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Created May 8, 2020 15:29
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from math import sqrt, ceil
class Node:
Class for nodes
def __init__(self, parent = None, position= None):
initialize the object
self.parent = parent
self.position = position
self.g = 0
self.h = 0
self.f = 0
self.wall_broken = False
def __eq__(self, other):
works for equality chacks
return ((self.position == other.position) and (self.wall_broken == other.wall_broken))
def __repr__(self):
for printing the object
return 'Position: {} Wall_Broken: {}'.format(self.position, self.wall_broken)
def astar(maze):
A* algorithm
takes a maze
return the shortest path
# The starting and ending position is always left top and right bottom respectively
start_pos = (0,0)
end_pos = (len(maze)-1, len(maze[0])-1)
# Create the start and end node
start = Node(parent=None, position=start_pos)
end = Node(parent=None, position=end_pos)
# Yet to visit and Visited list
yet_to_visit = []
visited = []
# Keep start in yet to visit
# Loop untill we completely search all nodes
# We need the lowest f in current node
current_node = yet_to_visit[0]
# current_index = 0
for node in yet_to_visit:
if current_node.f > node.f:
current_node = node
# current_index = idx
# Remove the current node from yet_to_visit
# Add the current node to the visited
# Check if current node is goal or not
if current_node.position == end.position:
temp = current_node
path = []
while temp:
temp = temp.parent
return path[::-1]
# Generate children
children = []
for position in [(0,1), (0,-1), (1,0), (-1,0)]:
new_position = (current_node.position[0] + position[0], current_node.position[1] + position[1])
# Check the validity of borders
if new_position[0] < 0 or new_position[0] >= len(maze) or new_position[1] < 0 or new_position[1] >= len(maze[0]):
# Check if wall
if maze[new_position[0]][new_position[1]] == 1:
# Check if path has wall broken
if current_node.wall_broken:
# Wall has been broken
# Wall has not been broken
# check if visited
check = Node(current_node, new_position)
check.wall_broken = True
flag = 0
for visited_nodes in visited:
if check == visited_nodes:
flag = 1
if flag == 0:
# Check if already visited
flag = 0
check = Node(current_node, new_position)
check.wall_broken = current_node.wall_broken
for visited_nodes in visited:
if check == visited_nodes:
flag = 1
if flag == 1:
# If all the above things are not True
# Iterate over children to consider the yet_to_visit
for child in children:
# Heuristics
child.g = current_node.g + 1
child.h = ceil(sqrt((end.position[0] - child.position[0])**2 + (end.position[1] - child.position[1])**2))
child.f = child.g + child.h
# Check if child in open list
for open_node in yet_to_visit:
if open_node == child:
# check for the path measure
if open_node.g > child.g:
idx = yet_to_visit.index(open_node)
yet_to_visit[idx] = child
# Add the node to yet_to_visit
[[0, 1, 1, 0],
[0, 0, 0, 1],
[1, 1, 0, 0],
[1, 1, 1, 0]]
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