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Created July 1, 2012 09:18
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Save artemkolotilkin/3027640 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Patch to WPSupersized plugin that suppresses navigation controls if only one slide is available
* class WPSupersized
* Contains the functions for the plugin
* WP Supersized that
* adds Supersized 3.2.7 to WordPress
if ( !class_exists('WPSupersized') ):
class WPSupersized
const plugin_name = 'WP Supersized';
const plugin_version = '3.0.2';
const min_php_version = '5.2';
const min_wordpress_version = '3.1';
const supersized_theme_name = 'shutter'; // should eventually be replaced by an option
const supersized_version = '3.2.7';
const supersized_core_version = '3.2.1';
const supersized_flickr_version = '1.1.2';
const supersized_jquery_easing_version = '2.0';
* initialize()
* This is the initialisation of the plugin
* The required scripts and css files are registered here for later use
public static function initialize() {
WPSupersized_Test::min_php_version(self::min_php_version, self::plugin_name);
WPSupersized_Test::min_wordpress_version(self::min_wordpress_version, self::plugin_name);
wp_register_style('supersized', content_url().'/plugins/wp-supersized/css/supersized.css');
wp_register_style('supersized_core', content_url().'/plugins/wp-supersized/css/supersized.core.css');
wp_register_style('supersized_flickr', content_url().'/plugins/wp-supersized/css/'); // for the flickr version 1.1.2, old css still needed
wp_register_style('supersized_theme_css', content_url().'/plugins/wp-supersized/theme/supersized.'.self::supersized_theme_name.'.css');
wp_register_script('WPSupersized_standard', content_url().'/plugins/wp-supersized/js/supersized.'.self::supersized_version.'.min.js',array('jquery'),self::supersized_version);
wp_register_script('WPSupersized_core', content_url().'/plugins/wp-supersized/js/supersized.core.'.self::supersized_core_version.'.min.js',array('jquery'),self::supersized_core_version);
wp_register_script('WPSupersized_flickr', content_url().'/plugins/wp-supersized/js/'.self::supersized_flickr_version.'.js',array('jquery'),self::supersized_flickr_version);
wp_register_script('WPSupersized_theme_js', content_url().'/plugins/wp-supersized/theme/supersized.'.self::supersized_theme_name.'.min.js',array('jquery'));
wp_register_script('WPSupersized_theme_visible_tray_js', content_url().'/plugins/wp-supersized/theme/supersized.'.self::supersized_theme_name.'.visible_tray.min.js',array('jquery'));
wp_register_script('jquery_easing', content_url().'/plugins/wp-supersized/js/jquery.easing.min.js',array('jquery'),self::supersized_jquery_easing_version);
* Controller that generates admin page
public static function generate_admin_page()
* Adds a menu item inside the WordPress admin
public static function add_menu_item()
'WP Supersized Configuration', // page title
'WP Supersized', // menu title
'manage_options', // permissions
'wp-supersized', // page-name (used in the URL)
'WPSupersized::generate_admin_page' // clicking callback function
* is_chosen_page
* Check for chosen page for display
* @return boolean Simple true/false as to whether the current page is chosen or not.
public static function is_chosen_page() {
$where = get_option('wp-supersized_options');
global $wp_query;
$postid = $wp_query->post->ID;
$custom_field_exists = get_post_meta($postid, 'SupersizedDir', true); // gets custom field outside of the loop
if ($custom_field_exists && $custom_field_exists != '' && (is_single() || is_page())) // use Supersized if the custom field SupersizedDir exists (only for pages or posts)
return true; // This will then override other options
if($where['show_on_page']['everywhere'] == true)
return true;
if($where['show_in_page_id']['0'] !== '')
foreach ($where['show_in_page_id'] as $pageindex => $pageid)
if (is_page($pageid))
return true;
$condition= false;
foreach ($where['show_in_template'] as $i => $template_is_set)
if($template_is_set == true)
$condition = true;}
if ($condition)
$templates_array = $where['templates_list'];
foreach ($templates_array as $template_name => $template_filename)
if (is_page_template($template_filename) && $where['show_in_template'][$template_name])
return true; }
if($where['show_in_post_id'][0] !== '')
foreach ($where['show_in_post_id'] as $postindex => $postid)
if (is_single($postid))
return true;
if($where['show_in_category_id'][0] !== '')
if ((in_category($where['show_in_category_id']) || self::post_is_in_descendant_category($where['show_in_category_id'])) && is_single()) // checks for category or subcategory ID
return true;
if($where['show_in_tag_id'][0] !== '')
if (has_tag($where['show_in_tag_id']) && is_single())
return true;
return(($where['show_on_page']['tag_archive'] && is_tag()) || ($where['show_on_page']['category_archive'] && is_category()) || ($where['show_on_page']['sticky_post'] && is_sticky()) || ($where['show_on_page']['allposts'] && is_single()) || ($where['show_on_page']['allpages'] && is_page()) || ($where['show_on_page']['homepage'] && is_home()) || ($where['show_on_page']['front_only'] && is_front_page()) || ($where['show_on_page']['404_page'] && is_404()) || ($where['show_on_page']['search_results'] && is_search()) || ($where['show_on_page']['date_archive'] && is_date()) || ($where['show_on_page']['any_archive'] && is_archive())) ;
* _Supersized_scripts
public static function _Supersized_scripts() {
if (!is_admin() && self::is_chosen_page()) // conditional scripts enqueing - registering done in initialize
$options = get_option('wp-supersized_options');
$customXml = self::get_custom_dir($options['default_dir']); // to set up the right script for the slideshow selected in the xml file
if (self::is_xml_file($customXml)) { // checks if custom dir is an xml file
global $customOptions; // $customOptions set to global to avoid parsing the xml file by calling custom_options_from_xml() each time it is needed
if (isset($customOptions['slideshow'])) { // if custom option 'slideshow' from xml file is present
$options['slideshow'] = $customOptions['slideshow']; // replaces general option by corresponding custom option from xml file
case 1:
if($options['tray_visible']) wp_enqueue_script('WPSupersized_theme_visible_tray_js');
else wp_enqueue_script('WPSupersized_theme_js');
case 2:
case 3:
* _Supersized_styles
public static function _Supersized_styles() {
if (!is_admin() && self::is_chosen_page()) // conditional css enqueing - registering done in initialize
$options = get_option('wp-supersized_options');
$customXml = self::get_custom_dir($options['default_dir']); // to set up the right style for the slideshow selected in the xml file
if (self::is_xml_file($customXml)) { // checks if custom dir is an xml file
global $customOptions; // $customOptions set to global to avoid parsing the xml file by calling custom_options_from_xml() each time it is needed
$customOptions = self::custom_options_from_xml($customXml); // only one call to custom_options_from_xml here, global $customOptions makes it unnecessary later
if (isset($customOptions['slideshow'])) { // if custom options from xml file are present
$options['slideshow'] = $customOptions['slideshow']; // replaces general option by corresponding custom option from xml file
case 1:
case 2:
case 3:
wp_enqueue_style('supersized_flickr'); //uses the old css for flickr
* This is the Supersized Header part.
* Outputs all scripts and options.
public static function addHeaderCode() {
if (!is_admin() && self::is_chosen_page())
$options = get_option('wp-supersized_options');
$options = self::convert_empty_options_to_zero($options);
$customXml = self::get_custom_dir($options['default_dir']);
if (self::is_xml_file($customXml)) { // checks if custom dir is an xml file
global $customOptions; // $customOptions set to global to avoid parsing the xml file by calling custom_options_from_xml() each time it is needed
if (is_array($customOptions) && count($customOptions) != 0) { // if custom options from xml file are present
foreach($customOptions as $key => $value) {
if ($options[$key] != $customOptions[$key])
$options[$key] = $customOptions[$key]; // replaces general option by corresponding custom option from xml file
Supersized <?php echo self::supersized_version; ?> - Fullscreen Background jQuery Plugin
By Sam Dunn / One Mighty Roar (
Released under MIT License / GPL License
Adapted for Wordpress (<?php echo self::plugin_name.' '.self::plugin_version; ?>) by Benoit De Boeck / World in my Eyes (
<script type="text/javascript">
jQuery(document).ready(function($) {
if ($options['slideshow'] !== '2') // Some options not needed for Single image mode
slideshow : <?php echo $options['slideshow']; ?>,
autoplay : <?php echo $options['autoplay']; ?>,
start_slide : <?php echo $options['start_slide']; ?>,
if ($options['slideshow'] !== '2') // Some options not needed for Single image mode
random : <?php echo $options['random']; ?>,
slide_interval : <?php echo $options['slide_interval']; ?>,
transition : <?php echo $options['transition']; ?>,
transition_speed : <?php echo $options['transition_speed']; ?>,
new_window : <?php echo $options['new_window']; ?>,
pause_hover : <?php echo $options['pause_hover']; ?>,
stop_loop : <?php echo $options['stop_loop']; ?>,
keyboard_nav : <?php echo $options['keyboard_nav']; ?>,
performance : <?php echo $options['performance']; ?>,
image_protect : <?php echo $options['image_protect']; ?>,
image_path : '<?php echo content_url()?>/plugins/wp-supersized/<?php if($options['slideshow'] == '3') echo 'flickr_';?>img/',
min_width : <?php echo $options['min_width']; ?>,
min_height : <?php echo $options['min_height']; ?>,
vertical_center : <?php echo $options['vertical_center']; ?>,
horizontal_center : <?php echo $options['horizontal_center']; ?>,
fit_always : <?php echo $options['fit_always']; ?>,
fit_portrait : <?php echo $options['fit_portrait']; ?>,
fit_landscape : <?php echo $options['fit_landscape']; ?>,
if ($options['slideshow'] !== '2') // Some options not needed for Single image mode
thumbnail_navigation : <?php echo $options['thumbnail_navigation']; ?>,
thumb_links : <?php echo $options['thumb_links']; ?>,
slide_counter : <?php echo $options['slide_counter']; ?>,
slide_captions : <?php echo $options['slide_captions']; ?>,
if ($options['slideshow'] == '3') // Options for Flickr mode
?> source : <?php echo $options['flickr_source']; ?>,
set : '<?php echo $options['flickr_set']; ?>',
user : '<?php echo $options['flickr_user']; ?>',
group : '<?php echo $options['flickr_group']; ?>',
tags : '<?php echo $options['flickr_tags']; ?>',
total_slides : <?php echo $options['flickr_total_slides']; ?>,
image_size : '<?php echo $options['flickr_size']; ?>',
api_key : '<?php echo $options['flickr_api_key']; ?>'
if ($options['slideshow'] !== '3') // Options not needed for old Flickr mode
slides : [<?php self::slides_list(); //outputs the list of slides in the correct format
slide_links : '<?php echo $options['slide_links']; ?>',
progress_bar : <?php echo $options['progress_bar']; ?>,
mouse_scrub : <?php echo $options['mouse_scrub']; }?>
* This is the Supersized Footer part.
* Adds the Navigation.
public static function addFooterCode() {
if (!is_admin() && self::is_chosen_page()) // only on the right pages
$options = get_option('wp-supersized_options');
$options = self::convert_empty_options_to_zero($options);
$customXml = self::get_custom_dir($options['default_dir']);
if (self::is_xml_file($customXml)) { // checks if custom dir is an xml file
global $customOptions; // $customOptions set to global to avoid parsing the xml file by calling custom_options_from_xml() each time it is needed
if (is_array($customOptions) && count($customOptions) != 0) { // if custom options from xml file are present
foreach($customOptions as $key => $value) {
if ($options[$key] != $customOptions[$key])
$options[$key] = $customOptions[$key]; // replaces general option by corresponding custom option from xml file
if ($options['navigation'] && $options['slideshow'] == '3') { // only for old flickr look
<!--Thumbnail Navigation-->
<div id="prevthumb"></div> <div id="nextthumb"></div>
<!--Control Bar-->
<div id="controls-wrapper">
<div id="controls">
if ($options['slide_counter']) // Needed to get rid of the slide counter if switched off
<!--Slide counter-->
<div id="slidecounter">
<span class="slidenumber"></span>/<span class="totalslides"></span>
<!--Slide captions displayed here-->
<div id="slidecaption"></div>
if ($options['navigation_controls']) // If true, show navigation controls
<div id="navigation">
<img id="prevslide" src="<?php echo get_bloginfo('wpurl'); ?>/wp-content/plugins/wp-supersized/flickr_img/back_dull.png"/><img id="pauseplay" src="<?php echo get_bloginfo('wpurl'); ?>/wp-content/plugins/wp-supersized/flickr_img/pause_dull.png"/><img id="nextslide" src="<?php echo get_bloginfo('wpurl'); ?>/wp-content/plugins/wp-supersized/flickr_img/forward_dull.png"/>
?> </div>
</div> <?php // closing the controls-wrapper and controls
} // end of the old flickr part
else {
if ($options['navigation'] && $options['slideshow'] == '1') // to get rid of all navigation if switched off or when in Single image mode
<!--Thumbnail Navigation-->
<div id="prevthumb"></div>
<div id="nextthumb"></div>
global $slides_array_list;
if ($options['navigation_controls'] && $options['slideshow'] == '1' && $slides_array_list > 1) // If true, show navigation arrows
<!-- Arrow Navigation -->
<a id="prevslide" class="load-item"></a>
<a id="nextslide" class="load-item"></a>
if ($options['navigation'] && $options['slideshow'] == '1') // to get rid of all navigation if switched off or when in Single image mode
<div id="thumb-tray" class="load-item">
<div id="thumb-back"></div>
<div id="thumb-forward"></div>
if ($options['progress_bar'])
<!--Time Bar-->
<div id="progress-back" class="load-item">
<div id="progress-bar"></div>
<!--Control Bar-->
<div id="controls-wrapper" class="load-item">
<div id="controls">
<a id="play-button"><img id="pauseplay" src="<?php echo get_bloginfo('wpurl'); ?>/wp-content/plugins/wp-supersized/img/pause.png"/></a>
if ($options['slide_counter']) // If true, show slide counter
<!--Slide counter-->
<div id="slidecounter">
<span class="slidenumber"></span>/<span class="totalslides"></span>
if ($options['slide_captions'] && !$options['navigation'] && $options['slideshow'] == '1') // Show slide caption (when the navigation option is off)
{ // if navigation is off and the caption is still shown, set controls-wrapper background to none: only the caption is shown. Useful for html.
<div id="controls-wrapper" style="background: none;">
<!--Slide captions displayed here-->
<div id="slidecaption"></div>
elseif ($options['slide_captions'] && $options['navigation'] && $options['slideshow'] == '1') // Show captions when navigation is on
<!--Slide captions displayed here-->
<div id="slidecaption"></div>
if ($options['navigation'] && $options['slideshow'] == '1') // to get rid of all navigation if switched off or when in Single image mode
if ($options['thumb_tray']) // If true, show thumb tray button
<!--Thumb Tray button-->
<a id="tray-button"><img style="height:42px;" id="tray-arrow" src="<?php echo get_bloginfo('wpurl').'/wp-content/plugins/wp-supersized/img/button-tray-';
echo $options['tray_visible'] ? 'down' : 'up'; ?>.png"/></a>
if ($options['slide_links']) {
<ul id="slide-list"></ul>
<?php } ?>
* Reads and outputs the list of slides
public static function slides_list()
$options = get_option('wp-supersized_options');
if (substr($options['default_dir'],0,11) != 'ngg-gallery_')
$full_dir = self::get_custom_dir($options['default_dir']); // if no NextGEN gallery has been selected as default, then go through the normal routine
$full_dir = $options['default_dir']; // if a NextGEN gallery has been selected as default
if ($full_dir == 'not_found_error') {
self::output_error_image('not_found'); // if the directory does not exists, display error image (directory/file not found)
if ($full_dir == 'not_readable_error') {
self::output_error_image('not_readable'); // if the directory cannot be read (permissions), display error image (check permissions)
if (self::is_xml_file($full_dir)) { // checks if custom dir is an xml file
$xml_file = WP_CONTENT_DIR.'/'.$full_dir;
$xml = simplexml_load_file($xml_file);
global $xmlSlidesArray; // global to avoid parsing the xml file each time it is needed
$xmlSlidesArray = $xml->xpath('//slide');
if (is_array($xmlSlidesArray) && count($xmlSlidesArray) > 0) { // if there are slides defined in the xml file, display them, rtrim() is needed because the 'slide' array contains a few spaces even if there are no slides (bug of xmlLib ?)
else $full_dir = $options['default_dir']; // if there are no slides defined in the xml file, display the default ones
if ($full_dir == 'wp-gallery') { // does the user want to use the Wordpress Media gallery ?
if ($full_dir == 'ngg-gallery' && method_exists('nggdb','get_gallery')) { // does the user want to use the NextGen gallery ? (only if NextGen is installed and the function get_gallery exists)
global $wp_query;
$postid = $wp_query->post->ID;
$nggGallery_ID = get_post_meta($postid, 'SupersizedNextGenGallery', true); // gets custom field outside of the loop
if (substr($full_dir,0,12) == 'ngg-gallery_' && substr($full_dir,12) != '' && method_exists('nggdb','get_gallery')) { // use a NextGEN gallery if it was selected as default in the options.
$nggGallery_ID = substr($full_dir, 12);
if ($full_dir) {
$dir = self::build_wpcontent_dir()."/".$full_dir."/";
$thumbs_dir = $dir."thumbs/";
$dirArray = glob($dir."*.{jpg,JPG,png,PNG,gif,GIF,jpeg,JPEG}",GLOB_BRACE);
if(empty($dirArray)) $dirArray = array_merge((array)glob($dir."*.jpg"),(array)glob($dir."*.JPG"),(array)glob($dir."*.png"),(array)glob($dir."*.PNG"),(array)glob($dir."*.gif"),(array)glob($dir."*.GIF"),(array)glob($dir."*.jpeg"),(array)glob($dir."*.JPEG")); // if the BRACE option does not work, use array_merge
asort($dirArray); //dirArray is sorted to make sure that it is in alphabetical order
else {
$thumbsdirArray = $dirArray = $thumbs_dir = $dir = '';
if ($options['debugging_mode']) {
echo '/*'."\n";
echo 'site_url = '.site_url()."\n";
echo 'home_url = '.home_url()."\n";
echo 'full_dir = '.$full_dir."\n".'dir = '.$dir."\n".'thumbs_dir = '.$thumbs_dir."\n".'dirArray = ';
echo "\n".'*/'."\n"; //debugging mode
if (file_exists($thumbs_dir) && !self::is_empty_dir($thumbs_dir)) {
$thumbsdirArray = array_merge((array)glob($thumbs_dir."*.jpg"),(array)glob($thumbs_dir."*.JPG"),(array)glob($thumbs_dir."*.png"),(array)glob($thumbs_dir."*.PNG"),(array)glob($thumbs_dir."*.gif"),(array)glob($thumbs_dir."*.GIF"),(array)glob($thumbs_dir."*.jpeg"),(array)glob($thumbs_dir."*.JPEG")); // $thumbsdirArray = glob($thumbs_dir."*.{jpg,JPG,png,PNG,gif,GIF,jpeg,JPEG}",GLOB_BRACE);
if(empty($thumbsdirArray)) $thumbsdirArray = glob($thumbs_dir."*.{jpg,JPG,png,PNG,gif,GIF,jpeg,JPEG}",GLOB_BRACE); // if the array_merge method does not work, use the BRACE option
asort($thumbsdirArray); //thumbsdirArray is sorted to make sure that it is in alphabetical order
foreach ($thumbsdirArray as $key => $path) {
$shortthumbsdirArray[$key] = str_ireplace(self::build_wpcontent_dir(), '', $path); // removes the wp-content part of the path to allow the use of content_url()
else $shortthumbsdirArray = $thumbsdirArray = $thumbs_dir = '';
foreach ($dirArray as $key => $path) {
$short_dirArray[$key] = str_ireplace(self::build_wpcontent_dir(), '', $path);
$indexCount = count($dirArray);
if ($options['background_url'])
$full_background_url = "http://".$options['background_url'];
else $full_background_url = '';
// loops through the array of files and print them all
if ($indexCount >= 1 && $dir) // only show the slides if there is at least 1 and there is a dir containing images
for($index=0; $index < $indexCount-1; $index++) {
$iptc_caption = self::_show_iptc_caption($dirArray[$index]);
$converted_caption = self::asciitothmlcode($iptc_caption);
if ($thumbs_dir && file_exists($thumbs_dir))
$thumbnail_link = content_url().$shortthumbsdirArray[$index];
else $thumbnail_link = '';
echo "\n{image : '" . content_url().$short_dirArray[$index] . "', title : '".$converted_caption."', thumb : '".$thumbnail_link."', url : '" . $full_background_url . "'},";
$iptc_caption = self::_show_iptc_caption($dirArray[$index]);
$converted_caption = self::asciitothmlcode($iptc_caption);
if ($thumbs_dir && file_exists($thumbs_dir))
$thumbnail_link = content_url().$shortthumbsdirArray[$index];
else $thumbnail_link = '';
echo "\n{image : '" . content_url().$short_dirArray[$index] . "', title : '" . $converted_caption ."', thumb : '".$thumbnail_link . "', url : '" . $full_background_url . "'}"; // The last line MUST be without comma
else // otherwise show the original Supersized examples
echo "\n{image : '', title : 'Quiet Chaos by Kitty Gallannaugh', url : ''},\n{image : '', title : 'Wanderers by Kitty Gallannaugh', url : ''}";
* output_error_image($errorType)
* Shows an error image in case a problem was detected
* The image shown depends on $errorType
public static function output_error_image($errorType) {
switch ($errorType) {
case 'not_found' :
echo "\n{image : '".plugins_url()."/wp-supersized/img/error_img/cannot_find_your_dir_or_file_please_check_that_it_exists.jpg', title : 'Cannot find your dir or file please check that it exists', url : ''}\n";
case 'not_readable' :
echo "\n{image : '".plugins_url()."/wp-supersized/img/error_img/cannot_read_your_dir_or_file_please_check_access_rights.jpg', title : 'Cannot read your dir or file please check access rights', url : ''}\n";
case 'wp-gallery_images_not_present' :
echo "\n{image : '".plugins_url()."/wp-supersized/img/error_img/cannot_find_wp_media_gallery_images.jpg', title : 'Cannot find WP Gallery images attached to this post/page', url : ''}\n";
case 'nextgen-gallery_images_not_present' :
echo "\n{image : '".plugins_url()."/wp-supersized/img/error_img/cannot_find_nextgen_gallery_images_requested.jpg', title : 'Cannot find WP Gallery images attached to this post/page', url : ''}\n";
* Reads and outputs the list of slides from an XML file from which the contents have been copied in the global array $xmlSlidesArray
public static function slides_list_from_xml() {
global $xmlSlidesArray; // global to avoid parsing the xml file each time it is needed
$xmlArray = $xmlSlidesArray;
$indexCount = count($xmlArray);
global $slides_array_list;
$slides_array_list = $indexCount;
// loops through the array of files and prints them all
if ($indexCount >= 1) // only show the slides if there is at least 1
for($index=0; $index < $indexCount-1; $index++) {
echo "\n{image : '" . $xmlArray[$index]->slide_link . "', title : '".$xmlArray[$index]->title."', thumb : '".$xmlArray[$index]->thumb_link."', url : '" . $xmlArray[$index]->url . "'},";
echo "\n{image : '" . $xmlArray[$index]->slide_link . "', title : '".$xmlArray[$index]->title."', thumb : '".$xmlArray[$index]->thumb_link."', url : '" . $xmlArray[$index]->url . "'}";
else // otherwise show the original Supersized examples - this should never be reached as there is already a check earlier
echo "\n{image : '', title : 'Quiet Chaos by Kitty Gallannaugh', url : ''},\n{image : '', title : 'Wanderers by Kitty Gallannaugh', url : ''}";
* custom_options_from_xml($customXml)
* Gets the custom options from the xml file $customXml
* Returns the array $customOptions
public static function custom_options_from_xml($customXml) {
// $xml_file = content_url().'/'.$customXml;
$xml_file = WP_CONTENT_DIR.'/'.$customXml;
$xml = simplexml_load_file($xml_file);
$optionsXml = $xml->xpath('//options');
$optionsFromXml = array();
foreach($optionsXml[0] as $key => $value) {
$optionsFromXml[$key] = (int) $value; // converts the object $value into a integer
return $optionsFromXml;
* get_custom_dir ($default_dir)
* checks if default dir and custom dir exist
* and returns the correct dir for display
public static function get_custom_dir($default_dir) {
global $post; // $wp_query;
$postid = $post->ID; //$wp_query->post->ID;
$custom_dir = get_post_meta($postid, 'SupersizedDir', true); // gets custom field outside of the loop
$full_custom_dir = self::build_wpcontent_dir().'/'.$custom_dir;
$full_default_dir = self::build_wpcontent_dir().'/'.$default_dir;
if (self::is_xml_file($custom_dir) && file_exists($full_custom_dir) && (is_single() || is_page())) // checks if custom dir is an xml file
return $custom_dir;
if ((strtolower($custom_dir) == 'wp-gallery' || strtolower($custom_dir) == 'wpgallery' || strtolower($custom_dir) == 'wp_gallery') && (is_single() || is_page())) {
$custom_dir = 'wp-gallery';
return $custom_dir; // checks if the user wants to use the Wordpress Media Gallery
if ((strtolower($custom_dir) == 'ngg-gallery' || strtolower($custom_dir) == 'ngggallery' || strtolower($custom_dir) == 'ngg_gallery') && (is_single() || is_page())) {
$custom_dir = 'ngg-gallery';
return $custom_dir; // checks if the user wants to use the NextGen Gallery
if (substr($custom_dir,0,12) == 'ngg-gallery_' && substr($custom_dir,12) != '' && (is_single() || is_page())) { // use a NextGEN gallery if it was selected as default in the options.
return $custom_dir;
$options = get_option('wp-supersized_options');
if ($options['debugging_mode']) {
echo "\n".'/*'."\n".'custom_dir = '.$custom_dir."\n".'full_custom_dir = '.$full_custom_dir."\n".'full_default_dir = '.$full_default_dir."\n".'content_url = '.content_url()."\n".' */'."\n"; //debugging mode
if ($custom_dir && (!is_dir($full_custom_dir) || !file_exists($full_custom_dir)) && (is_single() || is_page()))
return 'not_found_error'; // if the directory does not exist, return an error
if ($custom_dir && (!is_readable($full_custom_dir)) && (is_single() || is_page()))
return 'not_readable_error'; // if the directory is not readable (due to access rights), return an error
if ($default_dir && is_dir($full_default_dir) && (is_tag() || is_category() || is_archive() || is_date())) // to make sure that the Tag or category archive gets the right dir
return $default_dir;
if ($custom_dir && is_dir($full_custom_dir) && (is_single() || is_page())) // to make sure that the custom dir images only appear on single posts/pages and not in tag or category archives
return $custom_dir;
return $default_dir; // if no other choice, return default dir
* build_wpcontent_dir()
* Builds the correct wp-content directory path
* Returns $wpContentDir
public static function build_wpcontent_dir(){
$home_url = home_url();
if (defined('ICL_SITEPRESS_VERSION')) // checks for the presence of WPML
$home_url = self::clean_wpml_home_url();
$wordpressDir = ltrim(str_replace($home_url,'',site_url()),"/"); // removes the root url and the leading slash if present
if ($wordpressDir !== '') $slash="/";
else $slash='';
$wpContentDir = $wordpressDir.$slash.'wp-content';
return $wpContentDir;
* images_from_wpgallery($post_ID)
* generates and outputs the list of slides from Wordpress Media Gallery images attached to the post $post_ID
* @param type $post_ID
public static function images_from_wpgallery($post_ID) {
global $wp_query;
$postid = $wp_query->post->ID;
$options = get_option('wp-supersized_options');
if ($options['background_url'])
$full_background_url = "http://".$options['background_url'];
else $full_background_url = '';
$full_output ='';
$images = get_children(array( // gets images attached to the post/page
'post_parent' => $postid,
'post_type' => 'attachment',
'numberposts' => -1, // show all
'post_status' => null,
'post_mime_type' => 'image',
global $slides_array_list;
$slides_array_list = sizeof($images);
if($images) {
$images = self::sort_wpgallery_array($images); // sorts the images according to the menu order defined in Wordpress Media Gallery
foreach($images as $image) {
$wpgallery_url = wp_get_attachment_url($image->ID); // full link to the full size image
$wpgallery_thumburl = wp_get_attachment_thumb_url($image->ID); // full link to the thumbnail
$wpgallery_title = apply_filters('the_title',$image->post_title); // image title
$wpgallery_caption = apply_filters('post_excerpt',$image->post_excerpt); // image caption
if ($wpgallery_caption == '')
$wpgallery_caption = $wpgallery_title; // if there is no caption, use title instead
$full_output = $full_output."\n{image : '" . $wpgallery_url . "', title : '".$wpgallery_caption."', thumb : '".$wpgallery_thumburl."', url : '" . $full_background_url . "'},";
$full_output = substr( $full_output, 0, -1 )."\n"; // removes the trailing comma to avoid trouble in IE
echo $full_output;
else self::output_error_image('wp-gallery_images_not_present'); // if there are no WP Gallery images attached to the post/page, display error image
* images_from_ngg_gallery($nggAlbum_ID)
* generates and outputs the list of slides from NextGen Gallery album $nggAlbum_ID
* @param type $nggAlbum_ID
public static function images_from_ngg_gallery($nggGallery_ID) {
if (method_exists('nggdb','get_gallery')) { // if NextGen is installed and the function get_gallery exists
$options = get_option('wp-supersized_options');
if ($options['background_url'])
$full_background_url = "http://".$options['background_url'];
else $full_background_url = '';
$full_output ='';
$imagesList = nggdb::get_gallery($nggGallery_ID, 'sortorder', 'ASC'); // calls the NextGen Gallery function to retrieve the content of the NextGen gallery with ID $nggGallery_ID. Images are sorted in ascending order of Sort Order.
global $slides_array_list;
$slides_array_list = sizeof($imagesList);
if($imagesList) { // if there are images in the gallery
foreach($imagesList as $image) {
$ngggallery_url = $image->imageURL; // full link to the full size image
$ngggallery_thumburl = $image->thumbURL; // full link to the thumbnail
$ngggallery_title = $image->alttext; // image title
$ngggallery_caption = $image->description; // image caption
if ($ngggallery_caption == '')
$ngggallery_caption = $ngggallery_title; // if there is no caption, use title instead
$full_output = $full_output."\n{image : '" . $ngggallery_url . "', title : '".$ngggallery_caption."', thumb : '".$ngggallery_thumburl."', url : '" . $full_background_url . "'},";
$full_output = substr( $full_output, 0, -1 )."\n"; // removes the trailing comma to avoid trouble in IE
echo $full_output;
else self::output_error_image('nextgen-gallery_images_not_present'); // if the requested NextGEN Gallery images are not present, display error image
* is_xml_file($dir)
* Checks if dir is an xml file
public static function is_xml_file($dir)
if (substr($dir, strlen($dir)-4,4) == '.xml') // checks if dir is an xml file
return true;
else return false;
* convert_empty_options_to_zero($options)
* Converts empty values of options to 0 and false to 1
* Returns $options with correct 0 or 1 values
public static function convert_empty_options_to_zero($options) {
foreach($options as $key => $value) {
case 'true': // replaces true by 1
$options[$key] = '1';
case '': // and false by 0
$options[$key] = '0';
return $options;
* is_empty_dir($dir)
* Checks if a folder is empty
public static function is_empty_dir($dir)
if (($files = @scandir($dir)) && count($files) <= 2) {
return true;
return false;
* clean_wpml_home_url()
* Transforms the wpml home url into a correct home url
* Returns $home_url
public static function clean_wpml_home_url()
$home_url = rtrim(icl_get_home_url(),'/');
$search_string = '/'.ICL_LANGUAGE_CODE;
$home_url = str_replace($search_string,'',$home_url); // gets rid of the language code at the end of the url generated by wpml
$search_string = '?lang='.ICL_LANGUAGE_CODE;
$home_url = str_replace($search_string,'',$home_url); // in case it was the other option of wpml, gets rid of the language code at the end of the url generated by wpml
return $home_url;
* _show_iptc_caption($filename)
* gets IPTC caption and returns it
public static function _show_iptc_caption($filename) {
$size = getimagesize($filename, $info);
$iptc = iptcparse($info['APP13']);
if (is_array($iptc)) {
$caption = $iptc['2#120'][0];
return $caption; }
* sort_wpgallery_array($images)
* Sorts the array of images from the Wordpress Media Gallery according to the order defined in the gallery
* Returns the sorted array
public static function sort_wpgallery_array($arrImages) {
$arrKeys = array_keys($arrImages); // Get array keys representing attached image numbers
// Put all image objects into new array with standard numeric keys (new array only needed while we sort the keys)
foreach($arrImages as $oImage) {
$arrNewImages[] = $oImage;
// Bubble sort image object array by menu_order
for($i = 0; $i < sizeof($arrNewImages) - 1; $i++) {
for($j = 0; $j < sizeof($arrNewImages) - 1; $j++) {
if((int)$arrNewImages[$j]->menu_order > (int)$arrNewImages[$j + 1]->menu_order) {
$oTemp = $arrNewImages[$j];
$arrNewImages[$j] = $arrNewImages[$j + 1];
$arrNewImages[$j + 1] = $oTemp;
return $arrNewImages;
* Installation - Sets the options defaults
* Done only once at activation
public static function install () {
$previous_options = get_option('wp-supersized_options');
if ($previous_options['reset_options'] || !is_array($previous_options)) { // if reset or fresh install
$newoptions['slideshow'] = '1';
$newoptions['autoplay'] = 'true';
$newoptions['start_slide'] = '1';
$newoptions['random'] = '';
$newoptions['slide_interval'] = '3000';
$newoptions['transition'] = '1';
$newoptions['transition_speed'] = '500';
$newoptions['new_window'] = 'true';
$newoptions['pause_hover'] = '';
$newoptions['keyboard_nav'] = 'true';
$newoptions['performance'] = '1';
$newoptions['image_protect'] = '';
$newoptions['min_width'] = '0';
$newoptions['min_height'] = '0';
$newoptions['vertical_center'] = 'true';
$newoptions['horizontal_center'] = 'true';
$newoptions['fit_portrait'] = 'true';
$newoptions['fit_landscape'] = '';
$newoptions['navigation'] = 'true';
$newoptions['background_url'] = ''; // new option for version 1.2
$newoptions['thumbnail_navigation'] = '';
$newoptions['navigation_controls'] = 'true';
$newoptions['slide_counter'] = 'true';
$newoptions['slide_captions'] = 'true';
$newoptions['flickr_source'] = '3';
$newoptions['flickr_set'] = '';
$newoptions['flickr_user'] = '';
$newoptions['flickr_group'] = '';
$newoptions['flickr_tags'] = ''; // new option for version 1.1.1
$newoptions['flickr_total_slides'] = '100';
$newoptions['flickr_size'] = 'z';
$newoptions['flickr_api_key'] = '';
$newoptions['show_on_page'] = array(
'allposts' => '',
'homepage' => '',
'allpages' => '',
'front_only' => '',
'sticky_post' => '',
'404_page' => '',
'search_results' => '', // new option for version 1.2
'category_archive' => '', // new option for version 1.1
'tag_archive' => '', // new option for version 1.1
'only_custom' => '', // new option for version 1.1 NOW DEPRECATED
'any_archive' => '', // new option for version 1.2
'date_archive' => '', // new option for version 1.2
'everywhere' => '' // new option for version 1.2
$newoptions['templates_list'] = get_page_templates();
foreach ($newoptions['templates_list'] as $templateID => $templatefilename)
$newoptions['show_in_template'][$templateID] = '';
$newoptions['show_in_page_id'] = array('0' => '');
$newoptions['show_in_post_id'] = array('0' => '');
$newoptions['show_in_category_id'] = array('0' => ''); // new option for version 1.1
$newoptions['show_in_tag_id'] = array('0' => ''); // new option for version 1.1
$newoptions['stop_loop'] = ''; //new option for version 1.1
$newoptions['fit_always'] = ''; //new option for version 1.1
$newoptions['slide_links'] = 'blank'; //new option for version 1.1
$newoptions['thumb_links'] = 'true'; //new option for version 1.1
$newoptions['thumbnail_suffix'] = '-1'; //new option for version 1.1
$newoptions['progress_bar'] = 'true'; //new option for version 1.1
$newoptions['mouse_scrub'] = ''; //new option for version 1.1
$newoptions['thumb_tray'] = 'true'; //new option for version 1.1
$newoptions['default_dir'] = 'supersized-slides'; //new option for version 1.1
$newoptions['debugging_mode'] = ''; //new option for version 1.3
$newoptions['reset_options'] = ''; //new option for version 1.1
$newoptions['tray_visible'] = ''; //new option for version 3.1
elseif (is_array($previous_options) && !array_key_exists('default_dir', $previous_options)) { // if options already set for previous version, sets defaults for new options only
foreach ($previous_options as $option_key => $option_value) // keep the previous options
$newoptions[$option_key] = $previous_options[$option_key];
$newoptions['show_on_page'] = array(
'category_archive' => '', // new option for version 1.1
'tag_archive' => '', // new option for version 1.1
'only_custom' => '', // new option for version 1.1 NOW DEPRECATED
'search_results' => '', // new option for version 1.2
'any_archive' => '', // new option for version 1.2
'date_archive' => '', // new option for version 1.2
'everywhere' => '' // new option for version 1.2
$newoptions['show_in_category_id'] = array('0' => ''); // new option for version 1.1
$newoptions['show_in_tag_id'] = array('0' => ''); // new option for version 1.1
$newoptions['stop_loop'] = ''; //new option for version 1.1
$newoptions['fit_always'] = ''; //new option for version 1.1
$newoptions['slide_links'] = 'blank'; //new option for version 1.1
$newoptions['thumb_links'] = ''; //new option for version 1.1
$newoptions['thumbnail_suffix'] = '-1'; //new option for version 1.1
$newoptions['progress_bar'] = 'true'; //new option for version 1.1
$newoptions['mouse_scrub'] = ''; //new option for version 1.1
$newoptions['thumb_tray'] = 'true'; //new option for version 1.1
$newoptions['default_dir'] = 'supersized-slides'; //new option for version 1.1
$newoptions['debugging_mode'] = ''; //new option for version 1.3
$newoptions['reset_options'] = ''; //new option for version 1.1
$newoptions['flickr_tags'] = ''; // new option for version 1.1.1
$newoptions['background_url'] = ''; // new option for version 1.2
$newoptions['tray_visible'] = ''; //new option for version 3.1
elseif (is_array($previous_options) && !array_key_exists('flickr_tags', $previous_options)) {
foreach ($previous_options as $option_key => $option_value) // keep the previous options
$newoptions[$option_key] = $previous_options[$option_key];
$newoptions['flickr_tags'] = ''; // new option for version 1.1.1
$newoptions['show_on_page']['search_results'] = ''; // new option for version 1.2
$newoptions['show_on_page']['everywhere'] = ''; // new option for version 1.2
$newoptions['show_on_page']['any_archive'] = ''; // new option for version 1.2
$newoptions['show_on_page']['date_archive'] = ''; // new option for version 1.2
$newoptions['background_url'] = ''; // new option for version 1.2
$newoptions['debugging_mode'] = ''; //new option for version 1.3
$newoptions['tray_visible'] = ''; //new option for version 3.1
elseif (is_array($previous_options) && !array_key_exists('everywhere', $previous_options)) {
foreach ($previous_options as $option_key => $option_value) // keep the previous options
$newoptions[$option_key] = $previous_options[$option_key];
$newoptions['show_on_page']['everywhere'] = ''; // new option for version 1.2
$newoptions['show_on_page']['search_results'] = ''; // new option for version 1.2
$newoptions['show_on_page']['any_archive'] = ''; // new option for version 1.2
$newoptions['show_on_page']['date_archive'] = ''; // new option for version 1.2
$newoptions['background_url'] = ''; // new option for version 1.2
$newoptions['debugging_mode'] = ''; //new option for version 1.3
$newoptions['tray_visible'] = ''; //new option for version 3.1
elseif (is_array($previous_options) && !array_key_exists('debugging_mode', $previous_options)) {
foreach ($previous_options as $option_key => $option_value) // keep the previous options
$newoptions[$option_key] = $previous_options[$option_key];
$newoptions['debugging_mode'] = ''; //new option for version 1.3
$newoptions['tray_visible'] = ''; //new option for version 3.1
elseif (is_array($previous_options) && !array_key_exists('tray_visible', $previous_options)) {
foreach ($previous_options as $option_key => $option_value) // keep the previous options
$newoptions[$option_key] = $previous_options[$option_key];
$newoptions['tray_visible'] = ''; //new option for version 3.1
else return; // do not modify the existing options
update_option('wp-supersized_options', $newoptions); // Sets defaults for options
//uninstall all options
* Delete options when uninstalling the plugin
public static function uninstall () {
* Adds the settings link for the plugin
public static function add_plugin_settings_link($links, $file)
$settings_link = sprintf('<a href="%s">%s</a>', admin_url( 'options-general.php?page=wp-supersized' ), 'Settings');
array_unshift( $links, $settings_link );
return $links;
* asciitohtmlcode ($string)
* Replaces special characters by their html equivalents
* Returns $string
public static function asciitothmlcode($string) {
$asciiarray[] = 39; $htmlarray[] = "&#39;";
$asciiarray[] = 192; $htmlarray[] = "&#192;";
$asciiarray[] = 193; $htmlarray[] = "&#193;";
$asciiarray[] = 194; $htmlarray[] = "&#194;";
$asciiarray[] = 195; $htmlarray[] = "&#195;";
$asciiarray[] = 196; $htmlarray[] = "&#196;";
$asciiarray[] = 197; $htmlarray[] = "&#197;";
$asciiarray[] = 198; $htmlarray[] = "&#198;";
$asciiarray[] = 199; $htmlarray[] = "&#199;";
$asciiarray[] = 200; $htmlarray[] = "&#200;";
$asciiarray[] = 201; $htmlarray[] = "&#201;";
$asciiarray[] = 202; $htmlarray[] = "&#202;";
$asciiarray[] = 203; $htmlarray[] = "&#203;";
$asciiarray[] = 204; $htmlarray[] = "&#204;";
$asciiarray[] = 205; $htmlarray[] = "&#205;";
$asciiarray[] = 206; $htmlarray[] = "&#206;";
$asciiarray[] = 207; $htmlarray[] = "&#207;";
$asciiarray[] = 208; $htmlarray[] = "&#208;";
$asciiarray[] = 209; $htmlarray[] = "&#209;";
$asciiarray[] = 210; $htmlarray[] = "&#210;";
$asciiarray[] = 211; $htmlarray[] = "&#211;";
$asciiarray[] = 212; $htmlarray[] = "&#212;";
$asciiarray[] = 213; $htmlarray[] = "&#213;";
$asciiarray[] = 214; $htmlarray[] = "&#214;";
$asciiarray[] = 215; $htmlarray[] = "&#215;";
$asciiarray[] = 216; $htmlarray[] = "&#216;";
$asciiarray[] = 217; $htmlarray[] = "&#217;";
$asciiarray[] = 218; $htmlarray[] = "&#218;";
$asciiarray[] = 219; $htmlarray[] = "&#219;";
$asciiarray[] = 220; $htmlarray[] = "&#220;";
$asciiarray[] = 221; $htmlarray[] = "&#221;";
$asciiarray[] = 222; $htmlarray[] = "&#222;";
$asciiarray[] = 223; $htmlarray[] = "&#223;";
$asciiarray[] = 224; $htmlarray[] = "&#224;";
$asciiarray[] = 225; $htmlarray[] = "&#225;";
$asciiarray[] = 226; $htmlarray[] = "&#226;";
$asciiarray[] = 227; $htmlarray[] = "&#227;";
$asciiarray[] = 228; $htmlarray[] = "&#228;";
$asciiarray[] = 229; $htmlarray[] = "&#229;";
$asciiarray[] = 230; $htmlarray[] = "&#230;";
$asciiarray[] = 231; $htmlarray[] = "&#231;";
$asciiarray[] = 232; $htmlarray[] = "&#232;";
$asciiarray[] = 233; $htmlarray[] = "&#233;";
$asciiarray[] = 234; $htmlarray[] = "&#234;";
$asciiarray[] = 235; $htmlarray[] = "&#235;";
$asciiarray[] = 236; $htmlarray[] = "&#236;";
$asciiarray[] = 237; $htmlarray[] = "&#237;";
$asciiarray[] = 238; $htmlarray[] = "&#238;";
$asciiarray[] = 239; $htmlarray[] = "&#239;";
$asciiarray[] = 240; $htmlarray[] = "&#240;";
$asciiarray[] = 241; $htmlarray[] = "&#241;";
$asciiarray[] = 242; $htmlarray[] = "&#242;";
$asciiarray[] = 243; $htmlarray[] = "&#243;";
$asciiarray[] = 244; $htmlarray[] = "&#244;";
$asciiarray[] = 245; $htmlarray[] = "&#245;";
$asciiarray[] = 246; $htmlarray[] = "&#246;";
$asciiarray[] = 247; $htmlarray[] = "&#247;";
$asciiarray[] = 248; $htmlarray[] = "&#248;";
$asciiarray[] = 249; $htmlarray[] = "&#249;";
$asciiarray[] = 250; $htmlarray[] = "&#250;";
$asciiarray[] = 251; $htmlarray[] = "&#251;";
$asciiarray[] = 252; $htmlarray[] = "&#252;";
$asciiarray[] = 253; $htmlarray[] = "&#253;";
$asciiarray[] = 254; $htmlarray[] = "&#254;";
$asciiarray[] = 255; $htmlarray[] = "&#255;";
$i = 0;
while ($i < sizeof ($asciiarray)){
$string = str_replace(chr($asciiarray[$i]), $htmlarray[$i], $string);
return $string;
* load_translation_file()
* Loads the translation files during initialization
public static function load_translation_file()
if (is_admin()) {
$plugin_path = dirname(plugin_basename(__FILE__)).'/lang';
* Tests if any of a post's assigned categories are descendants of target categories
* @param int|array $cats The target categories. Integer ID or array of integer IDs
* @param int|object $_post The post. Omit to test the current post in the Loop or main query
* @return bool True if at least 1 of the post's categories is a descendant of any of the target
* @see get_term_by() You can get a category by name or slug, then pass ID to this function
* @uses get_term_children() Passes $cats
* @uses in_category() Passes $_post (can be empty)
* @version 2.7
public static function post_is_in_descendant_category( $cats, $_post = null )
foreach ( (array) $cats as $cat ) {
// get_term_children() accepts integer ID only
$descendants = get_term_children( (int) $cat, 'category' );
if ( $descendants && in_category( $descendants, $_post ) )
return true;
return false;
* class WPSupersized_Test
* Basic version testing (at installation).
if ( !class_exists('WPSupersized_Test') ):
class WPSupersized_Test
* min_php_version
* Test that your PHP version is at least that of the $min_php_version.
* @param $min_php_version string representing the minimum required version of PHP, e.g. '5.3.2'
* @param $plugin_name string Name of the plugin for messaging purposes.
* @return none Exit with messaging if PHP version is too old.
static function min_php_version($min_php_version, $plugin_name) {
$exit_msg = "The $plugin_name plugin requires PHP $min_php_version or newer. Contact your system administrator about updating your version of PHP";
if (version_compare( phpversion(),$min_php_version,'<'))
exit ($exit_msg);
* Checks that the current version of WordPress is current enough.
* @return none exit on fail.
static function min_wordpress_version($min_wordpress_version, $plugin_name) {
global $wp_version;
$exit_msg = __("The $plugin_name plugin requires WordPress $min_wordpress_version or newer.
<a href=''>Please update!</a>");
if (version_compare($wp_version,$min_wordpress_version,'<'))
exit ($exit_msg);
* class WPSupersized_Metabox
* Takes care of the metabox for WP Supersized options in the page/post admin.
if ( !class_exists('WPSupersized_Metabox') ):
class WPSupersized_Metabox
private $displaySupersizedDir;
* custom_meta_box
* Creates a custom meta box in the page/post admin to allow the user to select which source of images he/she wants to use
function custom_meta_box() {
$postType = array ('post', 'page');
foreach ($postType as $type) {
'wpsupersized_custom_meta_box', // $id
'WP Supersized source of images', // $title
array('WPSupersized_Metabox','generate_metabox_content'), // $callback
$type, // $page
'normal', // $context
'high'); // $priority
* generate_metabox_content()
* Generates the WP Supersized metabox content
function generate_metabox_content() {
$testDir = new WPSupersized_Metabox(); // $testDir is initialized as a class-limited global variable
global $post;
wp_nonce_field(basename(__FILE__), 'custom_meta_box_nonce');
$supersizedDir = get_post_meta($post->ID, 'SupersizedDir', true);
$testDir->displaySupersizedDir = $supersizedDir;
if (strtolower($supersizedDir) == 'wp-gallery' || strtolower($supersizedDir) == 'wpgallery' || strtolower($supersizedDir) == 'wp_gallery') $supersizedDir = 'wp-gallery';
if (strtolower($supersizedDir) == 'ngg-gallery' || strtolower($supersizedDir) == 'ngggallery' || strtolower($supersizedDir) == 'ngg_gallery') $supersizedDir = 'ngg-gallery';
$supersizedNextGenGallery = get_post_meta($post->ID, 'SupersizedNextGenGallery', true);
echo '<table class="form-table">';
echo '<tr><th><label for="SupersizedSource">Origin of WP Supersized images</label></th><td>';
echo '<input type="radio" name="SZSource" id="SZSource" value="none" ',$supersizedDir == '' ? ' checked="checked"' : '',' /> <label for"SupersizedDir">None (leaves the general options intact. This page/post will have a background slideshow only if you defined it in the <a href="'.get_admin_url().'/options-general.php?page=wp-supersized&tab=origin">WP Supersized options</a>).</label><br />';
echo '<input type="radio" name="SZSource" id="SZSource" value="custom" ',$supersizedDir != 'wp-gallery' && $supersizedDir != 'ngg-gallery' && $supersizedDir !='' && !WPSupersized::is_xml_file($supersizedDir) ? ' checked="checked"' : '',' /> <label for"SupersizedDir">Custom directory (select your custom directory below)</label><br />';
echo '<input type="radio" name="SZSource" id="SZSource" value="wp-gallery" ',$supersizedDir == 'wp-gallery' ? ' checked="checked"' : '',' /> <label for"SupersizedDir">WP Media Gallery (images from the WP Media gallery attached to this page/post will be used)</label><br />';
echo '<input type="radio" name="SZSource" id="SZSource" value="ngg-gallery" ',$supersizedDir == 'ngg-gallery' ? ' checked="checked"' : '',' /> <label for"SupersizedDir">NextGEN Gallery (images from the NextGEN gallery that you choose below will be used)</label><br />';
echo '<input type="radio" name="SZSource" id="SZSource" value="xml" ', WPSupersized::is_xml_file($supersizedDir) == true ? ' checked="checked"' : '',' /> <label for"SupersizedDir">XML file (enter below the path to your xml file)</label><br />';
echo '</td></tr>';
echo '<tr><th><label for="SupersizedCustomDir">XML file path<br />(within wp-content)</label></th><td>';
if (!WPSupersized::is_xml_file($supersizedDir)) $testDir->displaySupersizedDir = '';
echo '<input type="text" name="SupersizedCustomDir" id="SupersizedCustomDir" value="'.$testDir->displaySupersizedDir.'" size="50" />';
echo '<br /><span class="description">Enter here your XML file path (e.g. my_wpsupersized_slides_definitions/my_slides_list_and_options.xml).</span>';
echo '</td></tr>';
echo '<tr><th><label for="SupersizedNextGenGallery">NextGEN gallery to use</label></th><td>';
if (is_plugin_active('nextgen-gallery/nggallery.php') && method_exists('nggdb','find_all_galleries')) {
echo '<select name="SupersizedNextGenGallery" id="SupersizedNextGenGallery">';
global $nggdb;
$nggGalleries = $nggdb->find_all_galleries();
if($supersizedDir != 'ngg-gallery') $testDir->displayNggSelection = 'none';
else $testDir->displayNggSelection = $supersizedNextGenGallery;
if ($supersizedDir != 'ngg-gallery') echo '<option selected="selected" value="">none</option>';
foreach ($nggGalleries as $gallery )
echo '<option', $testDir->displayNggSelection == $gallery->gid ? ' selected="selected"' : '', ' value="'.$gallery->gid.'">'.$gallery->name.'</option>';
echo '</select><br /><span class="description">Select here the NextGEN gallery that you want to use.</span>';
else echo '<span class="description">NextGEN Gallery does not seem to be installed.</span>';
echo '</td></tr>';
echo '<tr><th><label for ="ListFolders">Select your custom directory. Click on folder name to show contained folders.</label></th><td>';
$wpContentFolder = WP_CONTENT_DIR;
if($supersizedDir != 'wp-gallery' && $supersizedDir != 'ngg-gallery' && $supersizedDir !='' && !WPSupersized::is_xml_file($supersizedDir))
echo '<span class="description">Your currently selected custom directory is: '.content_url().'/'.$supersizedDir.'</span>';
$listFolders = self::directory_list($wpContentFolder,false,true,'.|..|.svn|cache|plugins|upgrade|themes|languages',true);
echo '<ul>';
self::display_array($listFolders, $supersizedDir);
echo '</ul>';
echo '</td></tr>';
echo '</table>'; // end table
* save_custom_meta($post_id)
* Saves the data in the custom field
function save_custom_meta($post_id, $post) {
if (!wp_verify_nonce($_POST['custom_meta_box_nonce'], basename(__FILE__)))
return $post_id;
// check autosave
return $post_id;
// check permissions
$post_type = get_post_type_object($post->post_type);
if ('page' == $post_type || 'post' == $post_type) {
if (!current_user_can('edit_page', $post_id))
return $post_id;
} elseif (!current_user_can('edit_post', $post_id)) {
return $post_id;
// save the data
$newSZSource = $_POST['SZSource'];
$oldSupersizedDir = get_post_meta($post_id, 'SupersizedDir', true);
switch ($newSZSource) {
case 'none' : $newSupersizedDir ='';
case 'custom' : if(!WPSupersized::is_xml_file(trim($_POST['SupersizedCustomDir'],' /'))) {
$newSupersizedDir = trim($_POST['SupersizedCustomDir'],' /'); // removes any space or slash at the beginning or end of the path
else $newSupersizedDir = '';
case 'wp-gallery' : $newSupersizedDir = 'wp-gallery';
case 'ngg-gallery' : $newSupersizedDir = 'ngg-gallery';
case 'xml' : if(WPSupersized::is_xml_file(trim($_POST['SupersizedCustomDir'],' /'))) {
$newSupersizedDir = trim($_POST['SupersizedCustomDir'],' /'); // removes any space or slash at the beginning or end of the path
else $newSupersizedDir = '';
if ($newSupersizedDir != $oldSupersizedDir) {
update_post_meta($post_id, 'SupersizedDir', $newSupersizedDir);
$newSupersizedNextGenGallery = $_POST['SupersizedNextGenGallery'];
$oldSupersizedNextGenGallery = get_post_meta($post_id, 'SupersizedNextGenGallery', true);
if ($newSupersizedNextGenGallery && $newSupersizedNextGenGallery != $oldSupersizedNextGenGallery) {
update_post_meta($post_id, 'SupersizedNextGenGallery', $newSupersizedNextGenGallery);
} elseif ('' == $newSupersizedNextGenGallery && $oldSupersizedNextGenGallery) {
delete_post_meta($post_id, 'SupersizedNextGenGallery', $oldSupersizedNextGenGallery);
* display_array($listFolders, $customFolder)
* recursive display of directories contained in the array $listFolders
function display_array($listFolders, $customFolder) {
foreach($listFolders as $key => $value) {
if(is_array($value[0]) && !empty($value[0])) {
echo '<li class="wpsztoggle"><div class="wpszbutton" style="display:inline;">'.$key.'</div>';
echo ' <input type="radio" name="SupersizedCustomDir" value="'.$value[1].'"';
if($customFolder == $value[1] ){ echo ' checked="checked" '; }
echo '></input>';
echo '</li><ul>';
self::display_array($value[0], $customFolder);
echo '</ul>';
else {
echo '<li>'.$key.' <input type="radio" name="SupersizedCustomDir" value="'.$value[1].'"';
if($customFolder == $value[1] ){ echo ' checked="checked" '; }
echo '></input> ';
echo '</li>';
* directory_list($directory_base_path, $filter_dir = false, $filter_files = false, $exclude = ".|..|.DS_Store|.svn", $recursive = true)
* returns an array containing optionally all files, only directiories or only files at a file system path
* @author cgray The Metamedia Corporation
* @param $base_path string either absolute or relative path
* @param $filter_dir boolean Filter directories from result (ignored except in last directory if $recursive is true)
* @param $filter_files boolean Filter files from result
* @param $exclude string Pipe delimited string of files to always ignore
* @param $recursive boolean Descend directory to the bottom?
* @return $result_list array Nested array or false
* @access public
* @license GPL v3
function directory_list($directory_base_path, $filter_dir = false, $filter_files = false, $exclude = ".|..|.DS_Store|.svn", $recursive = true){
$directory_base_path = rtrim($directory_base_path, "/") . "/";
if (!is_dir($directory_base_path)){
error_log(__FUNCTION__ . "File at: $directory_base_path is not a directory.");
return false;
$result_list = array();
$exclude_array = explode("|", $exclude);
if (!$folder_handle = opendir($directory_base_path)) {
// error_log(__FUNCTION__ . "Could not open directory at: $directory_base_path");
return false;
while(false !== ($filename = readdir($folder_handle))) {
if(!in_array($filename, $exclude_array)) {
if(is_dir($directory_base_path . $filename . "/")) {
if($recursive && strcmp($filename, ".")!=0 && strcmp($filename, "..")!=0 ){ // prevent infinite recursion
// error_log($directory_base_path . $filename . "/");
$result_list[$filename] = array(self::directory_list("$directory_base_path$filename/", $filter_dir, $filter_files, $exclude, $recursive), ltrim(str_replace(WP_CONTENT_DIR, '',$directory_base_path.$filename),'/'));
$result_list[] = array($filename, $directory_base_path.$filename);
$result_list[] = array($filename, $directory_base_path.$filename);
return $result_list;
* Displays the folder list with interactive folder opening and content display
* Acts on the div with id wp-supersized-folder-list
* (adapted from
function output_script() {
echo '<script type="text/javascript">
jQuery(function () {
jQuery("li.wpsztoggle").hover(function () {
fontSize: "17px",
paddingLeft: "10px",
color: "black"
}, 100);
}, function () {
fontSize: "14px",
paddingLeft: "0",
color: "#808080"
}, 100);
jQuery("li.wpsztoggle").css("cursor", "pointer");
jQuery("li.wpsztoggle > div.wpszbutton").prepend("+ ");
jQuery("div.wpszbutton").click(function () {
var v = jQuery(this).html().substring(0, 1);
if (v == "+") jQuery(this).html("-" + jQuery(this).html().substring(1));
else if (v == "-") jQuery(this).html("+" + jQuery(this).html().substring(1));
// end of script
/* EOF */
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