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Created June 24, 2017 15:22
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R function for performing Lagrangian polynomial interpolation
# Function for performing Lagrangian polynomial interpolation
# Requires the package rSymPy
# Parameters:
# x: x values of interpolating points
# y: values corresponding to x values
# Returns:
# Simplified interpolated polynomial that passes through the given x and y points
lagrange.poly <- function(x, y) {
if (length(x) != length(y)) {
stop('x and y must be of equal length')
l <- list() # List to store Lagrangian polynomials L_{1,2,3,4}
k <- 1
for (i in x) {
# Set the numerator and denominator of the Lagrangian polynomials to 1 and build them up
num <- 1
denom <- 1
# Remove the current x value from the iterated list
p <- x[! x %in% i]
# For the remaining points, construct the Lagrangian polynomial by successively
# appending each x value
for (j in p) {
num <- paste(num, "*", "(", 'x', " - ", as.character(j), ")", sep = "", collapse = "")
denom <- paste(denom, "*", "(", as.character(i)," - ", as.character(j), ")", sep = "", collapse = "")
# Set each Lagrangian polynomial in rSymPy to simplify later.
l[k] <- paste("(", num, ")", "/", "(", denom, ")", sep = "", collapse = "")
k <- k + 1
# Similar to before, we construct the final Lagrangian polynomial by successively building
# up the equation by iterating through the polynomials L_{1,2,3,4} and the y values
# corresponding to the x values.
eq <- 0
for (i in 1:length(y)) {
eq <- paste(eq, '+', as.character(y[i]), "*", l[[i]], sep = "", collapse = "")
# Define x variable for rSymPy to simplify
x <- Var('x')
# Simplify the result with rSymPy and return the polynomial
return(sympy(paste("simplify(", eq, ")")))
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I have a value of interval censored lifetable data. I would love to use interpolation to fill in the missing values in R.

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