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Created July 17, 2019 17:23
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JWS in Vault
# JOSE header and JWT payload
HEADER='{"alg": "ES256","typ": "JWT"}'
PAYLOAD='{"sub": "1234567890","name": "John Doe"}'
# Create a key in Vault.
vault write transit/keys/mykey exportable=true type=ecdsa-p256
# Prepare header and payload for signing
HEADER_B64=$(echo $HEADER | openssl base64 -A)
PAYLOAD_B64=$(echo $PAYLOAD | openssl base64 -A)
MESSAGE=$(echo -n "$HEADER_B64.$PAYLOAD_B64" | openssl base64 -A)
# Sign the message using JWS marshaling type, and remove the vault key
JWS=$(vault write -format=json transit/sign/mykey input=$MESSAGE
marshaling_algorithm=jws | jq -r .data.signature | cut -d ":" -f3)
# Combine to build the JWT
printf "\nJWT:\n"
echo $JWT
# Export the the key and print out the public key portion
vault read -format=json transit/export/signing-key/mykey/1 | jq -r
'.data.keys."1"' > /tmp/privkey
printf "\nPublic Key:\n"
openssl ec -in /tmp/privkey -pubout 2>/dev/null
# You should be able to successfully decode the JWT on
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