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Last active March 14, 2018 18:39
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Union of minimum vertex covers.
function UMVC(A::SparseMatrixCSC{Int64,Int64}, ncovers=300)
edgevec = filter(e -> e[1] < e[2],
umvc = zeros(Int64, size(A,1))
for _ in 1:ncovers
# Run 2-approximation with random edge ordering
cover = zeros(Int64, size(A,1))
edge_queue = shuffle(edgevec)
while length(edge_queue) > 0
i, j = pop!(edge_queue)
if cover[[i,j]] == [0,0]; cover[[i,j]] = [1,1]; end
# Reduce to a minimal cover
while true
reduced = false
for c in shuffle(find(cover .== 1))
nbrs = find(A[:,c])
if sum(cover[nbrs]) == length(nbrs)
cover[c] = 0
reduced = true
if !reduced; break; end
umvc[cover .== 1] = 1
d = vec(sum(A,2)) # degrees of nodes
return [sort(find(umvc .== 1), by=v->d[v], rev=true);
sort(find(umvc .== 0), by=v->d[v], rev=true)]
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