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Created June 4, 2024 23:13
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Table of several energy gels for endurance athletes and their analysis results.

Gel Nutritional Facts

Sample Requestor Date Serving Actual Serving Diff. Label kCal Actual kCal kCal Diff. Label CHO Actual CHO CHO Diff.
Gu Chocolate Outrage Jason Koop 2024-05-29 32g 32g 0% 100 113 +13% 21g 24g +14%
Gu Strawberry Banana Brady Burgess 2024-06-04 32g 30g -6% 100 96 -4% 23 24 +4%
Honey Stinger Acai & Pom Brady Burgess 2024-06-04 31g 30g -3% 100 99 -1% 24 25 +4%
Hüma Apples and Cinnamon Brady Burgess 2024-06-04 42g 42g 0% 100 91 -9% 22 22 0%
Maurten Gel 100 Brady Burgess 2024-06-04 40g 40g 0% 100 103 +3% 25 25 0%
NäakApple and Maple Syrup Brady Burgess 2024-06-04 90g 86g -4% 200 176 -12% 26 22 -15%
Precision PF 90 Gel Brady Burgess 2024-06-04 153g 153g 0% 360 349 -3% 90 86 -4%
SiS Beta FuelStrawberry & Lime Brady Burgess 2024-06-04 74g 74g 0% 158 158 0% 40 39 -3%
Spring Energy Awesome Sauce Jason Koop 2024-05-28 54g 54g 0% 180 75 -58% 45g 18g -60%
Spring Energy Awesome Sauce (Lot 1, Test 1) Brady Burgess 2024-06-04 54g 51g -6% 180 86 -52% 45g 14g -69%
Spring Energy Awesome Sauce (Lot 1, Test 2) Brady Burgess 2024-06-04 54g 51g -6% 180 86 -52% 45g 14g -69%
Spring Energy Awesome Sauce (Lot 2) Brady Burgess 2024-06-04 54g 50g -7% 180 53 -70% 45g 12g -73%
Spring Energy Awesome Sauce (Lot 3) Brady Burgess 2024-06-04 54g 51g -6% 180 68 -62% 45g 16g -64%
Spring Energy Awesome Sauce u/sriirachamayo 2024-04-12 54g 50g -7% 180 -- -- 45g <17g -62%
Spring Energy Awesome Sauce 2024-05-17 54g 54g 0% 180 66 -63% 45g 16g -64%
Spring Energy Canaberry Jason Koop 2024-05-29 46g 46g 0% 100 43 -57% 17g 10g -58%
Spring Energy Canaberry (Lot 1) Brady Burgess 2024-06-04 46g 48g +4% 100 50 -50% 17g 9g -47%
Spring Energy Hill Aid Jason Koop 2024-05-29 49g 49g 0% 120 48 -60% 20g 10g -50%
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