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Last active August 29, 2015 14:14
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generics deadlock example
import Foundation
// Build this as an OS X command line project, then run it. It should never terminate.
enum Value<T> {
case Nil
case Cons(T, LinkedList<T>)
final class LinkedList<T> {
let value : Value<T>
// Build the empty list
init() {
value = .Nil
// Build a list with only one item
init(_ item: T) {
value = .Cons(item, LinkedList())
// Build a list by adding an item to an existing list
init(_ item: T, next: LinkedList<T>) {
value = .Cons(item, next)
func main() {
// let myList : LinkedList<Int> = LinkedList(15, next: LinkedList(20, next: LinkedList(18)))
let myList : LinkedList<String> = LinkedList("hello")
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