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aqade/config.lua Secret

Last active August 20, 2023 12:57
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Config = {}
Config.Debug = false
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Config.Features = {
Requirements = {
PoliceRequired = false,
PoliceAmount = 0,
PoliceJobs = {'police'}, -- Add more like this: {'police', 'sheriff'}
Mask = true,
Availability = {
Enabled = true, -- If set to false, run will also be availeblity
From = 20, -- In game time -- 20 = 8pm
To = 8, -- In game time -- 8 = 8am
PedSettings = {
Model = 'a_m_m_rurmeth_01',
Target = {
points = vector3(1150.84, -437.45, 67.0),
heading = 44.79,
minZ = 67.0-1.0,
maxZ = 67.0+0.8,
size = {0.8, 0.8},
distance = 2.0,
Blip = {enabled = true, sprite = 51, color = 3, size = 0.8, name = "Meth Run"},
Cost = {
Price = 0, -- Set this to 0 if you want it to be free
Account = 'cash',
- qbcore: cash or bank
- esx: money or bank
Pickup = {
Blip = {sprite = 478, color = 3},
RecipeAndIngredients = {
Scenery = {
Props = {
BoatProp = false,
BoatPropSettings = {
model = 'cs2_09_boats',
coords = vector3(3847.49, 4398.32, 4.15),
heading = 274.09,
CrateProp = true,
CratePropSettings = {
model = 'sm_prop_smug_crate_s_narc',
coords = vector3(3821.13, 4471.89, 4.74),
heading = 311.73,
placeonground = true,
Target = {-- This target needs to be the same as the CrateProp above or the target will not fit the box, unless you are using something else.
points = vector3(3821.13, 4471.89, 4.74),
heading = 311.73,
minZ = 5.74-1.0,
maxZ = 5.74+0.6,
size = {1.0, 1.0},
distance = 3.0,
PickupItems = {
RecipeItem = 'recipe_meth',
RecipeAmount = 1,
Ingredients1 = 'hydrochloricacid',
Ingredients1Amount = 10,
Ingredients2 = 'methylamine',
Ingredients2Amount = 5,
Tools = {
Scenery = {
PropsEnabled = true,
Props = {
CrateProp = true,
CratePropSettings = {
model = 'sm_prop_smug_crate_s_antiques',
coords = vector3(-3186.6, 1056.45, 20.85),
heading = 156.71,
Target = {
points = vector3(-3186.6, 1056.45, 20.85),
heading = 156.71,
minZ = 20.85-1.0,
maxZ = 20.85,
size = {1.0, 1.2},
distance = 3.0,
ToolItems = {
Tool1 = 'drugscale',
Tool1Amount = 1,
Tool2 = 'drugkit',
Tool2Amount = 1,
Tool3 = 'zipbags',
Tool3Amount = 10, -- This should be the same amount as the breakdown amount
RemoveOnUse = true,
MakeBrick = {
Duration = 240, -- In seconds
Item = 'meth',
Amount = 1,
Target = {
points = vector3(888.78, -959.81, 39.28),
heading = 358.0,
minZ = 39.28-0.5,
maxZ = 39.28+0.2,
size = {1.05, 2.25},
distance = 2.0,
points = vector3(890.96, -959.88, 39.28),
heading = 358.0,
minZ = 39.28-0.5,
maxZ = 39.28+0.2,
size = {1.05, 2.25},
distance = 2.0,
points = vector3(893.17, -959.95, 39.28),
heading = 358.0,
minZ = 39.28-0.5,
maxZ = 39.28+0.2,
size = {1.05, 2.25},
distance = 2.0,
Breakdown = {
Duration = 480, -- In seconds
Item = 'meth_baggy',
Amount = 10,
Target = {
points = vector3(901.14, -963.96, 39.28),
heading = 0.0,
minZ = 39.28-0.5,
maxZ = 39.28+0.2,
size = {1.05, 2.25},
distance = 2.0,
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