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Richard Stanley audstanley

Send me a message on aprs: KM6LZF
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audstanley / Node Array of object population
Created January 6, 2016 22:28
wont return the objects in the array
var obj = [ {"username":"audstanleybot"} ];
var newObj = '{"username":"audstanleybot2"}';
function addToObj(anObj) {
return anObj.push(newObj);
* Created by audstanley on 01/06/16.
//need to change the path in jsonObj to /home/pi/slackberrypiratebot/json/botlist.json
module.exports = function(robot)
robot.respond(/\/[Rr][Ee][Mm][Oo][Vv][Ee]\s+@(\S+)?/, function(res)
var role = 'admin';
// console.log(res);
* Created by audstanley on 01/06/16.
//need to change the path in jsonObj to /home/pi/slackberrypiratebot/json/botlist.json
module.exports = function(robot)
robot.respond(/\/[Rr][Ee][Mm][Oo][Vv][Ee]\s+@(\S+)?/, function(res)
var role = 'admin';
// console.log(res);
audstanley / movieLookUP.js
Created January 8, 2016 02:23
A simple movie Query.
function getMovie(movieData) {
var movie = require('node-movie');
movie('Alien', '1979', function (err, data) {
return movieData = data;
module.exports = function(robot) {
return robot.hear(/\{.?(movie):.?"(.*?)",?.?(year):.?"(.*?)",?.?(opt):.?"(.*?)".?}/, function(res) {
console.log("Got input, using " + res.match[2] + " for the title, and " + res.match[4] + " for the year.");
var movie = require('node-movie');
var title = res.match[2];
var year = res.match[4];
request({'uri' : 'http://' + 'admin' + ':' + 'password2' + '@localhost:8080/gui/token.html'}, function(error, response, body) {
var regex = new RegExp('<div id=(?:\'|")token(?:\'|")[^>]+>(.*)</div>');
var matches = regex.exec(body);
var ourToken = matches[1];
request({'uri' : 'http://' + 'admin' + ':' + 'password2' + '@localhost:8080/gui/?token=' + ourToken + '&action=add-url&s=' + lastTorrent, 'cookie': response.headers['set-cookie'].GUID}, function(error, more) {
jf.writeFileSync('/home/audstanley/slackberrypiratebot/json/output.json', response);
var Promise = require('bluebird');
var bhttp = require('bhttp');
var session = bhttp.session({ headers: {"user-agent": "MyCustomUserAgent/2.0"} });
// Our new session now automatically has a cookie jar, and also uses our preset option(s).
return session.get("http://admin:password2@localhost:8080/gui/"); // Assume that this site now sets a cookie
var regex = new RegExp('<div id=(?:\'|")token(?:\'|")[^>]+>(.*)</div>');
ended: false,
endEmitted: false,
reading: true,
sync: false,
needReadable: true,
emittedReadable: false,
readableListening: false,
defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
ranOut: false,
awaitDrain: 0,
audstanley / gist:4750dd466b8634d8bc9b6fd07f2860c2
Last active December 17, 2016 21:22
sudo su;
sudo echo "0/10 * * * * root curl > /home/pi/myIp.txt" >> /etc/;
sudo echo -e "\n\nnetwork={\n ssid=\"coast-wifi\"\n proto=RSN\n key_mgmt=WPA-EAP\n pairwise=CCMP\n auth_alg=OPEN\n eap=PEAP\n identity=\"user\"\n password=\"password\"\n}" >> /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.config;