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Last active August 9, 2022 01:43
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Ammo Debug Drawer Interface Implementation
import Ammo from "ammo.js"
export const DefaultBufferSize = 3 * 1000000
export const AmmoDebugConstants = {
NoDebug: 0,
DrawWireframe: 1,
DrawAabb: 2,
DrawFeaturesText: 4,
DrawContactPoints: 8,
NoDeactivation: 16,
NoHelpText: 32,
DrawText: 64,
ProfileTimings: 128,
EnableSatComparison: 256,
DisableBulletLCP: 512,
EnableCCD: 1024,
DrawConstraints: 1 << 11, //2048
DrawConstraintLimits: 1 << 12, //4096
FastWireframe: 1 << 13, //8192
DrawNormals: 1 << 14, //16384
const setXYZ = function(array: number[] | Float32Array, index: number, x: number, y: number, z: number) {
index *= 3;
array[index + 0] = x;
array[index + 1] = y;
array[index + 2] = z;
* An implementation of the btIDebugDraw interface in Ammo.js, for debug rendering of Ammo shapes
export class AmmoDebugDrawer implements Ammo.btIDebugDraw {
world: Ammo.btDiscreteDynamicsWorld
debugDrawer: Ammo.DebugDrawer
indexArray: Uint32Array
verticesArray: Float32Array
colorsArray: Float32Array
debugDrawMode: number
index: number
enabled: boolean
warnedOnce: boolean
indexArray: Uint32Array,
verticesArray: Float32Array,
colorsArray: Float32Array,
world: Ammo.btDiscreteDynamicsWorld,
options: {
debugDrawMode: number
} = {
debugDrawMode: AmmoDebugConstants.DrawWireframe
) { = world
this.debugDrawer = new window.Ammo.DebugDrawer()
this.verticesArray = verticesArray
this.colorsArray = colorsArray
this.indexArray = indexArray
this.debugDrawMode = options.debugDrawMode || AmmoDebugConstants.DrawWireframe
this.index = 0
if (this.indexArray) {, 0, this.index)
this.enabled = false
this.drawLine = this.drawLine.bind(this)
this.drawContactPoint = this.drawContactPoint.bind(this)
this.reportErrorWarning = this.reportErrorWarning.bind(this)
this.draw3dText = this.draw3dText.bind(this)
this.setDebugMode = this.setDebugMode.bind(this)
this.getDebugMode = this.getDebugMode.bind(this)
this.enable = this.enable.bind(this)
this.disable = this.disable.bind(this)
this.update = this.update.bind(this)
this.debugDrawer.drawLine = this.drawLine
this.debugDrawer.drawContactPoint = this.drawContactPoint.bind(this)
this.debugDrawer.reportErrorWarning = this.reportErrorWarning.bind(this)
this.debugDrawer.draw3dText = this.draw3dText.bind(this)
this.debugDrawer.setDebugMode = this.setDebugMode.bind(this)
this.debugDrawer.getDebugMode = this.getDebugMode.bind(this)
this.debugDrawer.enable = this.enable.bind(this)
this.debugDrawer.disable = this.disable.bind(this)
this.debugDrawer.update = this.update.bind(this)
enable() {
this.enabled = true
disable() {
this.enabled = false
update() {
if (!this.enabled) {
if (this.indexArray) {
if (Atomics.load(this.indexArray, 0) === 0) {
this.index = 0, 0, this.index)
} else {
this.index = 0
drawLine(from: number, to: number, color: number) {
const heap: Float32Array = window.Ammo.HEAPF32
const r = heap[(color + 0) / 4]
const g = heap[(color + 4) / 4]
const b = heap[(color + 8) / 4]
const fromX = heap[(from + 0) / 4]
const fromY = heap[(from + 4) / 4]
const fromZ = heap[(from + 8) / 4]
setXYZ(this.verticesArray, this.index, fromX, fromY, fromZ)
setXYZ(this.colorsArray, this.index++, r, g, b)
const toX = heap[(to + 0) / 4]
const toY = heap[(to + 4) / 4]
const toZ = heap[(to + 8) / 4]
setXYZ(this.verticesArray, this.index, toX, toY, toZ)
setXYZ(this.colorsArray, this.index++, r, g, b)
//TODO: figure out how to make lifeTime work
pointOnB: number, normalOnB: number, distance: number, _lifeTime: number, color: number
) {
const heap: Float32Array = window.Ammo.HEAPF32
const r = heap[(color + 0) / 4]
const g = heap[(color + 4) / 4]
const b = heap[(color + 8) / 4]
const x = heap[(pointOnB + 0) / 4]
const y = heap[(pointOnB + 4) / 4]
const z = heap[(pointOnB + 8) / 4]
setXYZ(this.verticesArray, this.index, x, y, z)
setXYZ(this.colorsArray, this.index++, r, g, b)
const dx = heap[(normalOnB + 0) / 4] * distance
const dy = heap[(normalOnB + 4) / 4] * distance
const dz = heap[(normalOnB + 8) / 4] * distance
setXYZ(this.verticesArray, this.index, x + dx, y + dy, z + dz)
setXYZ(this.colorsArray, this.index++, r, g, b)
reportErrorWarning(warningString: string) {
if (Ammo.hasOwnProperty("UTF8ToString")) {
} else if (!this.warnedOnce) {
this.warnedOnce = true
console.warn("Cannot print warningString, please export UTF8ToString from Ammo.js in")
draw3dText = function(_location: Ammo.btVector3, textString: string) {
console.warn("TODO: draw3dText");
setDebugMode(debugMode: number) {
this.debugDrawMode = debugMode
getDebugMode() {
return this.debugDrawMode
import { Color4, Mesh, Particle, PointsCloudSystem, Scene, Vector3 } from "@babylonjs/core"
import Ammo from "ammo.js"
import { AmmoDebugDrawer } from './AmmoDebugDrawer.ts'
export class BabylonAmmoDebugDrawer extends AmmoDebugDrawer {
pcs: PointsCloudSystem
_pcsMesh: Mesh
points: Vector3[]
scene: Scene
seenPoints: { [key: string]: number }
pointPairs: number[][]
_drawCount: number // useful info
_pcsCount: number // for development
_pointSize: number
_color1: Color4
_color2: Color4
_pointsPerLine: number
_alternate: number
_pointsDrawn: number
_updateAfter: number
_updateTimer: number | null
indexArray: Uint32Array,
verticesArray: Float32Array,
colorsArray: Float32Array,
world: Ammo.btDiscreteDynamicsWorld,
scene: Scene,
options: {
debugDrawMode: number
} = {
debugDrawMode: AmmoDebugConstants.DrawWireframe
) {
this.scene = scene
this.seenPoints = {}
this.pointPairs = []
this._drawCount = 0
this._pointSize = 2
this._color1 = new Color4(1, 0, 0, 0.5)
this._color2 = new Color4(0, 0, 1, 0.5)
this._alternate = 0
this._pointsDrawn = 0
this._pointsPerLine = 2
this._pcsCount = 0
this._updateAfter = 0
update() {
// reset everything
this.seenPoints = {}
this.pointPairs = []
drawLine(from: number, to: number, color: number) {
super.drawLine(from, to, color)
this._drawCount += 1
const seenPoints = this.seenPoints
const heap: Float32Array = window.Ammo.HEAPF32
const fromX = heap[(from + 0) / 4]
const fromY = heap[(from + 4) / 4]
const fromZ = heap[(from + 8) / 4]
const toX = heap[(to + 0) / 4]
const toY = heap[(to + 4) / 4]
const toZ = heap[(to + 8) / 4]
if (seenPoints[`${fromX}-${fromY}-${fromZ}`] === undefined) {
this.pointPairs.push([fromX, fromY, fromZ, toX, toY, toZ])
seenPoints[`${fromX}-${fromY}-${fromZ}`] = this.pointPairs.length - 1
} else if (seenPoints[`${toX}-${toY}-${toZ}`] === undefined) {
const ind = seenPoints[`${fromX}-${fromY}-${fromZ}`]
this.pointPairs[ind] = [fromX, fromY, fromZ, toX, toY, toZ]
drawPhysWorld() {
if (this._pcsMesh) {
this.pcs = new PointsCloudSystem(
`pcs-world-view-${this._pcsCount}`, this._pointSize, this.scene
this._pcsCount += 1
const numPoints = this._pointsPerLine
for (let i = 0; i < this.pointPairs.length; i++) {
const fromX = this.pointPairs[i][0]
const fromY = this.pointPairs[i][1]
const fromZ = this.pointPairs[i][2]
const toX = this.pointPairs[i][3]
const toY = this.pointPairs[i][4]
const toZ = this.pointPairs[i][5]
let dX = (toX - fromX) / numPoints
let dY = (toY - fromY) / numPoints
let dZ = (toZ - fromZ) / numPoints
if (numPoints === 1) {
/* take average instead */
dX *= 0.5
dY *= 0.5
dZ *= 0.5
const myFunc = (particle: Particle, _i: number, s: number) => {
this._pointsDrawn += 1
let usedColor = this._color1
if (this._alternate && (this._pointsDrawn % (this._alternate + 1)) === 0) {
usedColor = this._color2 //@ts-ignore
const pos = new Vector3(
dX * s + fromX,
dY * s + fromY,
dZ * s + fromZ,
particle.position = pos
particle.color = usedColor
this.pcs.addPoints(numPoints, myFunc)
return this.pcs.buildMeshAsync().then((mesh) => {
this._pcsMesh = mesh
this._pcsMesh.hasVertexAlpha = true
this._pcsMesh.isPickable = false
return mesh
setRenderPointSize(size: number) {
this._pointSize = size
setColor(color: Color4) {
this._color1 = color.clone()
setSecondaryColor(color: Color4) {
this._color2 = color.clone()
setAlternate(switchEveryNPoints: number) {
this._alternate = switchEveryNPoints
setInterpolationDensity(pointsPerLine: number) {
this._pointsPerLine = pointsPerLine
/* period in miliseconds */
setUpdatePeriod(updateAfter: number) {
this._updateAfter = updateAfter
if (this._updateTimer) {
if (updateAfter === 0) {
this._updateTimer = window.setInterval(() => {
}, this._updateAfter)
/* Run this in your brower tab servering your project where you've setup your physics scene */
var DefaultBufferSize = 3 * 1000000
var debugVertices = new Float32Array(DefaultBufferSize)
var debugColors = new Float32Array(DefaultBufferSize)
var physicsWorld =
var debugDrawer = new BabylonAmmoDebugDrawer(null, debugVertices, debugColors, physicsWorld, scene);
debugDrawer.setColor(new BABYLON.Color4(0, 0, 1, 0.5))
debugDrawer.setSecondaryColor(new BABYLON.Color4(0, 1, 0, 0.5))
debugDrawer.setUpdatePeriod(3 * 1000)
debugDrawer.drawPhysWorld().then((mesh) => {
console.log('All done rendring physics world.')
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