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Created November 29, 2021 15:01
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Get dates for a Holiday Set #adTempus #api #version4

This script demonstrates how to retrieve a Holiday Set and get a list of the holiday dates that it defines

void Main()
//if the adTempus server is on a different computer, replace "." with the name
using (var session = Scheduler.Connect(".", LoginAuthenticationType.Windows, "", ""))
using (var context = session.NewDataContext())
//retrieve the Holiday Set
var holidays=context.GetHolidaySet("Standard U.S. Holidays");
var startDate=new DateTime(2021,1,1);
var endDate=startDate.AddYears(1);
var matchingDates=holidays.GetMatchingDates(startDate, endDate);
foreach(var item in matchingDates)
Console.WriteLine($"{item.MatchingDate} ({item.RuleName})");
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