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Last active September 30, 2019 17:14
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Code added as an onBeforeAdd to the business calendar year ItemType, which gathers a list of holidays for the given year/country and creates exceptions
* There is a publicly available API that can be used to get a list of holidays for a given country
* in a given year. The goal of this method is to help automate the process of creating a business calendar
* by creating the Business Calendar Exceptions for an admin.
* Documentation for this API can be found at
Innovator inn = this.getInnovator();
// The URL we will be pinging to get the list of public holidays for our country
string dateApiUrl = "";
// Validate that we have the data needed to request the holidays
string year = this.getProperty("year", "");
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(year)) return inn.newError("Cannot run without 'year' property");
string countryCode = this.getProperty("country_code", "");
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(year)) return inn.newError("Cannot run without 'country_code' property");
// Make our request to the publicly available API
string fullApiRequestUrl = String.Format("{0}/publicholidays/{1}/{2}", dateApiUrl, year, countryCode);
using (WebClient wc = new WebClient())
string responseString = wc.DownloadString(fullApiRequestUrl);
// Since the response is a JSON object, we'll turn it into an array so it's easier to work with
Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JArray responseArray = Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JArray.Parse(responseString);
// Loop through the list of holidays returned by the API and create an Exception to represent each one
foreach (var dateObject in responseArray)
var newCalendarException = this.createRelationship("Business Calendar Exception", "add");
newCalendarException.setProperty("day_date", inn.getI18NSessionContext().ConvertToNeutral((string)dateObject["date"], "string", ""));
newCalendarException.setProperty("description", (string)dateObject["name"]);
newCalendarException.setProperty("day_off", "1");
// Since this is an OnBeforeAdd event, we will return the context item without applying. Relationships will be saved during the “add” action.
return this;
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