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Arkadij arkov

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arkov / youtube_to_rss.js
Last active March 1, 2022 23:07
Youtube subscriptions to RSS & OPML
// I modified the code I found on Duc's site here:
// This might and will break at the slightest touchup made by the devs @ Youtube
// instructions:
// 1. navigate to
// 2. scroll all the way down
// 3. paste all the code into the console
// 4. copy the ouput and paste it at the following website
// in order to generate OPML
arkov /
Last active August 28, 2022 17:11
Kanji from the Tango books as an easy search string that you can use for Anki.

Kanji from the Tango books by their respective occurence jlpt-wise as an easy search string that you can use for Anki. Only Kanji use in vocab has been used, example sentences have been ignored in the file 'kanji_by_jlpt_level.txt'. If you also want to use the Kanji from the example sentences, check the other file. Amount of kanji that increases by using the example sentences: n5: 585 -> 588 n4: 362 -> 370 n3: 371 -> 377 n2: 278 -> 288 n1: 193 -> 192 1789 -> 1815

Even works in the iOS app, should also work on AnkiDroid.

arkov /
Created October 3, 2022 21:58
Mass export subtitles to use them for Subs2srs

Mass subtitle export

This scripts helps you to export subtitles from your video files and seperate them into different folders - especially useful for Subs2srs. Should work on all systems, tested on Linux and Windows. Please bear in mind, that this was hastily done in a very short time for a very specific need. The code is not great but should be servicable especially that it is universal enough to work on all systems, using only the Python STL.

How to use

Simply copy the script file into the folder with the video files and change merely the subtitle-variable to fit your subtitle needs (works with more than two languages!). The key (first element) of each dict-tuple is the exact subtitle-naming to search your video files for. The value is the folder that will be used for export for that language. Multiple languages can be associated to one and the same folder.
