import aspose.svg
import os
from aspose.svg import *

path = "C://"

# Specify SVG content
documentContent = "<svg xmlns=\"\" width=\"400\" height=\"400\">"" <line x1=\"50\" y1=\"50\" x2=\"350\" y2=\"350\" stroke=\"black\" stroke-width=\"2\" /></svg>"

# Instantiate an SVGDocument object
document = SVGDocument(documentContent, ".")

# Get root svg element of the document
svg_element = document.root_element

# Access the line segment
lineElement = svg_element.query_selector("line")

# Save the SVG document to a file
output_path = os.path.join(path, "BeforeRotation.svg")

# Set a transform attribute value
lineElement.set_attribute("transform", "rotate(-90 200 265)")

# Save the SVG file"AfterRotation.svg")