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Last active February 20, 2016 23:43
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World's worst Scheme interpreter (for porting to 3DS SmileBASIC)
# types
nil = 0
tnum = 1
tcons = 2
tsym = 3
tproc = 4
tfastcall = 5
# system calls
fastcalls = ["" for x in range(0,RESERVED+1)]
splus = 1
fastcalls[splus] = "_plus"
sdefine = 2
fastcalls[sdefine] = "_define"
# memory allocation
tospace = RESERVED
fromspace = int((HEAPSIZE + RESERVED) / 2)
heap = [[0 for x in range(4)] for x in range(HEAPSIZE)] # type, value, next, gc
hptr = RESERVED + 1
atoms = ["" for x in range(ATOMSIZE)]
aptr = 1
# memory management
def alloc():
global hptr
if (hptr + 1 > tospace + HEAPSIZE / 2):
cheneygc(envptr, nil)
if (hptr + 1 > tospace + HEAPSIZE / 2):
error("out of memory")
hptr += 1
return hptr - 1
def cheneycopy(cell):
if (heap[cell][3] == nil):
heap[cell][3] = alloc()
heap[heap[cell][3]][0] = heap[cell][0]
heap[heap[cell][3]][1] = cheneycopy(heap[cell][1])
heap[heap[cell][3]][3] = nil
if (heap[cell][0] == tcons):
if (heap[cell][2] != nil):
heap[heap[cell][3]][2] = cheneycopy(heap[cell][2])
return heap[cell][3]
def cheneygc(envptr, ccc):
global fromspace, tospace, hptr
freed = 0
swap = fromspace
fromspace = tospace
tospace = swap
hptr = tospace
e = envptr
newenv = cons(nil, nil)
newenvptr = newenv
while e:
heap[newenvptr][1] = cheneycopy(heap[e][1])
newenvptr = heap[cons(newenvptr, nil)][2]
e = heap[e][2]
return newenv
# cell manipulation
def strtoanum(ss):
global atoms, aptr
for i in range(0,aptr):
if atoms[i] == ss.upper():
return i
atoms[aptr] = ss.upper()
aptr += 1
return aptr - 1
def strtocell(ss):
global heap, hptr, atoms, aptr, tnum, tcons, tsym, tproc
l = len(ss)
cs = ss[0:1]
if (cs == "-" and l >= 2) or (cs >= "0" and cs <= "9"):
v = int(cs)
p = alloc()
heap[p][0] = tnum
heap[p][1] = v
return p
if ss.upper() == "NIL":
return nil
i = strtoanum(ss)
p = alloc()
heap[p][0] = tsym
heap[p][1] = i
return p
def cons(car, cdr):
global heap, hptr, atoms, aptr, tnum, tcons, tsym, tproc
p = alloc()
heap[p][0] = tcons
heap[p][1] = car
heap[p][2] = cdr
return p
# car, cdr, and friends (convenience functions)
def car(x):
return heap[x][1]
def cdr(x):
return heap[x][2]
def cadr(x):
return heap[heap[x][2]][1]
def caddr(x):
return heap[heap[heap[x][2]][2]][1]
def cadar(x):
return heap[heap[heap[x][1]][2]][1]
def caddar(x):
return heap[heap[heap[heap[x][1]][2]][2]][1]
def cadddr(x):
return heap[heap[heap[heap[x][2]][2]][2]][1]
def push(stack, item):
return cons(item, stack)
def pop(stack):
popped = data(stack)
newstack = nex(stack)
return (popped, newstack)
def peek(stack):
return heap[stack][1]
def typ(cell):
return heap[cell][0]
def data(cell):
return heap[cell][1]
def nex(cell):
return heap[cell][2]
def isnull(cell):
return not heap[cell][1] and not heap[cell][2]
# list manipulation
def makelist(*items): # will be hard to implement, avoid
global heap, hptr, atoms, aptr, tnum, tcons, tsym, tproc
cell = cons(items[0], nil)
res = cell
for item in items[1:]:
heap[cell][2] = cons(item, nil)
cell = nex(cell)
return res
def listappend(l1, l2):
if not l1 or isnull(l1):
return l2
temp = l1
while heap[temp][2] and not isnull(nex(temp)):
temp = nex(temp)
heap[temp][2] = l2
return l1
def inlist(lst, i):
while lst:
if (data(lst) == i):
return True
lst = nex(lst)
return False
def reverse(lst):
print ("called reverse")
revd = nil
while lst and not isnull(lst):
temp = lst
lst = cdr(lst)
heap[temp][2] = revd
revd = temp
return revd
# system interface
def error(message):
print (message)
import sys
def fastcall(fname, arglist, envptr):
return globals()[fname](arglist, envptr)
def makefastcall(cellid):
p = alloc()
heap[p][0] = tfastcall
heap[p][1] = cellid
return p
def _plus(arglist, envptr):
res = 0
while arglist:
cell = data(arglist)
if (heap[cell][0] != tnum):
error("expected a number in sum")
res += data(cell)
arglist = nex(arglist)
return res
def _define(arglist, envptr):
if (typ(car(arglist)) != tsym):
error("expected a symbol name to define")
return nil
defvar(car(arglist), cadr(arglist), envptr)
return nil
def evaluate(cell, env):
if (typ(cell) == tnil or typ(cell) == tnum):
return cell
elif (typ(cell) == tsym):
return lookup(data(cell), env)
def write(cell):
if (typ(cell) == tnum):
error("unknown type for " + str(cell))
# registers
envptr = cons(cons(nil, nil), nil)
# environment manipulation
def defvar(cell, value, env):
anum = data(cell)
frame = car(env)
varlist = heap[frame][1]
vallist = heap[frame][2]
while varlist:
if varlist == anum:
heap[vallist][1] = value
varlist = nex(varlist)
vallist = nex(vallist)
heap[frame][1] = cons(cell, heap[frame][1])
heap[frame][2] = cons(value, heap[frame][2])
def lookup(anum, env):
e = env
while e:
frame = car(env)
varlist = heap[frame][1]
vallist = heap[frame][2]
while varlist:
if data(car(varlist)) == anum:
return car(vallist)
varlist = heap[varlist][2]
vallist = heap[vallist][2]
e = nex(e)
error("unbound variable: " + atoms[anum])
def parse(sexp):
atomend = "()\"'"
whitespace = " \n"
stack = cons(nil, nil)
while sexp:
c = sexp[:1]
if (c not in atomend and c not in whitespace):
res = c
sexp = sexp[1:]
while (sexp[:1] not in atomend and sexp[:1] not in whitespace):
res += sexp[:1]
sexp = sexp[1:]
(popped, stack) = pop(stack)
popped = listappend(popped, cons(strtocell(res), nil))
stack = push(stack, popped)
elif (c in atomend):
if (c == '('):
stack = push(stack, cons(nil, nil))
sexp = sexp[1:]
elif (c == ')'):
(end, stack) = pop(stack)
(start, stack) = pop(stack)
if (typ(peek(end)) == tsym) and (atoms[data(peek(end))] == "QUOTE"):
(quote, end) = pop(end)
end = cons(quote, end)
start = listappend(start, cons(end, nil))
stack = push(stack, start)
sexp = sexp[1:]
elif (c == '\"'):
elif (c == '\''):
stack = push(stack, cons(strtocell("QUOTE"), nil))
sexp = sexp[1:]
elif (c in whitespace):
sexp = sexp[1:]
return pop(stack)[0]
def t(cell):
th(cell, 0)
def th(cell, level):
if (typ(cell) == nil):
print ("{0}nil".format(" "*level))
elif (typ(cell) == tnum):
print ("{0}{1} -> #{2}".format(" "*level, cell, data(cell)))
elif (typ(cell) == tcons):
print ("{0}{1} cons".format(" "*level, cell))
th(data(cell), level + 1)
th(nex(cell), level)
elif (typ(cell) == tsym):
print ("{0}{1} -> \"{2}\"".format(" "*level, cell, atoms[data(cell)]))
elif (typ(cell) == tfastcall):
print ("{0}{1} -> fastcall: {2}".format(" "*level, cell, fastcalls[data(cell)]))
defvar(strtocell("+"), makefastcall(splus), envptr)
defvar(strtocell("DEFINE"), makefastcall(sdefine), envptr)
print (fastcall(fastcalls[heap[lookup(strtoanum("+"), envptr)][1]], makelist(strtocell("1"), strtocell("2"), strtocell("3")), envptr))
print (fastcall(fastcalls[heap[lookup(strtoanum("define"), envptr)][1]], makelist(strtocell("meme"), strtocell("5")), envptr))
sexp = "(map (lam (n) (+ n 1)) '(1 2 3))"
print ("parse \"{0}\"".format(sexp))
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