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Last active February 21, 2018 10:58
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  • Save avatar-lavventura/10cf7a28565c881f4c8a03b9d0d76d87 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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MyStyle/.style={draw, minimum width=2em, minimum height=2em, outer sep=0pt, node distance = 0.01cm },
\matrix (A) [matrix of math nodes, nodes = {draw,align=center}, nodes={MyStyle, anchor=center, }, column sep=-\pgflinewidth]
{10\\ 10 & 20\\ 20 & 33\\ 15 \\};
\begin{scope}[-{Stealth[length = 5.0pt]}]
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    MyStyle/.style={draw, minimum width=2em, minimum height=2em, outer sep=0pt, node distance = 0.01cm },
\matrix (A) [
   matrix of nodes, % removed math
   nodes = {
    text width=5mm, % added
  column sep=-\pgflinewidth
{ {10\\ 10} & {20\\ 20} & {33\\ 15} \\};

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