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Created December 2, 2019 12:38
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Sketch Prototyping Tutorial to BuilderX
import React, { Component } from "react";
import {
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import Svg, { Path } from "react-native-svg";
import BarsNavigationBar from "../components/BarsNavigationBar";
import MiscCast from "../components/MiscCast";
function DetailView(props) {
return (
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d="M8.46 0.32 L10.17 5.31 L15.52 5.37 L15.81 6.22 L11.51 9.36 L13.11 14.38 L12.37 14.91 L8.00 11.87 L3.63 14.91 L2.89 14.38 L4.49 9.36 L0.19 6.22 L0.48 5.37 L5.83 5.31 L7.54 0.32 L8.46 0.32 Z M26.46 0.32 L28.17 5.31 L33.52 5.37 L33.81 6.22 L29.51 9.36 L31.11 14.38 L30.37 14.91 L26.00 11.87 L21.63 14.91 L20.89 14.38 L22.49 9.36 L18.19 6.22 L18.48 5.37 L23.83 5.31 L25.54 0.32 L26.46 0.32 Z M44.46 0.32 L46.17 5.31 L51.52 5.37 L51.81 6.22 L47.51 9.36 L49.11 14.38 L48.37 14.91 L44.00 11.87 L39.63 14.91 L38.89 14.38 L40.49 9.36 L36.19 6.22 L36.48 5.37 L41.83 5.31 L43.54 0.32 L44.46 0.32 Z M62.46 0.32 L64.17 5.31 L69.52 5.37 L69.81 6.22 L65.51 9.36 L67.11 14.38 L66.37 14.91 L62.00 11.87 L57.63 14.91 L56.89 14.38 L58.49 9.36 L54.19 6.22 L54.48 5.37 L59.83 5.31 L61.54 0.32 L62.46 0.32 Z"
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d="M8.46 0.32 L10.17 5.31 L15.52 5.37 C15.98 5.37 16.17 5.95 15.81 6.22 L11.51 9.36 L13.11 14.38 C13.24 14.82 12.74 15.17 12.37 14.91 L8.00 11.87 L3.63 14.91 C3.26 15.17 2.76 14.82 2.89 14.38 L4.49 9.36 L0.19 6.22 C-0.17 5.95 0.02 5.37 0.48 5.37 L5.83 5.31 L7.54 0.32 C7.69 -0.11 8.31 -0.11 8.46 0.32 Z"
<Text style={}>(387)</Text>
<Text style={styles.title}>The Day We Left Earth</Text>
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<View style={styles.overview}>
<View style={styles.mRow}>
<Text style={styles.m}>2018 94m</Text>
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d="M12.04 0.00 L12.04 5.40 L13.60 5.40 L13.60 6.89 L12.04 6.89 L12.04 8.00 L8.84 8.00 L8.84 6.74 L0.88 6.74 L0.13 5.40 L7.65 0.00 Z M8.88 1.76 L4.26 5.00 L8.88 5.00 Z M17.36 0.00 L17.36 2.94 L22.35 0.00 L26.52 0.00 L20.00 3.67 L27.00 8.00 L22.65 8.00 L17.40 4.68 L17.40 8.00 L14.11 8.00 L14.11 0.00 Z"
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d="M5.00 5.66 L1.77 5.66 L1.77 10.00 L0.00 10.00 L0.00 0.00 L1.77 0.00 L1.77 4.11 L5.00 4.11 Z M6.99 10.00 L6.99 0.00 L10.61 0.00 C10.61 0.00 13.03 0.48 13.84 1.45 C14.65 2.41 15.06 3.60 15.06 5.02 C15.06 6.43 14.64 7.62 13.80 8.57 C12.97 9.52 10.22 10.00 10.22 10.00 Z M8.81 8.53 L10.29 8.53 C10.29 8.53 11.75 8.22 12.31 7.62 C12.86 7.01 13.13 6.11 13.13 4.92 C13.13 3.94 12.89 3.11 12.41 2.44 C11.93 1.76 10.50 1.42 10.50 1.42 L8.81 1.42 Z M17.00 5.89 L17.00 4.45 L19.26 4.45 C19.26 4.45 20.38 4.31 20.69 4.04 C21.00 3.76 21.16 3.39 21.16 2.91 C21.16 2.47 21.00 2.11 20.70 1.84 C20.39 1.57 19.41 1.44 19.41 1.44 L16.00 1.44 L16.00 0.00 L19.55 0.00 C19.55 0.00 21.61 0.27 22.16 0.82 C22.72 1.36 23.00 2.07 23.00 2.93 C23.00 4.21 21.23 5.58 21.23 5.58 L22.95 10.00 L21.08 10.00 L19.55 5.89 Z"
<Text style={styles.whenNasaDiscovers}>
When NASA discovers a duplicate Earth in our Solar System, an
ambitious young scientist and an accomplished composer must team up to
save, not one, but two worlds.
<View style={styles.trailer}>
<Text style={styles.trailer1}>TRAILER</Text>
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<Text style={styles.style1}>2:26</Text>
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<Text style={styles.ratingsReviews}>RATINGS &amp; REVIEWS</Text>
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<View style={styles.block}>
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<Text style={styles.myNewFavoriteMovi}>
My new favorite movie!
<View style={styles.rating}>
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viewBox="-0 -0 53.99999999999999 11"
d="M48.34 0.24 L49.63 3.89 L53.64 3.94 L53.85 4.56 L50.63 6.87 L51.83 10.55 L51.28 10.93 L48.00 8.70 L44.72 10.93 L44.17 10.55 L45.37 6.86 L42.15 4.56 L42.36 3.94 L46.37 3.89 L47.66 0.24 L48.34 0.24 Z M34.34 0.24 L35.63 3.89 L39.64 3.94 L39.85 4.56 L36.63 6.87 L37.83 10.55 L37.28 10.93 L34.00 8.70 L30.72 10.93 L30.17 10.55 L31.37 6.86 L28.15 4.56 L28.36 3.94 L32.37 3.89 L33.66 0.24 L34.34 0.24 Z M20.34 0.24 L21.63 3.89 L25.64 3.94 L25.85 4.56 L22.63 6.87 L23.83 10.55 L23.28 10.93 L20.00 8.70 L16.72 10.93 L16.17 10.55 L17.37 6.86 L14.15 4.56 L14.36 3.94 L18.37 3.89 L19.66 0.24 L20.34 0.24 Z M6.34 0.24 L7.63 3.89 L11.64 3.94 L11.85 4.56 L8.63 6.87 L9.83 10.55 L9.28 10.93 L6.00 8.70 L2.72 10.93 L2.17 10.55 L3.37 6.86 L0.15 4.56 L0.36 3.94 L4.37 3.89 L5.66 0.24 L6.34 0.24 Z"
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d="M6.34 0.24 L7.63 3.89 L11.64 3.94 C11.99 3.94 12.13 4.36 11.85 4.56 L8.63 6.87 L9.83 10.55 C9.93 10.87 9.56 11.13 9.28 10.93 L6.00 8.70 L2.72 10.93 C2.44 11.13 2.07 10.86 2.17 10.55 L3.37 6.86 L0.15 4.56 C-0.13 4.36 0.01 3.94 0.36 3.94 L4.37 3.89 L5.66 0.24 C5.77 -0.08 6.23 -0.08 6.34 0.24 Z"
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<Text style={styles.stephanie92}>@stephanie92</Text>
<Text style={styles.jan16}>Jan 16</Text>
<Text style={styles.iDidntCatchThis}>
I didn’t catch this movie when it was in theaters but after seeing
it for the first time I can’t believe I waited so long. The story
grabbed me from the start and the special effects totally blew me
away. I loved it so much that I haven’t seen a movie yet that
lived up to this one — definitely a sign of a great film.
<View style={styles.block1}></View>
<View style={styles.information}>
<Text style={styles.information1}>INFORMATION</Text>
<View style={styles.studioGenreReleaseRow}>
<Text style={styles.studioGenreRelease}>
<Text style={styles.vixbonaStudiosScie}>
Vixbona Studios{"\n"}Science Fiction{"\n"}2018{"\n"}1:34:29{"\n"}
Widescreen, 4K HDR support
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export default DetailView;
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