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Created December 1, 2020 15:50
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Vim Config
" Use zm to fold this file into sections
" Use za to toggle the sections open/closed
" This config file aims to be the simplest/dependency free it could be.
" - Anything that can intuitively be done with vim itself is done so.
" - If required pure vimscript plugins are prefered.
" - LSP is used as it reduces the number of additional plugins required
" (Check LSP section to see what to install)
" Installs vim plug if it is not already
if empty(glob('~/.vim/autoload/plug.vim'))
silent !curl -fLo ~/.vim/autoload/plug.vim --create-dirs
autocmd VimEnter * PlugInstall --sync | source ~/.vimrc
call plug#begin('~/.vim/plugged')
" Change surround with cs<new><old>
" delete it with ds<old>
" add it with ys<move>
Plug 'tpope/vim-surround'
" Comment stuff with gc<move>
Plug 'tpope/vim-commentary'
" Allows repeating actions of plugins with .
Plug 'tpope/vim-repeat'
" Replace with register using gr<move>
Plug 'vim-scripts/ReplaceWithRegister'
" Sort objects alphabetically with gs<move>
Plug 'christoomey/vim-sort-motion'
" Dependency for the others
Plug 'kana/vim-textobj-user'
" Allows targeting line with il
Plug 'kana/vim-textobj-line'
" Allows targeting indent block with ii
Plug 'kana/vim-textobj-indent'
"{{{2 OTHER
" Fuzzy finder
Plug 'ctrlpvim/ctrlp.vim'
Plug 'natebosch/vim-lsc'
" Autocomplete
Plug 'lifepillar/vim-mucomplete'
" Echos function signatures to the echo area (command line below)
Plug 'Shougo/echodoc.vim'
" Colorscheme
Plug 'chriskempson/base16-vim'
" Automatically switch to project root
Plug 'airblade/vim-rooter'
" Rust plugin provides support for syntastic
Plug 'rust-lang/rust.vim'
" Snippets
Plug 'MarcWeber/vim-addon-mw-utils'
Plug 'tomtom/tlib_vim'
Plug 'garbas/vim-snipmate'
Plug 'honza/vim-snippets'
" C++ better highlights
Plug 'octol/vim-cpp-enhanced-highlight'
" Better highlights and indentation for many languages
Plug 'sheerun/vim-polyglot'
" Tree file manager
Plug 'preservim/nerdtree'
" Git integration (mostly for the statusline)
Plug 'tpope/vim-fugitive'
" Switch between source/header with :A and :AV (vertical split) and others
Plug 'vim-scripts/a.vim'
" Shows indentation levels
Plug 'yggdroot/indentline'
call plug#end()
" Get rid of vi compatibility
set nocompatible
" Turn of annoying buzz
set noerrorbells
set novisualbell
" Split below by default (help, terminal etc.)
set splitbelow
" Size of the built-in terminal window
set termwinsize=10x0
" Enable syntax highlighting
syntax on
" Disable line wrapping
" run :set wrap! to toggle it on/off
set nowrap
" Relative Line numbers
set number
set relativenumber
" Always on gutter
set signcolumn=yes
" CtrlP Settings
let g:ctrlp_map = '<c-p>'
let g:ctrlp_cmd = 'CtrlPMixed'
let g:ctrlp_mruf_max = 250
"When searching, fully lowercase strings will ignorecase
set ignorecase
set smartcase
" Clipboard (Copy/Yank-Paste) Sync
set clipboard=unnamedplus
" Tab Size -> 2 Spaces
set shiftwidth=2
set tabstop=2
set softtabstop=2
set cindent
" Font for GUI
set guifont=Dejavu\ Sans\ Mono\ 13
" Shell like completion for commands
set wildmenu
" Spell language EN_US
set spelllang=en_us
" Removing capitalization check (annoying with abbrevations)
set spellcapcheck=
" Root folder markers for both ctrlp and rooter
let g:rooter_patterns=[".git", "Makefile", "makefile", "package.json",
\ "pom.xml", "cargo.toml", ""]
let g:ctrlp_root_markers = g:rooter_patterns
" Stops rooter from echoing the directory
let g:rooter_silent_chdir = 1
"C++ all highlights
let g:cpp_class_scope_highlight = 1
let g:cpp_member_variable_highlight = 1
let g:cpp_class_decl_highlight = 1
let g:cpp_posix_standard = 1
"Setup for echodoc
set noshowmode
let g:echodoc_enable_at_startup = 1
" NerdTree statusline
let g:NERDTreeStatusline = -1
"Sets the comment style for the languages listed to line comments
"So '//' instead of '/* */'. Commentary plugin will then use '//'.
autocmd FileType c,cpp,java,go,rust setlocal commentstring=//\ %s
" Folding
" Syntax based folding not enabled at start
" For vim uses markers {{{ and }}}
" For markdown uses the built-in filetype
" Use zm to close all, za to toggle current
set foldmethod=syntax
autocmd FileType vim setlocal foldmethod=marker
set nofoldenable
" Quit vim if only nerdtree is open
autocmd bufenter * if (winnr("$") == 1 && exists("b:NERDTree")
\ && b:NERDTree.isTabTree()) | q | endif
" Enable markdown specific folding
let g:markdown_folding = 1
" Setup for md buffers
function! MDSetup()
setlocal complete+=kspell
setlocal spell
setlocal textwidth=80
setlocal statusline+=[%{wordcount().words}]
setlocal conceallevel=0
" Use dict. completion for markdown files
au FileType markdown call MDSetup()
let g:currentmode={
\ 'n' : 'Normal',
\ 'no' : 'Normal·Operator Pending',
\ 'v' : 'Visual',
\ 'V' : 'V·Line',
\ '' : 'V·Block',
\ 's' : 'Select',
\ 'S' : 'S·Line',
\ '^S' : 'S·Block',
\ 'i' : 'Insert',
\ 'R' : 'Replace',
\ 'Rv' : 'V·Replace',
\ 'c' : 'Command',
\ 'cv' : 'Vim Ex',
\ 'ce' : 'Ex',
\ 'r' : 'Prompt',
\ 'rm' : 'More',
\ 'r?' : 'Confirm',
\ '!' : 'Shell',
\ 't' : 'Terminal'
set laststatus=2
set statusline=\ %{toupper(g:currentmode[mode()])}
set statusline+=\ %f
set statusline+=\ %{FugitiveStatusline()}
set statusline+=%=
set statusline+=\ %y
set statusline+=\ %{&fileencoding?&fileencoding:&encoding}
set statusline+=\[%{&fileformat}\]
set statusline+=\ %l/%L
" Lang. Server. Installations
" Python -> pip install python-language-server[all]
" C/C++ -> pacman -Sy clang (for Arch Linux, in others there may be a seperate
" package like clang-tools etc.)
" Rust -> pacman -Sy rust-analyzer
set completeopt=noselect,menuone
" Stop vim from annoying me during completion
set shortmess+=c
set belloff+=ctrlg
" Registering language servers
let g:lsc_server_commands = {
\ 'cpp': {
\ 'command': 'clangd --background-index',
\ 'suppress_stderr': v:true
\ 'c': {
\ 'command': 'clangd --background-index',
\ 'suppress_stderr': v:true
\ 'python': 'pyls',
\ 'rust': 'rust-analyzer',
" Disable LSP autocomplete (to use tab-completion instead)
let g:lsc_enable_autocomplete = v:false
" Use all the defaults (recommended):
let g:lsc_auto_map = {
\ 'GoToDefinition': '<C-]>',
\ 'GoToDefinitionSplit': ['<C-W>]', '<C-W><C-]>'],
\ 'FindReferences': 'gr',
\ 'FindImplementations': 'gI',
\ 'FindCodeActions': 'ga',
\ 'Rename': 'gR',
\ 'ShowHover': v:true,
\ 'DocumentSymbol': 'go',
\ 'WorkspaceSymbol': 'gS',
\ 'SignatureHelp': 'gm',
\ 'Completion': 'omnifunc',
" Color Scheme
if has('termguicolors')
set termguicolors
colorscheme base16-tomorrow-night
set background=dark
" Make line numbers have transparent background
hi clear LineNr
hi LineNr ctermfg=grey guifg=#4e4e4e ctermbg=bg guibg=bg
hi CursorLineNr ctermfg=white guifg=#c5c8c6 cterm=bold gui=bold
" Remove the vertical split line color
" (will only use | characters)
hi clear VertSplit
hi VertSplit ctermfg=grey guifg=#4e4e4e guibg=bg ctermbg=bg
" Clear statusline (same colors as line numbers)
hi clear StatusLine
hi clear StatusLineNC
hi clear StatusLineTerm
hi clear StatusLineTermNC
hi link StatusLine LineNr
hi link StatusLineNC LineNr
hi link StatusLineTerm LineNr
hi link StatusLineTermNC LineNr
set fillchars=stl:-,stlnc:x,vert:\|,fold:-,diff:-
" Statusline error highlight
hi StatuslineError guifg=#cc6666 ctermfg=red
" Highlight currentline in insert mode
autocmd InsertEnter * set cul
autocmd InsertLeave * set nocul
" LSP Sign Highlights
hi clear lscDiagnosticError
hi clear lscDiagnosticHint
hi clear lscDiagnosticWarning
hi clear lscDiagnosticInfo
hi lscDiagnosticError cterm=underline gui=underline
hi link lscDiagnosticError lscDiagnosticHint
hi link lscDiagnosticError lscDiagnosticWarning
hi link lscDiagnosticError lscDiagnosticInfo
" Highlight the extra characters on lines with 80+ chars
highlight OverLength ctermbg=red ctermfg=white guifg=#ffffff guibg=#cc6666
match OverLength /\%80v.\+/
" Spell highlight
hi clear SpellBad
hi clear SpellLocal
hi SpellLocal cterm=underline gui=underline
hi link SpellBad SpellLocal
" Clear Gutter (bar on the left with syntax error signs)
highlight clear SignColumn
" Annoying python space error highlight
hi clear Error
hi clear pythonSpaceError
" Edit/Source Config
command! Config e ~/.vimrc
command! SourceConfig source ~/.vimrc
" Auto-formating using vim-itself
command! -bar FixIndent :normal gg=G''<CR>
command! FixTrailing %s/\s\+$//e
command! FixAll FixIndent|FixTrailing
" Search google automatically using filetype and word under cursor
command! Google exec "!xdg-open '"
\ . &filetype . "+<cword>'"
" Search devdocs automatically using the word under cursor
command! Devdocs exec "!xdg-open '\\\#q="
\ . "<cword>'"
" Toggle spell checking
command! Spell setlocal spell!
" Change pwd to current file's parent directory
command! Cdc lcd %:p:h
"Switch windows with CTRL + H,J,K,L or CTRL + arrow keys
nnoremap <C-J> <C-W>j
nnoremap <C-K> <C-W>k
nnoremap <C-L> <C-W>l
nnoremap <C-H> <C-W>h
nnoremap <C-Down> <C-W>j
nnoremap <C-Up> <C-W>k
nnoremap <C-Right> <C-W>l
nnoremap <C-Left> <C-W>h
"Same for the terminal mode
tnoremap <C-J> <C-W>j
tnoremap <C-K> <C-W>k
tnoremap <C-L> <C-W>l
tnoremap <C-H> <C-W>h
tnoremap <C-Down> <C-W>j
tnoremap <C-Up> <C-W>k
tnoremap <C-Right> <C-W>l
tnoremap <C-Left> <C-W>h
" Toggle location list (populated with LSP errors)
function! ToggleLocationList()
if empty(filter(getwininfo(), 'v:val.quickfix'))
nmap <C-e> :call ToggleLocationList()<CR>
" File manager with CTRL + n
map <C-n> :NERDTreeToggle<CR>
" Fix indentation
nmap <C-i> :FixAll<CR>
" Fuzzy search current pwd with CTRL + p
" Fuzzy search history with CTRL + h
nnoremap <C-h> :CtrlPMRUFiles <CR>
" Search google for the word under cursor with CTRL + g
" Search for the word under cursor with CTRL + d
nnoremap <C-g> :Google <CR>
nnoremap <C-d> :Devdocs <CR>
" Select all text with CTRL + a
map <C-a> <esc>ggVG<CR>
" Show definition with gd, go back with gb
nnoremap gd <C-]>
nnoremap gb <C-T>
" Expand snippets with CTRL + j
imap <C-j> <Plug>snipMateNextOrTrigger
" Cycle completion sources with right-left arrow keys
inoremap <silent> <plug>(MUcompleteFwdKey) <right>
imap <right> <plug>(MUcompleteCycFwd)
inoremap <silent> <plug>(MUcompleteBwdKey) <left>
imap <left> <plug>(MUcompleteCycBwd)
map <F10> :echo "hi<" . synIDattr(synID(line("."),col("."),1),"name") . '> trans<'
\ . synIDattr(synID(line("."),col("."),0),"name") . "> lo<"
\ . synIDattr(synIDtrans(synID(line("."),col("."),1)),"name") . ">"<CR>
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