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aronfiechter / quality_attributes.png
Last active April 29, 2019 23:27
Software Architecture 2019
aronfiechter /
Last active January 21, 2019 10:17
Mobile Computing 2018

Mobile Computing 2018

1. Mobile devices, sensors and actuators

1.1 Sensors

A device that can observe the environment.
E.g.: microphone, camera, accelerometer, gyroscope, barometer, proximity sensor, ambient light sensor, hall sensor, touch sensor on the display, all antennas (Wi-Fi, NFC, GPS,

aronfiechter / gist:25812a48a0f38b8e83774e6e8a645e0c
Last active January 16, 2019 10:45
Data Design & Modeling

Data Design & Modeling

1. Modern Data problems

  1. The complexity of knowledge
  2. Cognitive bias (of the observer)
  3. Data quality
  4. Content bias (of the source)
  5. Granularity (time, space, ...)
  6. Availability and access