#pragma once
#include "Aspose.Cells.h"

class ConvertExcelToSVG
    public: void ConvertExcelToSVGInCplusCplus()
        // Set the Aspose.Cells license to create output SVG without watermark
        intrusive_ptr<License> rowHeightLicense = new License();
        rowHeightLicense->SetLicense(new String("Aspose.Cells.lic"));

        // Load input workbook
        intrusive_ptr<Aspose::Cells::IWorkbook> targetWorkbook = Factory::CreateIWorkbook(new String("ConvertExcelToSVG.xlsx"));

        // Access target worksheet say third one
        intrusive_ptr<Aspose::Cells::IWorksheet> thirdSheet = targetWorkbook->GetIWorksheets()->GetObjectByIndex(2);

        // Create object to set image options
        intrusive_ptr<Aspose::Cells::Rendering::IImageOrPrintOptions> OptionsForRenderingImage = Factory::CreateIImageOrPrintOptions();

        // Specify SVG save format

        // Autofit Cells based on the data 

        // Specify values for the horizontal and vertical resolution

        // Using the CreateISheetRender() function, render the sheet by providing the sheet reference and image options
        intrusive_ptr<Aspose::Cells::Rendering::ISheetRender> sheetRender = Factory::CreateISheetRender(thirdSheet, OptionsForRenderingImage);

        // Get page count
        Aspose::Cells::Systems::Int32 totalPages = sheetRender->GetPageCount();

        // Initialize string builder object for string concatenation
        intrusive_ptr<Aspose::Cells::Systems::Text::StringBuilder> stringBuilder = new Aspose::Cells::Systems::Text::StringBuilder();

        // Parse throught all the pages to convert them to SVG one by one
        for (int counter = 0; counter < totalPages; counter++)
            // Set the path for output image with string appending
            stringBuilder->Append((StringPtr)new String("_Page.svg"));

            // Convert Excel to SVG image
            sheetRender->ToImage(counter, stringBuilder->ToString());