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python3 implementation of matlab's lsqlin. requires cvxopt
# Derived from:
# See for more info
A simple library to solve constrained linear least squares problems
with sparse and dense matrices. Uses cvxopt library for
__author__ = 'Valeriy Vishnevskiy'
__email__ = ''
__version__ = '1.0'
__date__ = '22.11.2013'
__license__ = 'WTFPL'
import numpy as np
from cvxopt import solvers, matrix, spmatrix, mul
import itertools
from scipy import sparse
def scipy_sparse_to_spmatrix(A):
coo = A.tocoo()
SP = spmatrix(, coo.row.tolist(), coo.col.tolist())
return SP
def spmatrix_sparse_to_scipy(A):
data = np.array(A.V).squeeze()
rows = np.array(A.I).squeeze()
cols = np.array(A.J).squeeze()
return sparse.coo_matrix( (data, (rows, cols)) )
def sparse_None_vstack(A1, A2):
if A1 is None:
return A2
return sparse.vstack([A1, A2])
def numpy_None_vstack(A1, A2):
if A1 is None:
return A2
return np.vstack([A1, A2])
def numpy_None_concatenate(A1, A2):
if A1 is None:
return A2
return np.concatenate([A1, A2])
def get_shape(A):
if isinstance(C, spmatrix):
return C.size
return C.shape
def numpy_to_cvxopt_matrix(A):
if A is None:
return A
if sparse.issparse(A):
if isinstance(A, sparse.spmatrix):
return scipy_sparse_to_spmatrix(A)
return A
if isinstance(A, np.ndarray):
if A.ndim == 1:
return matrix(A, (A.shape[0], 1), 'd')
return matrix(A, A.shape, 'd')
return A
def cvxopt_to_numpy_matrix(A):
if A is None:
return A
if isinstance(A, spmatrix):
return spmatrix_sparse_to_scipy(A)
elif isinstance(A, matrix):
return np.array(A).squeeze()
return np.array(A).squeeze()
def lsqlin(C, d, reg=0, A=None, b=None, Aeq=None, beq=None, \
lb=None, ub=None, x0=None, opts=None):
Solve linear constrained l2-regularized least squares. Can
handle both dense and sparse matrices. Matlab's lsqlin
equivalent. It is actually wrapper around CVXOPT QP solver.
min_x ||C*x - d||^2_2 + reg * ||x||^2_2
s.t. A * x <= b
Aeq * x = beq
lb <= x <= ub
Input arguments:
C is m x n dense or sparse matrix
d is n x 1 dense matrix
reg is regularization parameter
A is p x n dense or sparse matrix
b is p x 1 dense matrix
Aeq is q x n dense or sparse matrix
beq is q x 1 dense matrix
lb is n x 1 matrix or scalar
ub is n x 1 matrix or scalar
Output arguments:
Return dictionary, the output of CVXOPT QP.
Dont pass matlab-like empty lists to avoid setting parameters,
just use None:
lsqlin(C, d, 0.05, None, None, Aeq, beq) #Correct
lsqlin(C, d, 0.05, [], [], Aeq, beq) #Wrong!
sparse_case = False
if (sparse.issparse(A)): #detects both np and cxopt sparse
sparse_case = True
#We need A to be scipy sparse, as I couldn't find how
#CVXOPT spmatrix can be vstacked
elif isinstance(A, spmatrix):
sparse_case = True
A = spmatrix_sparse_to_scipy(A)
C = numpy_to_cvxopt_matrix(C)
d = numpy_to_cvxopt_matrix(d)
Q = C.T * C
q = - d.T * C
nvars = C.size[1]
if reg > 0:
if sparse_case:
I = scipy_sparse_to_spmatrix(sparse.eye(nvars, nvars,\
I = matrix(np.eye(nvars), (nvars, nvars), 'd')
Q = Q + reg * I
lb = cvxopt_to_numpy_matrix(lb)
ub = cvxopt_to_numpy_matrix(ub)
b = cvxopt_to_numpy_matrix(b)
if lb is not None: #Modify 'A' and 'b' to add lb inequalities
if lb.size == 1:
lb = np.repeat(lb, nvars)
if sparse_case:
lb_A = -sparse.eye(nvars, nvars, format='coo')
A = sparse_None_vstack(A, lb_A)
lb_A = -np.eye(nvars)
A = numpy_None_vstack(A, lb_A)
b = numpy_None_concatenate(b, -lb)
if ub is not None: #Modify 'A' and 'b' to add ub inequalities
if ub.size == 1:
ub = np.repeat(ub, nvars)
if sparse_case:
ub_A = sparse.eye(nvars, nvars, format='coo')
A = sparse_None_vstack(A, ub_A)
ub_A = np.eye(nvars)
A = numpy_None_vstack(A, ub_A)
b = numpy_None_concatenate(b, ub)
#Convert data to CVXOPT format
A = numpy_to_cvxopt_matrix(A)
Aeq = numpy_to_cvxopt_matrix(Aeq)
b = numpy_to_cvxopt_matrix(b)
beq = numpy_to_cvxopt_matrix(beq)
#Set up options
if opts is not None:
for k, v in list(opts.items()):
solvers.options[k] = v
#Run CVXOPT.SQP solver
sol = solvers.qp(Q, q.T, A, b, Aeq, beq, None, x0)
return sol
def lsqnonneg(C, d, opts):
Solves nonnegative linear least-squares problem:
min_x ||C*x - d||_2^2, where x >= 0
return lsqlin(C, d, reg = 0, A = None, b = None, Aeq = None, \
beq = None, lb = 0, ub = None, x0 = None, opts = opts)
if __name__ == '__main__':
# simple Testing routines
C = np.array(np.mat('''0.9501,0.7620,0.6153,0.4057;
sC = sparse.coo_matrix(C)
csC = scipy_sparse_to_spmatrix(sC)
A = np.array(np.mat('''0.2027,0.2721,0.7467,0.4659;
sA = sparse.coo_matrix(A)
csA = scipy_sparse_to_spmatrix(sA)
d = np.array([0.0578, 0.3528, 0.8131, 0.0098, 0.1388])
md = matrix(d)
b = np.array([0.5251, 0.2026, 0.6721])
mb = matrix(b)
lb = np.array([-0.1] * 4)
mlb = matrix(lb)
mmlb = -0.1
ub = np.array([2] * 4)
mub = matrix(ub)
mmub = 2
#solvers.options[show_progress'] = False
opts = {'show_progress': False}
for iC in [C, sC, csC]:
for j,iA in enumerate([A, sA, csA]):
for iD in [d, md]:
for ilb in [lb, mlb, mmlb]:
for iub in [ub, mub, mmub]:
for ib in [b, mb]:
ret = lsqlin(iC, iD, 0, iA, ib, None, None, ilb, iub, None, opts)
if j == 2:
print('sa is sparse:', sparse.issparse(sA))
print('csA is sparse:', sparse.issparse(csA))
print('Should be [-1.00e-01 -1.00e-01 2.15e-01 3.50e-01]')
#test lsqnonneg
C = np.array([[0.0372, 0.2869], [0.6861, 0.7071], [0.6233, 0.6245], [0.6344, 0.6170]]);
d = np.array([0.8587, 0.1781, 0.0747, 0.8405]);
ret = lsqnonneg(C, d, {'show_progress': False})
print('Should be [2.5e-07; 6.93e-01]')
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