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Created December 20, 2022 18:32
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import random
import sys
import time
from termcolor import colored
class Maze:
def __init__(self, matrix, startX, startY, endX, endY):
self.matrix = matrix
self.startX = startX
self.startY = startY
self.endX = endX
self.endY = endY
class MazeSolver:
def __init__(self):
self.currX = 0
self.currY = 0
def init_maze(self, maze):
self.intersections = []
self.maze = maze
self.currX = maze.startX
self.currY = maze.startY
def _init_visited(self):
self.visited = []
for x, line in enumerate(self.maze.matrix):
for cell in line:
def _is_not_visited(self, x, y):
return self.visited[x][y] != 2
def _is_not_wall(self, x, y):
return self.maze.matrix[x][y] != 1
def _is_in_bounds(self, x, y):
return x >= 0 and x < len(self.maze.matrix[x]) and y >= 0 and y < len(self.maze.matrix)
def _can_go(self, x, y):
return self._is_in_bounds(x, y) and self._is_not_wall(x, y) and self._is_not_visited(x, y)
def _get_options(self, x, y):
options = [(x-1, y), (x+1, y), (x, y-1), (x, y+1)]
return [option for option in options if self._can_go(option[0], option[1])]
def _walk(self):
self.visited[self.currX][self.currY] = 2
options = self._get_options(self.currX, self.currY)
if len(options) == 0:
return False
elif len(options) > 1:
self.intersections.append((self.currX, self.currY))
self.currX, self.currY = options.pop()
return True
def _go_to_last_intersection(self):
if len(self.intersections) == 0:
return False
last_intersection = self.intersections.pop()
self.currX = last_intersection[0]
self.currY = last_intersection[1]
return True
def solve(self, animate=False):
while self.currX != self.maze.endX or self.currY != self.maze.endY:
if animate:
print_maze(self.visited, clear=True)
can_walk = self._walk()
if not can_walk:
can_go_to_last_intersection = self._go_to_last_intersection()
if can_go_to_last_intersection:
self.visited[self.maze.startX][self.maze.startY] = 3
self.visited[self.maze.endX][self.maze.endY] = 4
return None # We cannot walk and have nowehere to go back to
self.visited[self.maze.startX][self.maze.startY] = 3
self.visited[self.maze.endX][self.maze.endY] = 4
return self.visited
def print_maze(maze, clear=False):
print(' ', end='')
for i in range(len(maze[0])):
print("{0:0=2d}".format(i), '', end='')
rows = 3
for i, line in enumerate(maze):
print(' ', "{0:0=2d}".format(i) ,' ', end='')
for cell in line:
if cell == 1:
print(colored('## ', 'red'), end='')
elif cell == 0:
print(' ', end='')
elif cell == 3:
print('@@ ', end='')
elif cell == 4:
print('&& ', end='')
print(colored('** ', 'green'), end='')
print('\n', end='')
rows += 1
rows += 2
if clear:
for i in range(0, rows):
sys.stdout.write("\033[K") # remove line
sys.stdout.write("\033[1A") # up the cursor
class MazeGenerator:
def init_maze(self, size, max_path_len=10):
self.size = size
self.max_path_len = max_path_len
self.maze = []
self.track = []
for i in range(0, size):
for j in range(0, size):
def _create_starting_and_ending_points(self):
self.startX = 1
self.startY = 1
self.endX = 1
self.endY = 1
while self.startX == self.endX or self.startY == self.endY or abs(self.startX - self.endX) < (self.size/2) or abs(self.startY - self.endY) < (self.size/2):
self.startX = random.randint(1, self.size-2)
self.startY = random.randint(1, self.size-2)
self.endX = random.randint(1, self.size-2)
self.endY = random.randint(1, self.size-2)
def _is_in_bounds(self, x, y):
return x >= 1 and x < self.size - 1 and y >= 1 and y < self.size -1
def _is_not_destroying_wall(self, x, y):
options = [(x+1, y), (x-1, y), (x, y+1), (x, y-1)]
num_of_zeros = 0
for option in options:
if self.maze[option[0]][option[1]] == 0:
num_of_zeros += 1
return num_of_zeros <= 1
def _can_walk_to(self, x, y):
return self._is_in_bounds(x, y) and self._is_not_destroying_wall(x, y) and self.maze[x][y] != 0
def _is_near_ending(self, x, y):
options = [(x+1, y), (x-1, y), (x, y+1), (x, y-1)]
for option in options:
_x, _y = option
if _x == self.endX and _y == self.endY:
return True
def _randomize_direction(self):
left = lambda: (self.currX - 1, self.currY)
right = lambda: (self.currX + 1, self.currY)
up = lambda: (self.currX, self.currY + 1)
down = lambda: (self.currX, self.currY - 1)
directions = [left, right, up, down]
options = []
for direction in directions:
x, y = direction()
if self._can_walk_to(x, y):
if len(options) == 0:
return None
return options[random.randint(0, len(options)-1)]
def _try_walk(self, num_of_steps):
steps_taken = 0
direction = self._randomize_direction()
if direction is None:
return steps_taken
for i in range(0, num_of_steps):
if self._is_near_ending(self.currX, self.currY):
self.currX = self.endX
self.currY = self.endY
self.maze[self.currX][self.currY] = 0
return 0
x, y = direction()
if self._can_walk_to(x, y):
self.maze[x][y] = 0
self.currX = x
self.currY = y
self.track.append((x, y))
steps_taken += 1
return steps_taken
def _go_back(self):
self.currX, self.currY = self.track.pop()
def generate(self):
self.currX = self.startX
self.currY = self.startY
self.maze[self.currX][self.currY] = 0
self.track.append((self.currX, self.currY))
while len(self.track) > 0:
num_of_steps = random.randint(1, self.max_path_len)
steps_taken = self._try_walk(num_of_steps)
if steps_taken == 0:
self.maze[self.startX][self.startY] = 3
self.maze[self.endX][self.endY] = 4
return Maze(self.maze, self.startX, self.startY, self.endX, self.endY)
def main():
size = 30
maze_generator = MazeGenerator()
maze_generator.init_maze(size, max_path_len=20)
maze = maze_generator.generate()
if maze == None:
print("Can't generate maze")
maze_solver = MazeSolver()
solved = maze_solver.solve(animate=True)
if solved == None:
print("Can't solve maze")
if __name__ == '__main__':
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