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Created April 22, 2020 11:07
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<div class="mx-n2_5 mx-xl-0">
'slider-container main-slider mx-auto mt-2 mt-xl-4_75 mb-0 mb-xl-6_75 px-2_5 px-xl-0 pb-7 pb-xl-0': true,
<SwiperSlide class="slider-slide text-center flex align-items-center justify-content-center position-relative" v-for="slide in slides" :key="slide.image">
<div class="embed-responsive slider-slide-embed rounded-xl">
<a class="stretched-link" :href="slide.url">
<picture class="w-100 h-100">
<source :srcset="slide.image" type="image/jpg" media="(min-width: 768px)">
<source :srcset="slide.imageMobile" type="image/jpg">
<img class="embed-responsive-item cover-object" :src="slide.image" loading="lazy" />
'swiper-pagination slider-pagination d-xl-none': true,
'mb-2_5': $device.isDesktopOrTablet,
'slider-pagination-mobile mb-2_5': $device.isMobile,
<div class="swiper-button-prev slider-prev w-7_25 h-7_25 rounded-pill" title="Назад" slot="button-prev" v-if="$device.isDesktopOrTablet">
<svgicon class="text-white w-3 h-3" name="chevron-left" />
<div class="swiper-button-next slider-next w-7_25 h-7_25 rounded-pill" title="Вперед" slot="button-next" v-if="$device.isDesktopOrTablet">
<svgicon class="text-white w-3 h-3" name="chevron-right" />
import { Swiper, SwiperSlide, directive } from 'vue-awesome-swiper';
import 'swiper/css/swiper.css';
import '@/components/icons/chevron-left';
import '@/components/icons/chevron-right';
export default {
data() {
return {
slides: [
{ image: "/images/banner-01-desktop.jpg", imageMobile: "/images/banner-01-mobile.jpg", url: "#" },
{ image: "/images/banner-01-desktop.jpg", imageMobile: "/images/banner-01-mobile.jpg", url: "#" },
{ image: "/images/banner-01-desktop.jpg", imageMobile: "/images/banner-01-mobile.jpg", url: "#" },
swiperOptions: {
effect: 'coverflow',
loop: true,
grabCursor: true,
centeredSlides: true,
slidesPerView: 1,
spaceBetween: 20,
slideToClickedSlide: true,
noSwiping: true,
coverflowEffect: {
rotate: 0,
stretch: 0,
depth: 0,
modifier: 1,
slideShadows : false,
breakpoints: {
1200: {
slidesPerView: 2,
spaceBetween: 0,
coverflowEffect: {
rotate: 0,
stretch: 240,
depth: 100,
modifier: 1,
slideShadows : false,
pagination: {
el: '.swiper-pagination',
navigation: {
nextEl: '.swiper-button-next',
prevEl: '.swiper-button-prev',
computed: {
swiper() {
return this.$refs.mySwiper.$swiper;
mounted() {
// console.log('Current Swiper instance object', this.swiper)
// this.swiper.slideTo(3, 1000, false)
components: {
directives: {
swiper: directive,
<style lang="scss">
.main-slider {
max-width: 1404px;
.slider-slide {
width: calc(100% / 2);
@media (max-width: 1200px) {
width: 100%;
&:not(.swiper-slide-active) .stretched-link {
pointer-events: none !important;
.slider-slide-embed {
transition: all .2s;
transform: scale(.7);
&::before {
padding-top: percentage(311 / 702);
.embed-responsive-item {
filter: blur(5px);
@media (max-width: 1200px) {
filter: none;
.slider-slide.swiper-slide-active .slider-slide-embed {
transform: scale(1);
.embed-responsive-item {
filter: none;
.slider-slide.swiper-slide-prev .slider-slide-embed,
.slider-slide.swiper-slide-next .slider-slide-embed, {
transform: scale(.85);
@media (max-width: 1200px) {
transform: scale(1);
.slider-next {
margin-top: calc(-1 * 3.625rem / 2);
@media (max-width: 1200px) {
margin-top: calc(-1 * 3.625rem / 2 + -1 * 3.5rem / 2);
.slider-prev {
left: calc(25% - 1.8125rem);
@media (max-width: 1200px) {
left: 1.25rem;
.slider-next {
right: calc(25% - 1.8125rem);
@media (max-width: 1200px) {
right: 1.25rem;
'match-info d-flex flex-nowrap align-items-center justify-content-center row no-gutters': true,
'match-info-info': variant == 'info',
'match-info-info-small': variant == 'info-small',
'match-info-info-medium': variant == 'info-medium',
'match-info-short': variant == 'short',
'match-info-short-small': variant == 'short-small',
'match-info-short-medium': variant == 'short-medium',
'match-info-text': variant == 'text',
'match-info-layout-center': layout == 'center',
'match-info-layout-side': layout == 'side',
'match-info-mobile': $device.isMobile,
'col': layout == 'center',
'col-auto': layout == 'side',
:text="variant == 'text'"
<div class="match-info-sep text-center mx-1 col-auto" v-if="variant == 'text' && layout == 'side'">&ndash;</div>
<div class="match-info-sep text-gray-525 w-5_5 mx-1 text-center col-auto" v-if="variant == 'short' || variant == 'short-small' || variant == 'short-medium'">vs</div>
'col': layout == 'center',
'col-auto': layout == 'side',
:text="variant == 'text'"
<div class="flex-grow-1" v-if="layout == 'side'"></div>
'd-flex match-info-secondary order-2 col-auto': true,
'flex-column text-center px-2_25': variant != 'text' && $device.isDesktopOrTablet,
'flex-column text-center px-2': variant != 'text' && $device.isMobile,
'flex-row align-items-center': variant == 'text' && $device.isDesktopOrTablet,
'flex-row align-items-center': variant == 'text' && $device.isMobile,
v-if="variant != 'short' && variant != 'short-small' && variant != 'short-medium'"
'text-nowrap match-info-time': true,
'text-nowrap text-gray-525 match-info-date': true,
15 января
import MatchTeam from '@/components/match/match-team';
export default {
data() {
return {
sizeTeamMap: {
'info': 'large',
'info-small': 'small',
'info-medium': 'medium',
'short': 'large',
'short-small': 'small',
'short-medium': 'medium',
'text': 'small',
props: {
variant: {
type: String,
default: 'info', // info info-medium info-small short short-medium short-small text
layout: {
type: String,
default: 'center', // center side
components: {
<style lang="scss">
.match-info-layout-center {
.match-team-1 {
order: 1;
.match-team-2 {
order: 3;
&.match-info-info .match-info-secondary,
&.match-info-info-medium .match-info-secondary,
&.match-info-info-small .match-info-secondary {
order: 2;
&.match-info-short .match-info-sep,
&.match-info-short-medium .match-info-sep,
&.match-info-short-small .match-info-sep {
order: 2;
.match-info-info .match-info-time,
.match-info-short .match-info-time {
font-size: var(--text-3xl);
.match-info-info.match-info-mobile .match-info-time,
.match-info-short.match-info-mobile .match-info-time {
font-size: var(--text-4xl);
.match-info-info .match-info-date,
.match-info-short .match-info-date {
font-size: var(--text-lg);
.match-info-info.match-info-mobile .match-info-date,
.match-info-short.match-info-mobile .match-info-date {
font-size: var(--text-xl);
.match-info-text.match-info-mobile .match-info-time {
font-size: var(--text-2xl);
.match-info-text.match-info-mobile .match-info-date {
font-size: var(--text-base);
.match-info-info-medium .match-info-time,
.match-info-short-medium .match-info-time {
font-size: var(--text-xl);
.match-info-info-medium .match-info-date,
.match-info-short-medium .match-info-date {
font-size: var(--text-sm);
'match-table-body bg-white text-gray-950': true,
'match-table-body-mobile': $device.isMobile,
<b-tr class="match-table-row h-1" v-if="$device.isDesktopOrTablet">
<b-td class="match-table-cell cell-hr p-0 bg-black" colspan="9"></b-td>
<b-tr class="match-table-row first h-1_25" v-if="$device.isDesktopOrTablet">
<b-td class="match-table-cell cell-hr p-0" colspan="9"></b-td>
<b-tr class="match-table-row" v-if="$device.isMobile">
<b-th class="match-table-cell align-middle font-weight-semibold text-xl" colspan="3">
Мы нашли:
<b-tr class="match-table-row">
<b-td class="match-table-cell text-center align-middle cell-date" rowspan="2" v-if="$device.isDesktopOrTablet">
<strong class="text-xl time d-block">21:00</strong>
<small class="text-sm font-weight-medium text-gray-525 d-block day">Сегодня</small>
<b-td class="match-table-cell align-middle text-center cell-match" rowspan="2" v-if="$device.isDesktopOrTablet">
<MatchInfo variant="short-small" />
<b-th class="match-table-cell align-middle font-weight-semibold text-lg text-white bg-red-500 rounded-tl-xl" v-if="$device.isDesktopOrTablet">
Мы нашли
<b-td class="match-table-cell cell-bet text-center align-middle">
<BetFactor factor="1.5" percent="13" outline />
<b-td class="match-table-cell cell-bet text-center align-middle">
<BetFactor factor="1.5" percent="13" outline />
'match-table-cell cell-bet text-center align-middle': true,
'rounded-tr-xl': $device.isDesktopOrTablet,
<BetFactor factor="1.5" percent="13" outline />
<b-td class="match-table-cell p-0 cell-vr w-1_25" rowspan="2" v-if="$device.isDesktopOrTablet"></b-td>
<b-td class="match-table-cell text-center align-middle font-weight-bold text-base text-primary bg-gray-200 cell-count rounded-xl" rowspan="2" v-if="$device.isDesktopOrTablet">
<b-td class="match-table-cell p-0 cell-vr w-1_25" rowspan="2" v-if="$device.isDesktopOrTablet"></b-td>
<b-tr class="match-table-row" v-if="$device.isMobile">
class="match-table-cell align-middle font-weight-semibold text-xl" colspan="3">
Букмекеры РФ:
'match-table-row': true,
'last': $device.isMobile,
<b-th class="match-table-cell align-middle font-weight-semibold text-xs text-gray-950 bg-gray-300 rounded-bl-xl" v-if="$device.isDesktopOrTablet">
Букмекеры России
'match-table-cell text-center align-middle bg-gray-200': true,
'text-lg': $device.isDesktopOrTablet,
'text-xl': $device.isMobile,
'match-table-cell text-center align-middle bg-gray-200': true,
'text-lg': $device.isDesktopOrTablet,
'text-3xl': $device.isMobile,
'match-table-cell text-center align-middle bg-gray-200': true,
'text-lg rounded-br-xl': $device.isDesktopOrTablet,
'text-3xl': $device.isMobile,
<b-tr class="match-table-row last h-1_25" v-if="$device.isDesktopOrTablet">
<b-td class="match-table-cell cell-hr p-0" colspan="9"></b-td>
import MatchInfo from '@/components/match/match-info';
import BetFactor from '@/components/bet/bet-factor';
export default {
components: {
<style lang="scss">
.match-table-body {
.match-table-row.first .match-table-cell {
&:last-child {
position: relative;
&:last-child::after {
position: absolute;
content: '';
width: 10px;
height: 10px;
overflow: hidden;
background-image: url('');
&:first-child::before {
top: 0;
left: 0;
background-position: 0 0;
&:last-child::after {
top: 0;
right: 0;
background-position: 100% 0;
.match-table-row.last .match-table-cell {
&:first-child {
border-bottom-left-radius: 10px;
&:last-child {
border-bottom-right-radius: 10px;
.match-table-cell.cell-bet {
background-color: var(--primary);
.match-table-body-mobile {
td.match-table-cell {
padding-top: .625rem;
padding-bottom: .625rem;
&.cell-bet {
padding-top: .875rem;
padding-bottom: .875rem;
th.match-table-cell {
padding-top: .25rem;
padding-bottom: .25rem;
.match-table-cell.cell-bet {
background-color: var(--gray-200);
'd-flex flex-nowrap align-items-center match-team': true,
'match-team-1': !second,
'match-team-2 flex-row-reverse': second,
'match-team-large': size == 'large',
'match-team-medium': size == 'medium',
'match-team-small': size == 'small',
<div class="flex-grow-1">
'match-team-name': true,
'text-right': !second,
'text-left': second,
'text-2xl font-weight-bold': size == 'large' && $device.isDesktopOrTablet,
'text-xl font-weight-bold': size == 'large' && $device.isMobile,
'text-sm-2 font-weight-semibold': size == 'medium' && $device.isDesktopOrTablet,
'text-xl font-weight-semibold': size == 'medium' && $device.isMobile,
'text-sm-2 font-weight-semibold': size == 'small' && $device.isDesktopOrTablet,
'text-xl font-weight-semibold': size == 'small' && $device.isMobile,
{{ namesMap[name] }}
'match-team-logo cover-object flex-shrink-0': true,
'ml-2_5': size == 'large' && !second,
'mr-2_5': size == 'large' && second,
'ml-2_25': size == 'medium' && !second,
'mr-2_25': size == 'medium' && second,
'ml-2': size == 'small' && !second,
'mr-2': size == 'small' && second,
'w-7_5 h-7_5': size == 'large',
'w-6 h-6': size == 'medium',
'w-3_75 h-3_75': size == 'small',
export default {
data() {
return {
logosMap: {
'manchester-united': '/team-logos/manchester-united.svg',
'chelsea': '/team-logos/chelsea.svg',
namesMap: {
'manchester-united': 'Манчестер Юнайтед',
'chelsea': 'Челси',
props: {
name: {
type: String,
default: 'Нонейм',
logo: {
type: String,
default: '',
text: {
type: Boolean,
default: false,
second: {
type: Boolean,
default: false,
size: {
type: String,
default: 'large', // large medium small
components: {
<style lang="scss">
.match-team {
&-name {
line-height: 1.2;
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