import aspose.ocr as api
from aspose.ocr import License

# Instantiate and apply the license for Aspose.OCR to enable full functionality.
license = License()

# Create an instance of the Aspose.Ocr class for OCR processing.
extractTextFromReceipt = api.AsposeOcr()

# Initialize an OcrInput object to hold input image(s) for OCR processing.
receiptDatas = api.OcrInput(api.InputType.SINGLE_IMAGE)

# Add images (receipts) to the OcrInput object for recognition.

# Set up receipt recognition settings.
recognitionSettings = api.ReceiptRecognitionSettings()
recognitionSettings.language = api.Language.ENG  # Specify the language as English.

# Perform OCR to recognize text from the input receipts using the specified settings.
results = extractTextFromReceipt.recognize_receipt(receiptDatas, recognitionSettings)

# Get the number of recognized results (one result per input image).
length = results.length

# Loop through each result and print the recognized text for each input image.
for i in range(length):