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Dietrich Ayala autonome

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autonome / betterSeesmic.js
Created November 8, 2010 16:44
Some changes to make Seesmic Web use space more efficiently.
// Should make it a sliding drawer
document.getElementById("sideBarPanel").style.display = "none";
autonome / awesomedata.js
Created November 9, 2010 15:49
Jetpack module for querying the datasource that powers the Firefox awesomebar.
const { Ci, Cc, Cu } = require("chrome");
Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/Services.jsm", this);
Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/XPCOMUtils.jsm", this);
function AutoCompleteInput(aSearches) {
this.searches = aSearches;
AutoCompleteInput.prototype = {
autonome / commands.js
Created November 22, 2010 08:44
Jetpack module for searching and executing browser commands
Module for searching available commands in the browser.
Allows searching and execution of commands in Firefox, such as
'Back', 'Zoom In', 'Reload'.
Example that adds buttons to the add-on bar for every command,
which trigger the command when clicked:
autonome / ext-editor.js
Created December 1, 2010 08:46
CommonJS module for Jetpack for choosing and loading strings in an external editor.
* Module for using an external editor.
* Example where the user will be prompted for the path
* to their editor of choice. The callback is passed the
* entirety of the changed contents, whenever a change is
* detected.
* const extEditor = require("ext-editor");
autonome / newtab.js
Created December 12, 2010 02:23
CommonJS module for Jetpack that allows you to set the URI to load when a new tab is opened.
exports.setURI = function setURI(uri) {
let window = require("window-utils").activeWindow;
// Make BrowserOpenTab point to the new tab uri instead of about:blank
window.eval(window.BrowserOpenTab.toSource().replace(/about:blank/g, uri));
// Clear out the new tab url
window.eval(window.URLBarSetURI.toSource().replace(/}$/, 'if (gURLBar.value == "' + uri + '") gURLBar.value = ""; $&'));
autonome / btoa.js
Created May 10, 2011 16:24
jetpack btoa
const { Cc, Ci } = require("chrome");
function base64encode(str) {
var wm = Cc[";1"].
return wm.getMostRecentWindow("navigator:browser").btoa(str);
autonome / poucherror.txt
Created August 1, 2012 05:41
pouch error
Sample code:
Pouch('idb://test', function(err, db) {
if (!err)
console.log('DB OPENED', db)
console.log('ERROR OPENING DB', err);
[22:36:45.849] ERROR OPENING DB ({status:500, error:"error", reason:({})}) @ http://localhost/pouch.html:75
autonome / transitively-blocking-bookmarklet
Created September 18, 2012 21:26
Transitively-blocking Bookmarket - see a list of all bugs in the dependency chaing that are blocking a given bug. For use when on a bug details page on Bugzilla.
autonome / blocking-template
Created October 1, 2012 15:29
Blocking-. We have to focus on stabilization and fixing of functional bugs, see
Once the functional issues are fixed, if a patch becomes available for this issue and it has tests and passes the smoketest, file it at and ask for driver approval.
autonome / gist:4965107
Created February 16, 2013 01:55
jitsu log
squirple:bugdata dietrich$ jitsu deploy
path.existsSync is now called `fs.existsSync`.
info: Welcome to Nodejitsu
info: It worked if it ends with Nodejitsu ok
info: Executing command deploy
info: Analyzing your application dependencies in start.js
warn: Creating new snapshot for version 0.0.1-1
info: Done creating snapshot 0.0.1-1
error: Error running command deploy
error: Nodejitsu Error (500): Internal Server Error