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Last active April 15, 2016 13:31
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Mako template backend for Django 1.8+ (python 3)
# coding: utf-8
import tempfile
from os.path import join
from django.template import TemplateDoesNotExist, TemplateSyntaxError
from django.template.backends.base import BaseEngine
from django.template.backends.utils import csrf_input_lazy, csrf_token_lazy
from django.utils.functional import cached_property
from django.utils.module_loading import import_string
from mako import exceptions as mako_exceptions
from mako.template import Template as MakoTemplate
class MakoTemplates(BaseEngine):
Mako template backend
Template OPTIONS info can contain :class:`mako.Lookup.TemplateLookup` __init__ args
as dictionary entries.
app_dirname = 'mako'
base_template_context = {}
def __init__(self, params):
:param params:
Contents of the backend dict in the TEMPLATES setting.
Contains DIRS, BACKEND, OPTIONS and APP_DIRS keys (at least)
params = params.copy()
options = params.pop('OPTIONS').copy()
super(MakoTemplates, self).__init__(params)
environment = options.pop('environment', 'mako.lookup.TemplateLookup')
environment_cls = import_string(environment)
# Defaut values for initializing the TemplateLookup class
# You can define them in the backend OPTIONS dict.
options.setdefault('collection_size', 5000)
options.setdefault('module_directory', tempfile.gettempdir())
options.setdefault('output_encoding', 'utf-8')
options.setdefault('input_encoding', 'utf-8')
options.setdefault('encoding_errors', 'replace')
options.setdefault('filesystem_checks', True)
options.setdefault('directories', self.template_dirs)
# Use context processors like Django
context_processors = options.pop('context_processors', [])
self.context_processors = context_processors
# Use the configured mako template lookup class to find templates
self.lookup = environment_cls(**options)
def template_context_processors(self):
""" Return a tuple of the actual context processor callables """
context_processors = tuple(self.context_processors)
return tuple(import_string(path) for path in context_processors)
def from_string(self, template_code):
""" Return a template object containing the backend template and information """
return Template(MakoTemplate(template_code, lookup=self.lookup))
except mako_exceptions.SyntaxException as exc:
raise TemplateSyntaxError(exc.args)
def get_template(self, template_name):
""" Return a template object with a found Mako template """
# Try to initialize a Template object with a found mako template
template = Template(self.lookup.get_template(template_name), self.template_context_processors)
return template
except mako_exceptions.TemplateLookupException as exc:
tried = [(DebugInfo(join(directory, template_name), template_name), "not found") for directory in self.lookup.directories]
raise TemplateDoesNotExist(exc.args, backend=self, tried=tried)
except mako_exceptions.CompileException as exc:
raise TemplateSyntaxError(exc.args)
class DebugInfo(object):
""" A container to hold debug information as described in the template API documentation. """
def __init__(self, name, template_name): = name
self.template_name = template_name
class Template(object):
Template information.
It could have any name, but Django requires it to have the following attributes:
- template (which is always a MakoTemplate here)
- origin: an object with <name> and <template_name> for debug purposes
- render(context, request)
def __init__(self, template, context_processors):
""" Initializer """
self.template = template
self.origin = DebugInfo(name=template.filename, template_name=template.uri)
self.context_processors = context_processors
def render(self, context=None, request=None):
""" Render the template """
output_context = context or dict()
if request is not None:
for processor in self.context_processors:
# noinspection PyBroadException
except Exception:
if request is not None:
output_context['request'] = request
output_context['csrf_input'] = csrf_input_lazy(request)
output_context['csrf_token'] = csrf_token_lazy(request)
return self.template.render(**output_context)
'BACKEND': 'backends.mako.MakoTemplates',
'APP_DIRS': False,
'DIRS': ['/home/me/mako',
'module_directory': '/home/me/mako_output',
'strict_undefined': True
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