// Region Status Checker -- By Antony Fairport
// Lets you remotely keep an eye on a region's status. Handy to see
// what's happening with your region while it's restarting and you're
// elsewhere.
// Revision history:
// ------------------------------------------------------------
// 2013-06-05
// First version.

// Constants
float REFRESH_TIME = 5.0;

// Globals.
string g_sRegion;
key    g_kRequest;
string g_sLastText;

// Set the float text of the object.
Text( string s )
    llSetText( g_sLastText = s, < 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 >, 1.0 );

// Add a bit of extra text to the existing float text.
ExtraText( string s )
    Text( s + "\n" + g_sLastText );

// Request the simulator status.
    g_kRequest = llRequestSimulatorData( g_sRegion, DATA_SIM_STATUS );

// Default state.
    // State entry.
        // Clear any text to start with.
        Text( "" );
        // If it looks like we've got a sensible description...
        if ( g_sRegion = llGetObjectDesc() )
            // ...assume it's a region name and start status checking.
            state StatusChecker;
            // ...otherwise tell the owner to set it.
            llOwnerSay( "Please enter the region name in the description of this object and touch me to start." );
    // Handle a touch.
    touch_start( integer num_detected )

// Checking state.
state StatusChecker
    // State entry.
        // Initial text...
        Text( "Checking " + g_sRegion + "..." );
        // Find out the state of the region.
    // Handle incoming data from the data server.
    dataserver( key query_id, string data )
        // Something we requested?
        if ( query_id == g_kRequest )
            // Yup. Stop the timer for a moment.
            llSetTimerEvent( 0.0 );
            // Set the status in the hover text.
            Text( g_sRegion + "\nis " + data );
            // Now pause before doing a refresh.
            llSetTimerEvent( REFRESH_TIME );
    // Handle a timer event.
        // Show that we're checking again.
        ExtraText( "(checking...)\n " );
        // Request the state of the region again.
    // Handle a touch.
    touch_start( integer num_detected )
    // Handle changes.
    changed( integer change )
        if ( ( change & CHANGED_REGION ) || ( change & CHANGED_OWNER ) )