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Created August 11, 2019 22:29
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Python script that transfers the ratings from multiple Rhythmbox databases into a single Rhythmbox database. If the same song exists multiple times in the target database, only the one with the highest quality is assigned a rating.
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import os
import sys
import urllib.parse
import urllib.request
import lxml.etree as ET
import icu
import collections
import math
class RatingDB:
Song = collections.namedtuple('Song', 'title artist album duration rating filesize')
def __init__(self):
self.songs = [] = icu.Transliterator.createInstance('Any-Latin; Latin-ASCII')
self.attrs = ('title', 'artist', 'album')
self.attrs_importance = {
'title': 0.6,
'artist': 0.2,
'album': 0.2
self.shingles_to_songs = {}
self.songs_to_shingles = {attr: [] for attr in self.attrs}
def shingle(self, s, l=3):
t = ''.join([c for c in if c.isalnum()])
return {t[i:i+l] for i in range(0, len(t) - l)}
def read_song(self, x):
def text_or_default(key, default=None):
elem = x.find(key)
if elem is None:
return default
return elem.text
# Fetch the important metadata
title = text_or_default("title")
artist = text_or_default("artist")
album = text_or_default("album")
duration = float(text_or_default("duration", 0.0))
rating = text_or_default("rating")
filesize = int(text_or_default("file-size", 0))
# Map "unknown" onto nothing
if title.lower() == "unknown":
title = None
if artist.lower() == "unknown":
artist = None
if album.lower() == "unknown":
album = None
return RatingDB.Song(title, artist, album, duration, rating, filesize)
def read_rhythmdb(self, filename):
x_root = ET.parse(filename).getroot()
for x_child in x_root:
if x_child.tag != 'entry' or x_child.attrib['type'] != 'song':
song = self.read_song(x_child)
if song.rating is None:
song_idx = len(self.songs)
for attr in self.attrs:
s = getattr(song, attr)
if s is None:
shingles = self.shingle(s)
for shingle in shingles:
if not shingle in self.shingles_to_songs:
self.shingles_to_songs[shingle] = set()
self.songs_to_shingles[attr][song_idx] = shingles
def infer_rating(self, song):
# For relevant attributes, compute the similarity to other songs in the
# local database
matched_songs = {}
for attr in self.attrs:
# Convert the attribute to shingles
value = getattr(song, attr)
if value is None:
shingles = self.shingle(value)
# Fetch all songs sharing the same shingles
songs = set()
for shingle in shingles:
if shingle in self.shingles_to_songs:
songs |= self.shingles_to_songs[shingle]
# For each song, compute the Jaccard similarity between the song
# shingles and the shingles for this attribute
sim = {}
for song_idx in songs:
song_shingles = self.songs_to_shingles[attr][song_idx]
sim = len(song_shingles.intersection(shingles)) / len(song_shingles | shingles)
if sim > 0.5:
if not song_idx in matched_songs:
matched_songs[song_idx] = {attr: 0.0 for attr in self.attrs}
matched_songs[song_idx][attr] = sim
# Compute the overal score, i.e. the likelihood that the given song is
# actually one of the matched_songs. Compare the song durations. Return
# the above-threshold song with the highest rating.
best_rating, best_song_idx, best_p = 0, None, 0.5
for song_idx in matched_songs:
matched_song = self.songs[song_idx]
p = 0.0
for attr, w in self.attrs_importance.items():
p += w * matched_songs[song_idx][attr]
if song.duration > 0.0 and matched_song.duration > 0.0:
p *= math.exp(-(song.duration - matched_song.duration)**2 / 1000)
rating = 0 if matched_song.rating is None else int(matched_song.rating)
if p > 0.5 and rating > best_rating:
best_rating = rating
best_song_idx = song_idx
best_p = p
elif p > best_p and rating == best_rating:
best_song_idx = song_idx
best_p = p
return best_song_idx
def transfer_ratings(self, filename):
matched_songs = {}
x_root = ET.parse(filename).getroot()
for x_child in x_root:
if x_child.tag != 'entry' or x_child.attrib['type'] != 'song':
# Convert the element into a "song" element
song = self.read_song(x_child)
# Remove the "rating" element; there can be only one song matched
# to the same logical song
x_rating = x_child.find("rating")
if not x_rating is None:
# Try to infer the rating and the logical song
song_idx = self.infer_rating(song)
if song_idx is None:
sys.stderr.write(str(song) + ' --> ' + str(self.songs[song_idx]) + '\n')
# Remember that this song was matched to the given song index
if not song_idx in matched_songs:
matched_songs[song_idx] = []
matched_songs[song_idx].append((song, x_child))
# For each matched logical song, find the song in the XML file with the
# best quality. Add the "rating" tag with the inferred rating to exactly
# one song.
for song_idx, songs in matched_songs.items():
largest_filesize, x_tar = 0, None
for song, x_child in songs:
if song.filesize > largest_filesize:
x_tar = x_child
largest_filesize = song.filesize
if not x_tar is None:
x_rating = ET.SubElement(x_tar, "rating")
x_rating.text = str(self.songs[song_idx].rating)
return x_root
db = RatingDB()
x_new = db.transfer_ratings('/home/andreas/.local/share/rhythmbox/rhythmdb.xml')
sys.stdout.buffer.write(ET.tostring(x_new, pretty_print=True))
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