// The path to the documents directory.
const String outPath = u"../out/ParagraphsAlignment_out.pptx";
const String templatePath = u"../templates/DefaultFonts.pptx";

// Load the desired the presentation
SharedPtr<Presentation> pres = MakeObject<Presentation>(templatePath);

// Access first slide
SharedPtr<ISlide> slide = pres->get_Slides()->idx_get(0);

// Accessing the first and second placeholder in the slide and typecasting it as AutoShape
SharedPtr<IShape> shape1 = slide->get_Shapes()->idx_get(0);
SharedPtr<IShape> shape2 = slide->get_Shapes()->idx_get(1);

SharedPtr<AutoShape> ashp1 = DynamicCast<Aspose::Slides::AutoShape>(shape1);
SharedPtr<AutoShape> ashp2 = DynamicCast<Aspose::Slides::AutoShape>(shape2);

SharedPtr<ITextFrame> tf1 = ashp1->get_TextFrame();
SharedPtr<ITextFrame> tf2 = ashp2->get_TextFrame();

// Change the text in both placeholders
tf1->set_Text (u"Center Align by Aspose");
tf2->set_Text(u"Center Align by Aspose");

// Accessing the first Paragraph
SharedPtr<IParagraph> para1 = tf1->get_Paragraphs()->idx_get(0);
SharedPtr<IParagraph> para2 = tf2->get_Paragraphs()->idx_get(0);

// Aligning the text paragraph to center
para1->get_ParagraphFormat()->set_Alignment (TextAlignment::Center);

// Save PPTX to Disk
pres->Save(outPath, Aspose::Slides::Export::SaveFormat::Pptx);