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Last active October 9, 2015 23:28
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pyone: python one liner
#!/usr/bin/env python
help = '''
python one liner
Usage: pyone [OPTIONS] code [OPTIONS] [--] [file1, file2, ...]
-e code
-E code
--eerror=strict, ignore, or replace, ...
$ pyone "print(sys.platform)"
$ pyone "0 and print('a')"
$ pyone "1 and print('a')"
$ pyone "0 or print('a')"
$ pyone "1 or print('a')"
$ pyone -nle "print(_ * 2)" < hoge.txt
$ pyone -ple "_ = _ * 2" < hoge.txt
$ pyone -ple "_ = _ * 2" *.txt
$ pyone -Mimp -e "print(imp.__name__)"
$ pyone --pre="print(0)" --post="print(2)" "print(1)"
$ pyone --ic=euc-jp --oc=utf-8 --error=replace -ple 0 hoge.txt
$ pyone -ple "_ = _ if int(_) % 2 == 0 else _noprint"
If -n or -p option is specified, code is executed for each line, and variable _ refers each line.
If -p option is specified, _ is printed after execution.
_argv variable has arguments.
$ pyone -e "print(_argv)" a b
['a', 'b']
import sys
import codecs
from collections import defaultdict
def readArgv():
options = defaultdict(lambda: None)
options['M'] = set()
options['eerror'] = 'strict'
isProgram = False
isFile = False
_argv = []
for item in sys.argv[1:]:
if isProgram:
options['e'] = item
isProgram = False
if isFile:
elif item == '--':
isFile = True
elif item.startswith('--pre='):
options['pre'] = item[6:]
elif item.startswith('--post='):
options['post'] = item[7:]
elif item.startswith('--ic='):
options['ic'] = item[5:]
elif item.startswith('--oc='):
options['oc'] = item[5:]
elif item.startswith('--eerror='):
options['eerror'] = item[9:]
elif item[0] == '-':
if 'M' == item[1]:
options['M'] |= set(item[2:].split(','))
if 'p' in item[1:]:
options['p'] = True
if 'n' in item[1:]:
options['n'] = True
if 'l' in item[1:]:
options['l'] = True
if item[-1] in ('e', 'E'):
isProgram = True
elif not options['e']:
options['e'] = item
isFile =True
return options, _argv
class NoPrint: pass
if __name__ == '__main__':
options, argv = readArgv()
for module in options['M']:
exec('import ' + module, globals())
_noprint = NoPrint()
context = globals().copy()
if not options['e']:
if options['oc']:
if sys.version_info[0] >= 3:
sys.stdout = codecs.getwriter(options['oc'])(sys.stdout.detach())
sys.stdout = codecs.getwriter(options['oc'])(sys.stdout)
if options['pre']:
exec(options['pre'], context)
if options['p'] or options['n']:
if len(argv) > 0:
for filename in argv:
file =, 'r', encoding=options['ic'], errors=options['eerror'])
for _ in file:
if options['l']:
_ = _.rstrip('\r\n')
context['_'] = _
exec(options['e'], context)
if options['p'] and context['_'] is not _noprint:
if options['ic']:
if sys.version_info[0] >= 3:
sys.stdin = codecs.getreader(options['ic'])(sys.stdin.detach())
sys.stdin = codecs.getreader(options['ic'])(sys.stdin)
for _ in sys.stdin:
if options['l']:
_ = _.rstrip('\r\n')
context['_'] = _
exec(options['e'], context)
if options['p'] and context['_'] is not _noprint:
context['_argv'] = argv
exec(options['e'], context)
if options['post']:
exec(options['post'], context)
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