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Last active November 23, 2022 20:58
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Bash Cheatsheet

The following is a list of various Bash commands which I use on a regular basis. It's not exhaustive, just a simple "getting started", and collection of useful commands. Anything between the brackets "<>" should be replaced.

Collection of various Bash commands:


list files
list all files
ls -la
create file
touch <file_name>
rename file
mv <file_name> <new_file_name>
copy file
cp <file_name> <file_name>
delete file
rm -f <file_name>
print file contents
cat <file_name>
scroll long file
less <file_name>
print first N lines
head -<n_lines> <file_name>
print last N lines
tail -<n_lines> <file_name>
search for filename's location
locate <file_name>
search for program's location
which <program_name>
search for a file, containing a string
find . -type f -print0 | xargs -0 grep "<search_string>"


show current folder
list sub-folders
ls -d */
change directory
cd <directory_name>
change to home folder
cd ~
create folder
mkdir <folder_name>
rename folder
mv <folder_name> <new_folder_name>
delete folder
rmdir <folder_name>

File / Folder Permissions

list permissions
ls -la
set executable
chmod +x <file_name>
set ownership
chown -R <user_name> <folder_name>

Environmental Variables

print existing variables
set variable
export VAR_NAME="hello"
print variable
echo $VAR_NAME
remove variable
unset VAR_NAME


set script to be executable
chmod +x ./
set the executable flag on all .sh files
find ./ -name "*.sh" -exec chmod +x {} \;
run script
run script, but keep environmental variables
. ./
source ./
associative arrays


list network adapters (Debian, Ubuntu, Kali)
ifconfig -a
list network adapters (Redhat, Fedora, CentOS)
ip link show
flush dns cache (Debian, Ubuntu, Kali Linux)
sudo /etc/init.d/dns-clean
restart networking (Debian, Ubuntu, Kali Linux)
sudo service network-manager restart
list all open ports
sudo netstat -tunlp

nmap < | localhost | ip_addr>
find if specific port is open
sudo netstat -tunlp | grep <port_number>
list all available hosts, within an ip range
nmap -sP

nmap -sP <ip_addr>/<ip_mask>
list all available hosts, within an ip range, on specific ports
# custom TCP SYN scan
sudo nmap -sP -PS22,3389
sudo nmap -sP -PS<port_1>,<port_2> <ip_addr>/<ip_mask>

#custom UDP scan
sudo nmap -sP -PU161
sudo nmap -sP -PU<port_1> <ip_addr>/<ip_mask>

SSH commands

ssh <user_name>@<host_name>
connect, on specific port
ssh -p <port_number> <user_name>@<host_name>
connect, using keyfile
ssh -i <identity_filename> <user_name>@<host_name>
remove ssh key
ssh-keygen -R <server_dns> > /dev/null 2>&1;
copy remote file to local
scp <user_name>@<server_dns>:<remote_location> <local_location>


list all PCI system devices

list all running kernel modules

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