## My project

## Tech Stack

**Client:** React, Redux, TailwindCSS

**Server:** Node, Express

## Contributing

Contributions are always welcome!

See `contributing.md` for ways to get started.

Please adhere to this project's `code of conduct`.

## Installation

Install my-project with npm

  npm install my-project
  cd my-project

## Environment Variables

To run this project, you will need to add the following environment variables to your .env file



## Running Tests

To run tests, run the following command

  npm run test

## Deployment

To deploy this project run

  npm run deploy

## Authors

- [@avneesh0612](https://www.github.com/avneesh0612)

## 🚀 About Me
I'm a full-stack developer...

# Hi, I'm Avneesh! 👋

## 🔗 Links

## 🛠 Skills
Javascript, HTML, CSS...

## License
