from aspose.psd import Image
from aspose.psd.fileformats.png import PngColorType
from aspose.psd.fileformats.psd import PsdImage
from aspose.psd.fileformats.psd.layers import TextLayer
from aspose.psd.imageloadoptions import PsdLoadOptions
from aspose.psd.imageoptions import PngOptions
from aspose.pycore import cast

# Specify File Paths
sourceFile = "AllTypesLayerPsd.psd"
outputFile = "LoadImageExample.png"

# Specify Load Options
loadOptions = PsdLoadOptions()
loadOptions.load_effects_resource = True
loadOptions.allow_warp_repaint = True

# Specify Export Options
exportOptions = PngOptions()
exportOptions.color_type = PngColorType.TRUECOLOR_WITH_ALPHA

# Open File using Aspose.PSD for Python
with Image.load(sourceFile, loadOptions) as image:
    # Types of Aspose.PSD can be casted
    psdImage = cast(PsdImage, image)
    textLayer = cast(TextLayer, psdImage.layers[5])
    textLayer.update_text("Simple Text Edit")

    # Export PSD File To PNG, exportOptions)