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aplocher / AnyConnect.ahk
Last active September 6, 2023 07:18
AutoHotKey script for Cisco AnyConnect. Takes hostname, username, and password as external args. Great for creating multiple shortcuts if you have more than one AnyConnect VPN.
; Create a shortcut to this file in Windows for each AnyConnect VPN configuration you need
; Each shortcut can have a different host, user, and pass defined (3 command line args)
; Usage: AutoHotKey.exe AnyConnect.ahk hostname username password
#SingleInstance force
if 0 < 3 ; The left side of a non-expression if-statement is always the name of a variable.
MsgBox This script requires at least 3 incoming parameters but it only received %0%.
aplocher / FixStoreApps.ps1
Last active May 28, 2023 00:32
Fix for Remove-AppxPackage error "HRESULT: 0x80073CFA, Removal failed The system cannot find the file specified.". Requires psexec to be installed
param (
[switch]$Relaunched = $false
$ScriptPath = (Get-Variable MyInvocation).Value.MyCommand.Path
function StartOperation {
Write-Host Now attempting to regenerate missing manifest files...
aplocher / BackupDismFeatures.ps1
Created August 22, 2015 12:03
Small PowerShell script that looks at the currently installed Windows Features on the current system and generates a dism.exe/ cmd.exe command to be used to restore those features. Handy for when you're reinstalling Windows on a machine and want to backup / restore your IIS, Hyper-V, etc configuration.
Get-WindowsOptionalFeature -Online | where State -eq Enabled | %{$o += ("/FeatureName:"+$_.FeatureName+" ")}
Write-Host "dism.exe /Online /Enable-Feature $o/All"
aplocher / data-dict-gen.sql
Created February 8, 2021 22:10
Generate a complete markdown data dictionary template, including a table of contents, for Azure DevOps wiki from a list of tables. Will also display PK and FK info
use my-database
declare @tableList table (Id int not null primary key identity, DatabaseName varchar(50), SchemaName varchar(50), TableName varchar(50), TableDescription varchar(max))
-- Which tables to generate the markdown for?
insert into @tableList (DatabaseName, SchemaName, TableName, TableDescription) values
('my-database', 'dbo', 'Entity', ''),
aplocher / data-dict-gen-simple.sql
Created February 8, 2021 22:04
T-SQL script to generate data dict. markdown to be used in Azure DevOps Wiki from a SQL Server table
use varis_p
@table varchar(50) = 'dbo.SomeTable'
select md from (
-- Row 1 - Headers
-2 as colid,
aplocher / patch3800sw.ps1
Last active May 20, 2021 20:19
Patch router firmware files for WNDR3800SW (SureWest specific) router model. Can convert any Netgear WNDR3800 firmware img to work with WNDR3800SW. Requires perl.exe currently.
# Patch firmware .img files used for Netgear WNDR3800 routers to work with Netgear WNDR3800SW
# The SW model routers are specfic to SureWest Communications (ISP from northern CA)
# The routers are identical, but require a different header on the .img file. This should work with any
# .img file that works with a WNDR3800, including DD-WRT, OpenWRT, and the Netgear factory firmware
## Usage: .\patch3800sw <input img file path> <output img file path>
## Example: .\patch3800sw openwrt-ar71xx-generic-wndr3800-squashfs-factory.img openwrt-wndr3800sw.img
"basics": {
"name": "Adam Plocher",
"picture": "",
"label": "Software Developer at Varis LLC",
"headline": "A motivated and professional software engineer with over 15 years of experience in the industry",
"summary": "Experienced full-stack developer with an appreciation for design patterns.",
"website": "",
"yearsOfExperience": 19,
"username": "aplocher",
aplocher / SingleLineAddUser.bat
Last active April 28, 2020 12:31
A single-line group of commands to add a user with password, and add to a security group. I got too much time on my hands...
rem UBER COMMAND!! (v2)
rem One-liner (technically) - prompts for User, Pass, SecGroup. Includes validation, pre-checks for UAC elevated privileges, checks for user pre-existence and group existence before running, requires a User and Group.
cmd /v /c "cls&(net file >nul 2>&1 && ((set /p "u=Enter username: "&&(net user !u! >nul 2>&1&&echo Error: user !u! already exists||(set /p "p=Password: "& set /p "g=Security Group: "&&(net localgroup !g! >nul 2>&1&& (net user !u! !p! /add>nul&&net localgroup !g! /add !u!>nul&&echo SUCCESS: Added new user !u! to group !g!&net user >nul 2>&1)|| (echo Error: specified group does not exist & net user >nul 2>&1))||(echo Error: you must specify a group)))||echo Error: user must not be blank)) || echo Error: you should run as admin)&echo.&echo.&pause"
rem Not-so-UBER command (v1)
rem One-liner, set the User, Pass, Group in the beginning of the command. No prompts, no validation. Lame.
cmd /v /c "set u=myUser&set p=password1&set g=Administrators&cls&net user !u! !p! /add>nul 2>
aplocher / CmderHere.bat
Created January 14, 2020 23:43
Small bat file that will prompt for Cmder's root dir. It will set the CMDER_ROOT env variable and register "Cmder Here" context menu entries in Windows Explorer.
@echo off
net file > NUL 2>&1
if not [%ERRORLEVEL%]==[0] (
goto :done
echo Enter the path to the CMDER folder...
aplocher / Program.cs
Created May 30, 2019 01:25
A simple C# function (and console app) to flatten an array down to a specified generic type
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace ConsoleApp3
// This is a sample Console App written in C# / .NET Core (but should work with .NET Framework).
// This will flatten an array structure, recursively, down to the generic type specified (or throw an exception if the input is bad)
class Program