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Created June 15, 2015 13:30
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| Tests a container.
| Tries to find an as simple as possible sequence that raises an error.
// if defined checks for uninitialed variable access
// undefined for use similar to simpletest.
#define CHECK_INIT
// if defined traces memory use
// only on GNU/Unix systems, must be compiled with '-g'
//#define MEM_TRACE
#include "Container.h"
#include <set>
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cstring>
#include <sstream>
#include <random>
#ifdef MEM_TRACE
#include <map>
#include <execinfo.h>
bool trace = false;
#define MAX_BACKTRACE 10
#define TRACE_ON { trace = true; }
#define TRACE_OFF { trace = false; }
class MemEntry {
public :
size_t size;
void ** trace_p;
int trace_n;
std::map<void *, MemEntry *> memory;
char * arg0;
#define TRACE_ON
#define TRACE_OFF
#define ETYPE UInt
#define EVAL( e ) ( ( e ).value() )
#define ETYPE unsigned int
#define EVAL( e ) ( e )
using namespace std;
#ifdef MEM_TRACE
void * operator new( size_t size )
void *p = malloc( size );
memset( p, 0xaa, size );
if( trace ) {
MemEntry * me = new MemEntry;
me->size = size;
me->trace_p = new void*[ MAX_BACKTRACE ];
me->trace_n = backtrace( me->trace_p, MAX_BACKTRACE );
memory[ p ] = me;
return p;
void * operator new[ ](size_t size )
void *p = malloc( size );
memset( p, 0xaa, size );
if( trace ) {
MemEntry * me = new MemEntry;
me->size = size;
me->trace_p = new void*[ MAX_BACKTRACE ];
me->trace_n = backtrace( me->trace_p, MAX_BACKTRACE );
memory[ p ] = me;
return p;
void operator delete( void *p )
if (!p) return;
if( trace ) {
MemEntry * me = memory[p];
delete me->trace_p;
memory.erase( p );
delete me;
free( p );
void operator delete[ ]( void *p )
if (!p) return;
if( trace ) {
MemEntry * me = memory[p];
delete me->trace_p;
memory.erase( p );
delete me;
free( p );
// an unsigned integer wrapper
class UInt
unsigned int val;
bool init;
public :
UInt() : init(false) {};
UInt(unsigned int val) : val(val), init(true) {};
unsigned int value() const
if( !init ) {
cout << "value() called on uninitialized value!\n";
exit( 1 );
return val;
bool operator == ( const UInt& u ) const
if( !init ) {
cout << "== called with uninitialized left side!\n";
exit( 1 );
if( !u.init ) {
cout << "== called with uninitialized right side!\n";
exit( 1 );
return val == u.val;
bool operator > ( const UInt& u ) const
if( !init ) {
cout << "> called with uninitialized left side!\n";
exit( 1 );
if( !u.init ) {
cout << "> called with uninitialized right side!\n";
exit( 1 );
return val > u.val;
std::ostream& print( std::ostream& o ) const
if ( !init ) {
return o << "(NOT INIT)";
return o << val;
std::istream& read( std::istream& i )
init = true;
return i >> val;
friend double doubleValue<UInt>( const UInt& u );
friend unsigned long hashValue<UInt>( const UInt& u );
friend unsigned long ordinalValue<UInt>( const UInt& u );
inline std::ostream& operator << ( std::ostream& o, const UInt& u )
return u.print( o );
inline std::istream& operator>>( std::istream& i, UInt& u )
return i );
template <> inline double doubleValue( const UInt& u )
if( !u.init ) {
cout << "doubleValue() called on uninitialized value!\n";
exit( 1 );
return doubleValue( u.val );
template <> inline unsigned long ordinalValue( const UInt& u )
if( !u.init ) {
cout << "ordinalValue() called on uninitialized value!\n";
exit( 1 );
return ordinalValue( u.val );
template <> inline unsigned long hashValue( const UInt& u )
if( !u.init ) {
cout << "hashValue called on uninitialized value!\n";
exit( 1 );
return hashValue( u.val );
// default values, description see help in struct Arg belowa
bool verbose = true;
bool testApply = true;
bool testRemove = true;
bool testMember = true;
unsigned int dataStart = 1;
unsigned int dataStop = 100;
unsigned int dataStep = 1;
unsigned int rangeStart = 1;
unsigned int rangeStop = 100;
unsigned int rangeStep = 1;
unsigned int seedStart = 1;
unsigned int seedStop = 5;
unsigned int seedStep = 1;
// a general command line parameter
class Arg
// indents show() and helpout() outputs
const static unsigned int indent = 8;
public :
string name;
string help;
// constructor
Arg( const char *name, const char *help ) :
name( name ),
help( help )
{ }
// shows current setting
virtual void show( )
cout << " " << name << ": ";
if( name.length( ) >= indent ) {
for( unsigned int i = 0; i < indent - name.length( ); i++ )
cout << " ";
// shows help string
void helpout( )
cout << " " << name << ": ";
if ( name.length( ) >= indent ) {
for( unsigned int i = 0; i < indent - name.length( ); i++ )
cout << " ";
cout << help << "\n";
// sets the parameter
virtual bool set( string &arg ) = 0;
// a boolean command line parameter
class ArgBool : public Arg
bool *p;
// constructor
ArgBool( const char *name, const char *help, bool *p ) :
Arg( name, help ),
p( p )
{ }
// shows current setting
virtual void show( )
Arg::show( );
cout << ( *p ? "true" : "false" ) << "\n";
// sets the parameter
virtual bool set( string &arg )
if( arg == "true" || arg == "yes" ) {
*p = true;
return true;
if( arg == "false" || arg == "no" ) {
*p = false;
return true;
return false;
// a range command line parameter
class ArgRange : public Arg
unsigned int *start, *stop, *step;
// constructor
const char *name,
const char *help,
unsigned int *start,
unsigned int *stop,
unsigned int *step
) :
Arg( name, help ),
start( start ),
stop( stop ),
step( step )
{ }
// shows current setting
virtual void show( )
Arg::show( );
cout << *start << "-" << *stop << "+" << *step << "\n";
// sets the parameter
virtual bool set( string &arg )
size_t p = arg.find_first_of( "-" );
string sstart( arg, 0, p == string::npos ? -1 : p );
istringstream istart( sstart );
istart >> ( *start );
if( p == string::npos )
*stop = *start + 1;
*step = 1;
return true;
arg.assign( arg, p + 1, -1 );
p = arg.find_first_of( "+" );
string sstop( arg, 0, p == string::npos ? -1 : p );
istringstream istop( sstop );
istop >> ( *stop );
if( p == string::npos )
return true;
arg.assign( arg, p + 1, -1 );
istringstream istep( arg );
istep >> ( *step );
return true;
class Arg *args[ ] =
new class ArgBool (
"if true babbles a lot",
new class ArgBool (
"if true also calls remove()",
new class ArgBool (
"if true tests member() for all values in range",
new class ArgBool (
"if true tests apply",
new class ArgRange(
"tests with this amounts of values",
&dataStart, &dataStop, &dataStep
new class ArgRange(
"largest possible value",
&rangeStart, &rangeStop, &rangeStep
new class ArgRange(
"tests with theses count of values",
&seedStart, &seedStop, &seedStep
// called by apply()
set<unsigned int> applyData;
unsigned int applyRange;
Order applyOrder;
// called by apply()
void applyCall( const ETYPE & e )
if( verbose )
cout << "rcv : " << e << "\n";
if( EVAL( e ) < 0 || EVAL( e ) >= applyRange )
cout << "apply() returned out of range: " << e << "\n";
exit( 1 );
if( !applyData.count( EVAL( e ) ) )
cout << "apply() returned wrong value: " << e << "\n";
exit( 1 );
switch(applyOrder) {
case ascending :
if( EVAL( e ) != *( applyData.begin( ) ) ) {
cout << "apply() returned out of order: " << e <<
" expected " << *(applyData.begin()) << "\n";
exit( 1 );
case descending :
if( EVAL( e ) != *( applyData.rbegin( ) ) ) {
cout << "apply() returned out of order: " << e <<
" expected " << *(applyData.begin()) << "\n";
exit( 1 );
case dontcare :
applyData.erase( EVAL( e ) );
std::default_random_engine atestGenerator;
std::uniform_int_distribution<unsigned int> atestDistribution(
0,(unsigned int)-1
unsigned int atestRand( )
return atestDistribution( atestGenerator );
| performs one test run for ndata values between 0 and range
| with seed as randomseed
int test(
unsigned int ndata,
unsigned int range,
unsigned int seed
set<unsigned int> data;
if ( verbose )
cout << "Creating a container\n" ;
cout << "test (" <<
"data=" << ndata << ", " <<
"range=" << range << ", " <<
"seed=" << seed << ")" << "\n" ;
atestGenerator.seed( seed );
// reset global random generators for cuckoo
srand( 0 );
//generator.seed( 0 );
for( unsigned int i = 0; i < ndata; i++ ) {
unsigned int w = atestRand() % range;
if( !testRemove || atestRand() % 2 ) {
if( verbose ) {
cout << "add " << w << "\n";
data.insert( w );
c->add( w );
} else {
if( verbose ) {
cout << "rem " << w << "\n";
data.erase( w );
c->remove( w );
if( verbose ) cout << "\n";
if( testMember ) {
for( unsigned int i = 0; i < range; i++ ) {
if( verbose ) {
cout << "mem " << i << "\n";
bool val = c->member( i );
if( !!data.count( i ) != !!val ) {
cout << "member(" << i << ") = " <<
(val ? "true" : "false") << " but expected " <<
(data.count( i ) ? "true" : "false") << "\n";
cout << "range:" << range << "\n";
cout << "data:" << ndata << "\n";
cout << "seed:" << seed << "\n";
cout << "Container Print:\n";
c->print( cout );
cout << "\nexpected:\n";
bool first = true;
set<unsigned int>::const_iterator it = data.begin( );
it != data.end( );
) {
cout << (first ? "" : ", ") << *it;
first = false;
cout << "\n";
return 1;
if( testApply )
for( int order = dontcare; order <= descending; order++ )
if( verbose ) {
switch( order ) {
case dontcare :
cout << "testing apply(dontcare)\n";
case ascending :
cout << "testing apply(ascending)\n";
case descending :
cout << "testing apply(descending)\n";
applyData = data;
applyRange = range;
applyOrder = (Order) order;
c->apply( applyCall, ( Order ) order );
if( !applyData.empty( ) ) {
cout << "apply forgot :";
bool first = true;
set<unsigned int>::const_iterator it = applyData.begin( );
it != applyData.end( );
) {
cout << ( first ? "" : ", " ) << *it;
first = false;
cout << "\n";
exit( 1 );
if( !data.empty( ) ) {
if( verbose ) {
cout << "testing min\n";
ETYPE e = c->min( );
if( !(e == *data.begin( ) ) ) {
cout << "min got " << e <<
" expected " << *data.begin( ) << "\n";
exit( 1 );
if( verbose ) {
cout << "tesing max\n";
e = c->max( );
if( !(e == *(--data.end( ) ) ) ) {
cout << "max got " << e <<
" expected " << *(-- data.end( ) ) << "\n";
exit( 1 );
if ( verbose )
cout << "Deleting a container\n" ;
delete c;
#ifdef MEM_TRACE
if( memory.size() ) {
std::cout << "Unfreed memory!\n";
std::map<void *, MemEntry *>::iterator it = memory.begin();
void * p = it->first;
MemEntry * me = it->second;
std::cout << "first unfreed entry: " << p << "\n";
ostringstream call;
call << "/usr/bin/addr2line -e " << arg0;
for( int i = 1; i < me->trace_n; i++ ) {
call << " " << me->trace_p[ i ];
system( call.str( ).c_str( ) );
std::cout << "\n\n";
exit( 1 );
return 0;
void parseArg(string &arg)
size_t p = arg.find_first_of( "=" );
if( p == string::npos ) {
throw "\"" + arg + "\" equal sign missing";
string aname( arg, 0, p );
arg.assign( arg, p + 1, ( size_t ) -1 );
struct Arg ** a;
for ( a = args; *a && aname != ( *a )->name; a++ );
if( !a ) {
throw "Unknown argument \"" + aname + "\"";
if( !(*a)->set( arg ) ) {
throw "Invalid value \"" + arg + "\"";
int main( int argc, char **argv )
std::cout << RAND_MAX;
#ifdef MEM_TRACE
arg0 = argv[0];
string arg;
try {
for( int i = 1; i < argc; i++ ) {
parseArg(arg.assign( argv[ i ] ) );
} catch( string &e ) {
cerr << "Error: " << e << "\n\n" <<
"Usage: " << argv[0] << " [OPTIONS]\n\n" <<
"Options: [NAME]=[VALUE]\n";
for ( struct Arg ** a = args; *a; a++ ) {
(*a)->helpout( );
cerr << "\nExample:\n " << argv[ 0 ] << " verbose=false data=1-1000+5\n\n";
return 1;
cout << "testing with\n";
for( struct Arg ** a = args; *a; a++ )
(*a)->show( );
for( unsigned int ndata = dataStart; ndata < dataStop; ndata += dataStep ) {
for( unsigned int range = rangeStart; range < rangeStop; range += rangeStep ) {
for( unsigned int seed = seedStart; seed < seedStop; seed += seedStep ) {
if( test(ndata, range, seed)) return 1;
cout << "Success!\n";
return 0;
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