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Last active December 15, 2024 04:51
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macOS Cleanup Script with Launchd: A macOS script to clean system, app, and developer caches, remove temporary files, flush DNS, reset logs, repair disk, and check updates, battery health, and duplicate files.

macOS Cleanup Script with Launchd Instructions

By using this set of instructions; this script will run in the background every 6 hours.

Create the following directory

sudo mkdir /Users/$HOME/.scripts

Now to use wget to download the file to /Users/$HOME/.scripts

wget -P /Users/$HOME/.scripts

1. Setup Script Permissions and Test Execution

  • Ensure the script has the correct permissions:
    chmod +x /Users/$HOME/.scripts/
  • Test the script manually to verify it runs correctly:
    sudo /Users/$HOME/.scripts/
  • Address errors like 'Operation not permitted' by skipping SIP-protected paths.
  • Resolve 'command not found' issues by ensuring all commands used in the script are available on your system.

2. Creating a LaunchAgent .plist File

  • Create a .plist file in ~/Library/LaunchAgents/ with the following content:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
    <plist version="1.0">

3. Validate and Load the .plist File

  • Validate the .plist file syntax:
    plutil -lint ~/Library/LaunchAgents/com.cleanup.script.plist
  • Fix any errors if reported.
  • Ensure the .plist file has correct permissions:
    chmod 644 ~/Library/LaunchAgents/com.cleanup.script.plist
    chown $USER ~/Library/LaunchAgents/com.cleanup.script.plist
  • Load the .plist file:
    launchctl load ~/Library/LaunchAgents/com.cleanup.script.plist
  • Check if it’s loaded:
    launchctl list | grep com.cleanup.script

4. Using Cron

Setup Cron to Run Every 6 Hours

  • Open the crontab for editing:

    crontab -e
  • If you get error from crontab -e then do the following to resolve it

    EDITOR=nano crontab -e
  • Add the following line to schedule the script to run every 6 hours:

    0 */6 * * * /Users/$HOME/.scripts/ >> /Users/$HOME/.scripts/cleanup.log 2>&1

Explanation of the Cron Syntax:

  • 0: Run the script at the top of the hour.
  • */6: Every 6 hours.
  • *: Every day of the month.
  • *: Every month.
  • *: Every day of the week.
  • The output will be logged to /Users/$HOME/.scripts/cleanup.log.

Verify the Cron Job

  • List your active cron jobs:
    crontab -l
  • To manually trigger the cron environment for testing, run:
    sudo /Users/$HOME/.scripts/

5. Debugging and Logs

  • If loading fails, run:
    sudo launchctl bootstrap gui/$(id -u) ~/Library/LaunchAgents/com.cleanup.script.plist
  • Inspect logs for more details:
    log show --predicate 'process == "launchd"' --info | grep com.cleanup.script
  • Ensure your script outputs logs to a file like /tmp/cleanup.log to track execution.

6. Use LaunchDaemons for Root-Level Access (Optional)

  • If your script requires root permissions, move the .plist file to /Library/LaunchDaemons/ and add:
  • Reload and test the Daemon:
    sudo launchctl bootstrap system /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.cleanup.script.plist
# Check if script is run as sudo
if [[ $EUID -ne 0 ]]; then
echo "This script must be run as root. Re-running with sudo..."
exec sudo "$0" "$@"
# macOS Cleanup Script with Logging and Error Tracking
LOG_FILE="$HOME/.scripts/logs/cleanup_log_$(date '+%Y%m%d_%H%M%S').log"
echo "Starting enhanced purgeable space cleanup on macOS..." | tee -a "$LOG_FILE"
# Define cache paths to clean
# Define application-specific caches
"$HOME/Library/Application Support/Google/Chrome/Default/Cache/*"
"$HOME/Library/Application Support/Microsoft/Edge/Default/Cache/*"
# Define developer-related caches
# Define temporary files
# Define other cleanup targets
"$HOME/Library/Containers/ Downloads/*"
"$HOME/Library/Saved Application State/*"
"$HOME/Library/Application Support/CrashReporter/*"
"$HOME/Library/Application Support/MobileSync/Backup/*"
# Function to log actions with severity levels
log_action() {
local level=$1
local message=$2
echo "$(date '+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') [$level] - $message" | tee -a "$LOG_FILE"
# Function to clean paths
clean_paths() {
local paths=("$@")
for path in "${paths[@]}"; do
log_action "INFO" "Attempting to delete $path"
if rm -rf $path 2>>"$LOG_FILE"; then
log_action "INFO" "Deleted $path successfully"
log_action "ERROR" "Failed to delete $path"
# Clear system and user caches
log_action "INFO" "Clearing system and user caches..."
clean_paths "${CACHE_PATHS[@]}"
# Clear application-specific caches
log_action "INFO" "Clearing application-specific caches..."
clean_paths "${APP_CACHE_PATHS[@]}"
# Clear developer-related caches
log_action "INFO" "Clearing developer-related caches..."
clean_paths "${DEV_CACHE_PATHS[@]}"
# Clear temporary files
log_action "INFO" "Clearing temporary files..."
clean_paths "${TEMP_PATHS[@]}"
# Clear other paths
log_action "INFO" "Clearing additional cleanup paths..."
clean_paths "${OTHER_PATHS[@]}"
# Remove old Time Machine local snapshots
if tmutil listlocalsnapshots / > /dev/null 2>&1; then
log_action "INFO" "Removing old Time Machine local snapshots..."
tmutil listlocalsnapshots / | grep -o '*' | while read -r snapshot; do
log_action "INFO" "Deleting snapshot: $snapshot"
if tmutil deletelocalsnapshots "$snapshot" >>"$LOG_FILE" 2>&1; then
log_action "INFO" "Deleted snapshot $snapshot successfully"
log_action "ERROR" "Failed to delete snapshot $snapshot"
log_action "WARNING" "Time Machine is not enabled or there are no local snapshots."
# Flush disk cache
log_action "INFO" "Flushing disk cache..."
if sync && purge >>"$LOG_FILE" 2>&1; then
log_action "INFO" "Flushed disk cache successfully"
log_action "ERROR" "Failed to flush disk cache"
# Clear system swap files
log_action "INFO" "Clearing swap files..."
if rm -rf /private/var/vm/swapfile* 2>>"$LOG_FILE"; then
log_action "INFO" "Cleared swap files successfully"
log_action "ERROR" "Failed to clear swap files"
# Remove files older than 30 days in Downloads
log_action "INFO" "Removing files older than 30 days from the Downloads Directory..."
if find ~/Downloads -type f -mtime +30 -exec rm -rf {} \; 2>>"$LOG_FILE"; then
log_action "INFO" "Removed files older than 30 days successfully"
log_action "ERROR" "Failed to remove files older than 30 days"
# Remove files older than 30 days in Documents
log_action "INFO" "Removing files older than 30 days from the Documents Directory..."
if find ~/Documents -type f -mtime +30 -exec rm -rf {} \; 2>>"$LOG_FILE"; then
log_action "INFO" "Removed files older than 30 days successfully"
log_action "ERROR" "Failed to remove files older than 30 days"
# Remove files older than 30 days in the root of Documents
log_action "INFO" "Removing files older than 30 days from the root of the Documents Directory..."
if find ~/Documents -maxdepth 1 -type f -mtime +30 -exec rm -f {} \; 2>>"$LOG_FILE"; then
log_action "INFO" "Removed files older than 30 days successfully"
log_action "ERROR" "Failed to remove files older than 30 days"
# Flush DNS cache
log_action "INFO" "Flushing DNS cache..."
if dscacheutil -flushcache && killall -HUP mDNSResponder >>"$LOG_FILE" 2>&1; then
log_action "INFO" "Flushed DNS cache successfully"
log_action "ERROR" "Failed to flush DNS cache"
# Empty the Trash
log_action "INFO" "Emptying the Trash..."
if rm -rf "$HOME/.Trash/*" 2>>"$LOG_FILE"; then
log_action "INFO" "Emptied the Trash successfully"
log_action "ERROR" "Failed to empty the Trash"
log_action "INFO" "Rebuilding Spotlight index..."
if mdutil -E / >>"$LOG_FILE" 2>&1; then
log_action "INFO" "Rebuilt Spotlight index successfully"
log_action "ERROR" "Failed to rebuild Spotlight index"
log_action "INFO" "Resetting system logs..."
if rm -rf /var/log/* 2>>"$LOG_FILE"; then
log_action "INFO" "Reset system logs successfully"
log_action "ERROR" "Failed to reset system logs"
log_action "INFO" "Verifying and repairing disk..."
if diskutil verifyVolume / >>"$LOG_FILE" 2>&1; then
log_action "INFO" "Disk verified successfully"
log_action "ERROR" "Disk verification failed"
if diskutil repairVolume / >>"$LOG_FILE" 2>&1; then
log_action "INFO" "Disk repaired successfully (if needed)"
log_action "ERROR" "Disk repair failed"
# Searching for unused applications
log_action "INFO" "Searching for unused applications..."
find /Applications -type d -atime +180 -exec echo "Unused: {}" \; >>"$LOG_FILE" 2>&1 || log_action "ERROR" "Failed to search for unused applications"
# Checking battery health
log_action "INFO" "Checking battery health..."
ioreg -l | grep -i "CycleCount\|DesignCapacity\|FullChargeCapacity" >>"$LOG_FILE" 2>&1 || log_action "ERROR" "Failed to retrieve battery health information"
# Generating system report
log_action "INFO" "Generating system report..."
echo "System Report"
echo "Disk Usage:"
df -h
echo "Memory Usage:"
} >> "$HOME/system_report.txt" || log_action "ERROR" "Failed to generate system report"
# Checking for macOS updates
log_action "INFO" "Checking for macOS updates..."
if softwareupdate -l >>"$LOG_FILE" 2>&1; then
log_action "INFO" "Checked for macOS updates successfully"
log_action "ERROR" "Failed to check for macOS updates"
# Display available disk space
log_action "INFO" "Cleanup complete!"
log_action "INFO" "Available disk space after cleanup:"
df -h / | tee -a "$LOG_FILE"
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