centuries in the collection of Max Kaganovitch</exposition>
<exposition num-ordre="8" lieu="palais de Toksu (annexe du musée national d'Art contemporain)" ville="Séoul" departement="" region="" pays="Corée, République de" date-debut="2000" date-fin="2001">L'Impressionnisme et l'art moderne</exposition>
<exposition num-ordre="9" lieu="Casa dei Carraresi" ville="Trévise" departement="" region="Vénétie Euganéenne" pays="Italie" date-debut="2003" date-fin="2004">L'Oro e l'Azzurro. I colori del Sul da Cézanne a Bonnard</exposition>
<exposition num-ordre="10" lieu="National Gallery of Victoria" ville="" departement="" region="" pays="" date-debut="2004" date-fin="2004">The Impressionists - Masterpieces from the Musée d'Orsay</exposition>
<exposition num-ordre="11" lieu="centre de la Vieille Charité" ville="Marseille" departement="Bouches-du-Rhône (13)" region="Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur" pays="France" date-debut="2005" date-fin="2005">Sous le soleil exactement. Peindre en Provence, du classicisme à la modernité</exposition>
<exposition num-ordre="12" lieu="musée des beaux-arts" ville="Montréal" departement="" region="" pays="Canada" date-debut="2005" date-fin="2006">Sous le soleil exactement. Peindre en Provence, du classicisme à la modernité</exposition>
<exposition num-ordre="13" lieu="Art Gallery of Hamilton" ville="Hamilton" departement="" region="Ontario" pays="Canada" date-debut="2006" date-fin="2006">Great Masters Series : Vincent van Gogh</exposition>
<exposition num-ordre="14" lieu="Complesso Museale Santa Maria della Scala" ville="Sienne" departement="" region="Toscane" pays="Italie" date-debut="2009" date-fin="2009">Arte Genio Follia. Il giorno e la notte dell'artista</exposition>
<exposition num-ordre="15" lieu="Leopold Museum" ville="Vienne" departement="" region="" pays="Autriche" date-debut="2013" date-fin="2013">Wolken. Welt des Flüchtigen</exposition>
<exposition num-ordre="16" lieu="musée d'Orsay, Paris" ville="Paris" departement="Paris (75)" region="Ile-de-France" pays="France" date-debut="2014" date-fin="2014">Van Gogh / Artaud. Le suicidé de la société</exposition>
<exposition num-ordre="17" lieu="The Art Institute of Chicago" ville="Chicago" departement="" region="Illinois" pays="Etats-Unis" date-debut="2016" date-fin="2016">Van Gogh's Bedrooms</exposition>
<bibliographie num-ordre="1" titre="L'Oeuvre de Vincent Van Gogh - Catalogue raisonné" auteur="La Faille, J.-B. de" sous-titre="" commentaire="" editeur="G. Van Oest" date="1928" lien-folio="F652-H666" ville-editeur="Paris">L'Oeuvre de Vincent Van Gogh - Catalogue raisonné</bibliographie>
<bibliographie num-ordre="2" titre="Tout l'oeuvre peint de Van Gogh" auteur="Lecaldano, Paolo" sous-titre="" commentaire="" editeur="Flammarion" date="1971" lien-folio="n°721" ville-editeur="Paris">Tout l'oeuvre peint de Van Gogh</bibliographie>
<bibliographie num-ordre="3" titre="Musée du Jeu de Paume - Catalogue rédigé" auteur="Adhémar, Hélène ; Dayez-Distel, Anne" sous-titre="" commentaire="" editeur="Editions des musées nationaux" date="1977" lien-folio="p.168, reprod. p.131" ville-editeur="Paris">Musée du Jeu de Paume - Catalogue rédigé</bibliographie>
<bibliographie num-ordre="4" titre="Catalogue sommaire illustré des peintures du Musée du Louvre. II. Italie, Espagne, Allemagne, Grande-Bretagne et divers" auteur="Brejon de Lavergnée, Arnauld [coordination]Thiébaut Dominique [coordination]" sous-titre="" commentaire="" editeur="Réunion des musées nationaux" date="1981" lien-folio="p.377" ville-editeur="Paris">Catalogue sommaire illustré des peintures du Musée du Louvre. II. Italie, Espagne, Allemagne, Grande-Bretagne et divers</bibliographie>
<bibliographie num-ordre="5" titre="Musée d'Orsay. Catalogue sommaire illustré des peintures" auteur="Compin, Isabelle [coordination] ; Lacambre, Geneviève [coordination] ; Roquebert, Anne" sous-titre="" commentaire="" editeur="Réunion des musées nationaux" date="1990" lien-folio="vol.2, p.467" ville-editeur="Paris">Musée d'Orsay. Catalogue sommaire illustré des peintures</bibliographie>
<archives />
<iconographie num-ordre="1" termes="vue d'architecture" genre="" tiroir="urbanisme, architecture, décor" type-tiroir="SP" flag-represente="" num-affichage="" />
<iconographie num-ordre="2" termes="hôpital" genre="" tiroir="édifice public" type-tiroir="EP" flag-represente="" num-affichage="" />
<iconographie num-ordre="3" termes="arbre" genre="arbre" tiroir="végétation, alimentation" type-tiroir="EP" flag-represente="" num-affichage="" />
<iconographie num-ordre="4" termes="jardin" genre="" tiroir="fond de paysage" type-tiroir="EP" flag-represente="" num-affichage="" />
<iconographie num-ordre="5" termes="homme" genre="âge et sexe" tiroir="figure humaine" type-tiroir="EP" flag-represente="" num-affichage="" />
<iconographie num-ordre="6" termes="France, Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur, Bouches-du-Rhône (13), Saint-Rémy-de-Provence" genre="" tiroir="lieu" type-tiroir="EP" flag-represente="" num-affichage="" />
<copyright id-copyright="photo musée d'Orsay / rmn" date-debut="" date-fin="" date-maj="17/10/2006" />
<timestamp>07-10-2021 13:13</timestamp>
file domaine id_tms url_siteweb_Orsay url_siteWeb_ArtGraphique inventaire-sort num_catalogue_raisonne
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O000752.xml peintures et pastels 00752 RF 1954 15 F755
O000753.xml peintures et pastels 00753 RF 1954 12 F764
O000754.xml peintures et pastels 00754 RF 1954 14 F792
O000755.xml peintures et pastels 00755 RF 1951 42 F789
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O000757.xml peintures et pastels 00757 RF 1954 13 F756
O000759.xml peintures et pastels 00759 RF 1950 9 F547
O001305.xml peintures et pastels 01305 RF 3670 F445
O010924.xml peintures et pastels 10924 RF 1988 10 F158
O014057.xml peintures et pastels 14057 RF 1947 28 F320
O014058.xml peintures et pastels 14058 RF 1952 6 F489
O014059.xml peintures et pastels 14059 RF 1954 20 F134
"@context": "",
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"type": "HumanMadeObject",
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"content": "Saint-Paul Hospital in Saint-Rémy-de-Provence",
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"_label":"Etablissement public du Musée d'Orsay et du Musée de l'Orangerie - Valérie Giscard d'Estaing"
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"_label": "painting"
"took_place_at": [
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"type": "Place",
"_label": "Saint-Rémy (1889 – 90)"
"timespan": [
"type": "TimeSpan",
"end_of_the_end": "1889-12-31T00:00:00",
"begin_of_the_begin": "1889-12-31T23:59:59",
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"_label": "collection du docteur Joseph Peyron"
"content": "collection du docteur Joseph Peyron, médecin de l'hôpital de Saint-Rémy, donné par l'artiste"
"used_for": [
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"identified_by": [
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"content": "Van Gogh Exhibition"
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"type": "Actor",
"_label": "galerie Paul Cassirer"
"took_place_at": [
"id": "",
"type": "Place",
"_label": "Berlin"
"timespan": [
"type": "TimeSpan",
"end_of_the_end": "1914",
"begin_of_the_begin": "1914"
"referred_to_by": [
"id": "",
"type": "LinguisticObject",
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"type": "Identifier",
"content": "???",
"classified_as": [
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"_label": "Flammarion"
"took_place_at": [
"id": "",
"type": "Place",
"_label": "Paris"
"timespan": [
"type": "TimeSpan",
"begin_of_the_begin": "1971-01-01",
"end_of_the_end": "1971-12-31"

Feedback data pour le projet Van Gogh worlwide


Big question :

  • The most important question for me is: either I send you quickly the XML files only for the paintings (because the drawings are being migrated in our TMS) and you perform the processing to generate the jsonLD and in this case, I send you as CSV files, the AAT ids of the indexations and entities persons that are present in the files. Or we wait a few weeks for the drawings to be in TMS (and for the data to be verified), and I perform the transformation of the data into jsonLD and then I send you the .json files already formatted.


  • In the website for a record of an object, there is not necessarily the inventory number of the institution that keeps the object. In the documentation, there is an example with the inventory number. Moreover, I think it would be more appropriate to provide in addition to the La Faille id and the Hulsker id, our inventory number and the TMS id (our collection management database)
    • Lian : The collection management system id is not used on the Van Gogh Worldwide platform, but feel free to include it in the Linked Art data if it is useful for you.
    • antoine : another question comes to me in relation: you do not generate a link to the source catalog?
  "identified_by": [
      "type": "Identifier",
      "content": "14060", 
      "classified_as": [
          "id": "",
          "type": "Type",
          "_label": "catalog numbers"
	 "type": "Identifier",
      "content": "RF 1973 25", 
      "classified_as": [
          "id": "",
          "type": "Type",
          "_label": "accession numbers"
      "type": "Identifier",
      "content": "F652",
      "classified_as": [
          "id": "",
          "type": "Type",
          "_label": "De La Faille number"
      "type": "Identifier",
      "content": "H666",
      "classified_as": [
          "id": "",
          "type": "Type",
          "_label": "Jan Hulsker number"
  • For the iconographic indexations, can I put the labels in French with the id of the getty concept or do you only need the labels in English?
    • Lian : As long as you link to the appropriate AAT concept, it does not matter which labels you use. The platform uses the AAT data, not the labels, so you can choose the label that works best for you.
    • Antoine : So I just put the id of the aat
"shows": [
      "type": "VisualItem",
      "classified_as": [
          "id": "",
          "type": "Type",
          "_label": "vue d'architecture" 
  • For the dimensions, we also have dimensions with the frames, is it interesting for you?

    • Lian : Currently the platform includes dimensions without frames only. Maybe dimensions with the frames will be implemented at a later stage.
    • ANtoine : So I'm not sending you the info.
  • For the images, we do not have IIIF yet. For information, since my arrival in October, I have launched this project that we hope to see the day by the end of 2022. This raises the question of information updates because we could send you the corpus of data with our own IIIF url for the images.

    • Lian : That is no problem. When you update the links to the images, the platform will be able to get them and include the new images into the platform.
    • Atoine: perfect. Do you have an update schedule? For example, every yeanr or do you send the dataset back?
  • Still for the images, as you may know we are still constrained by the RMN which manages our images and does not allow us to distribute images beyond 800px

    • Lian : That is no problem. The platform will accept the highest resolution you can provide or are willing to share.
    • Antoine :
"representation": [
      "id": "",
      "type": "VisualItem",
      "format": "image/jpeg",
      "classified_as": [
          "id": "",
          "type": "Type",
          "_label": "digital images"
  • For the provenance information, we unfortunately have little information in our database today. For example, we do not have the different types of transactions except for the purchase in public collections. For the rest, we only have a list of collections to which the painting belonged. We will be obliged to follow your documentation and indicate a succession of origin by free text (
    • Lian : Free text is acceptable, but the consequence is that names cannot be linked on the platform. However, the XML example given provides the information in a more or less structured way. Can we help you by providing URIs for persons and institutions mentioned in the provenance information?
    • Antoine : yes, possible but difficult to automate because not very harmonized.
<historique num-ordre="1">
      <collection-privee date-debut="" date-fin="" institution="Peyron, Joseph (Dr médecin de l'hôpital de Saint-Rémy)">collection du docteur Joseph Peyron, médecin de l'hôpital de Saint-Rémy, donné par l'artiste</collection-privee>
    <historique num-ordre="2">
      <collection-privee date-debut="" date-fin="" institution="Gasquet, Marie">collection Marie Gasquet, née Girard (qui l'aurait reçu du fils du docteur Peyron)</collection-privee>
    <historique num-ordre="3">
      <collection-privee date-debut="" date-fin="" institution="galerie Bernheim-Jeune, Paris">Galerie Bernheim-Jeune, Paris</collection-privee>
    <historique num-ordre="4">
      <collection-privee date-debut="" date-fin="" institution="Cassirer, Paul">collection Paul Cassirer, Berlin</collection-privee>
    <historique num-ordre="5">
      <collection-privee date-debut="" date-fin="" institution="Kallmann, F.">collection F. Kallmann, Berlin</collection-privee>
  • For exhibitions, for the id of "carried_out_by", do we also have to retrieve the id in the ULAN at the risk of confusing the physical person entity and the legal person entity (as in the case below between Paul Cassirer and his gallery. And if, I can't align, can I afford to put nothing in the id?
    • Lian : We would rather have you provide an incorrect ULAN id and correct it later than provide no ULAN id at all. We guess you can safely assume that in the case of exhibitions you are dealing with legal persons. We can also give you feedback on specific cases, if that helps you.
    • Antoine : Yes, I do want examples of cases that you have already encountered.
"carried_out_by": [
          "id": "",
          "type": "Actor",
          "_label": "galerie Paul Cassirer"
  • Still for the exhibitions, for the dates, if I do not have the precise information with the month and the year, can I put only the year under the format yyyy? (or would you prefer that I do yyyy-01-01 and yyyy-12-31)?
    • Lian : Generally timespans in Linked Art are given by providing the full date and time of the begin and the full date and time of the end, even when only the year is known. But in this context it might give the false impression that the exhibition was actually held from January 1st till December 31st.
    • Antoine : ok, I put the dates of type yyyy if it's ok for you. Which do you prefer? I'm also afraid that it will bring confusion.
  • For the bibliographic references, I must also provide the ids of all the entities. For some of them, as for authors and/or publishers, is it possible to use uri of french directories like the one of ?
    • Lian : It would be great if you could link to such ids, even though we do not yet make much use of them at the platform.
    • Antoine : Ok, so still the same way with id and value in a label as in the json below
"created_by": {
        "type": "Creation", 
        "carried_out_by": [
            "id": "",
            "type": "Person", 
            "_label": "Lecaldano, Paolo"
      "used_for": [
          "type": "Activity", 
          "classified_as": [
              "id": "", 
              "type": "Type", 
              "_label": "Publishing"
          "carried_out_by": [
              "id": "",
              "type": "Editor", 
              "_label": "Flammarion"
          "took_place_at": [
              "id": "",
              "type": "Place",
              "_label": "Paris"
          "timespan": [
              "type": "TimeSpan",
              "begin_of_the_begin": "1971-01-01",
              "end_of_the_end": "1971-12-31"
  • if I send you the json files, what is the naming of the files? the number of La Faille catalog (example F652.jsonld)?
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