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public class Host {
public static void main(String[] args) throws EnclaveLoadException, IOException {
// Check whether the platform supports hardware enclaves.
try {
System.out.println("This platform supports enclaves in simulation, debug and release mode.");
} catch (Exception e) {
System.out.println("Platform Support Check Failed" + e.getMessage());
public class TransferLandTitleFlow implements Flow<SignedTransactionDigest> {
// Constructor
private PersistenceService persistenceService;
// Inject other services
public class IssueLandTitleFlow implements Flow<SignedTransactionDigest>{
public IssueLandTitleFlow(RpcStartFlowRequestParameters params) {
this.params = params;
public class IssueLandTitleFlow implements Flow<SignedTransactionDigest>{
// Inject Services Here
public SignedTransactionDigest call() {
// Flow code logic here
public class IssueLandTitleFlowResponder implements Flow<SignedTransaction> {
private FlowEngine flowEngine;
private FlowSession counterpartySession;
public IssueLandTitleFlowResponder(FlowSession counterpartySession) {
this.counterpartySession = counterpartySession;
public class IssueLandTitleFlow implements Flow<Void>{
// FlowIdentity, IdentityService and NotaryLookupService Injected Here
private TransactionBuilderFactory transactionBuilderFactory;
public class IssueLandTitleFlow implements Flow<Void>{
private NotaryLookupService notaryLookupService;
private FlowIdentity flowIdentity;
public class IssueLandTitleFlow implements Flow<Void>{
public Void call() {
public class LandTitleContract implements Contract {
// This is used to identify our contract when building a transaction.
public static final String ID = "net.corda.c5.sample.landregistry.LandContract";
// A transaction is valid if the verify() function of the contract of all the transaction's input and output states
// does not throw an exception.
public void verify(@NotNull LedgerTransaction tx) {
// Implement your contract validation logic here.
public class LandTitleState implements ContractState, JsonRepresentable {
/* This is the unique identifier of the property */
private String plotNumber;
private String dimensions;
private String area;
private Party owner;
private Party issuer;