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import BaseHTTPServer
def run_while_true(server_class=BaseHTTPServer.HTTPServer,
This assumes that keep_running() is a function of no arguments which
is tested initially and after each request. If its return value
is true, the server continues.
astrofrog / warnings.log
Created February 17, 2014 17:09
Astropy documentation warnings in nitpicky mode
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/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.config.configuration.ConfigurationItem.rst:7: WARNING: py:class reference target not found: object
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.config.configuration.ConfigurationItem.rst:37: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: configspec
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.config.configuration.ConfigurationItem.rst:37: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: configobj
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.config.configuration.ConfigurationItem.rst:54: WARNING: py:obj reference target not found: module
[u"ConfigurationItem(name, defaultvalue=u'', description=None, cfgtype=None, module=None)", u':module: astropy.config.configuration', u'', u'Bases: :class:`object`', u'', u'', u'', u'A setting and associated value stored in the astropy configuration', u'files.', u'', u'These objects are typically defined at the top of astropy subpackages', u'or a
astrofrog /
Created February 18, 2014 14:53
Find order to switch octree from xyz to zyx and vice-versa
def find_order(refined):
Find the index array to use to sort the ``refined`` and ``density`` arrays.
order = np.zeros(refined.shape)
if not refined[0]:
return [0]
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/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.coordinates.angles.Longitude.rst:58: WARNING: [astropyautosummary] public object wrap_angle does not have a docstring
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.coordinates.builtin_systems.AltAz.rst:87: WARNING: [astropyautosummary] public object alt does not have a docstring
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.coordinates.builtin_systems.AltAz.rst:87: WARNING: [astropyautosummary] public object az does not have a docstring
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.coordinates.builtin_systems.AltAz.rst:87: WARNING: [astropyautosummary] public object equinox does not have a docstring
/Users/tom/Dropbox/Code/development/Astropy/astropy/docs/api/astropy.coordinates.builtin_systems.AltAz.rst:87: WARNING: [astropyautosummary] public object obstime does not have a docstring
import pyavm
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from wcsaxes import WCS
from PIL import Image
avm = pyavm.AVM.from_image('gcenter.jpg')
wcs = avm.to_wcs(target_image='gcenter.jpg')
fig = plt.figure()
Last login: Sun Mar 16 09:49:43 on ttys055
$ git clone git://
Cloning into 'astropy'...
remote: Counting objects: 55003, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (14226/14226), done.
remote: Total 55003 (delta 40287), reused 55003 (delta 40287)
Receiving objects: 100% (55003/55003), 26.29 MiB | 1.31 MiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (40287/40287), done.
Checking connectivity... done
$ cd astropy/
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astrofrog /
Created March 19, 2014 22:07
Made with WCSAxes
import numpy as np
from astropy.wcs import WCS
from import fits
from astropy import units as u
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from wcsaxes import WCSAxes
from import get_cmap
## Definition of solar transforms (needed for now) ##