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ayman / copilot-helper.el
Last active March 30, 2023 20:51
Load and config Github Copilot for Emacs.
;;; copilot-helper --- Just helping run copilot safely.
;;; Commentary:
;; Reworking of and
;;; Code:
(use-package copilot
:straight (:host github :repo "zerolfx/copilot.el" :files ("dist" "*.el"))
ayman /
Last active January 25, 2022 07:22
Scan BLE packets from an Adafruit CLUE for a certain MAC address, get the advertisement data, repeat.
from adafruit_ble import BLERadio
# from adafruit_ble.advertising import Advertisement
# from adafruit_ble.advertising.standard import ProvideServicesAdvertisement
found = set()
scan_responses = set()
running = True
count = 0
ayman /
Last active April 8, 2021 04:57
How to push firmware to MeloAudio MidiCommander using a Mac.
# Install brew from then install dfu-util
brew install dfu-util
# OR install dfu-util from
# then plug in and power on your device holding the D and Down buttons
# now find your device
dfu-util -l
# Verify that alt=0 is name="@Internal Flash..."
dfu-util -a 0 -D Midicommander_line6HX3x_V5.dfu
# Wait for it to should be good...
ayman / covid19-state-ratio.R
Last active March 31, 2020 23:24
A simple R ggplot of percent positive of covid cases by USA State.
dataUrl <- ""
c <- read.csv(dataUrl)
c$date <- as.Date(as.character(c$date), format = "%Y%m%d")
c_tmp <- c[order(c[c$date == max(c$date), ]$total, decreasing = TRUE), ]
states <- c_tmp[c_tmp$date == max(c_tmp$date), ]$state[1:10]
c[$pending), ]$pending <- 0
c$ratio <- (c$positive / (c$total - c$pending))
c <- c[c$state %in% states, ]
g <- ggplot(c, aes(x = date, y = ratio))
ayman /
Last active June 8, 2021 08:39
Control a LumeCubeAir from Python via BLE + bluepy.
from bluepy import btle
import struct
class LumeCube:
def __init__(self, mac):
self.mac = mac
self.SERVICE_UUID = "33826A4C-486A-11E4-A545-022807469BF0"
self.LIGHT_CHARACTERISTIC = "33826A4D-486A-11E4-A545-022807469BF0"
self.LIGHT_ON = struct.pack('>L', 0xFCA16400)
ayman / keras-mnist.R
Last active June 5, 2018 16:31
An example of training MNIST in R using Keras.
## From:
mnist <- dataset_mnist()
x_train <- mnist$train$x
y_train <- mnist$train$y
x_test <- mnist$test$x
y_test <- mnist$test$y
## reshape
ayman / .hadoop_alias
Last active August 12, 2017 08:25
My friend Jake hates typing `hdfs dfs -` so he made these aliases. Enjoy!
alias happendToFile='hdfs dfs -appendToFile'
alias hcat='hdfs dfs -cat'
alias hchecksum='hdfs dfs -checksum'
alias hchgrp='hdfs dfs -chgrp'
alias hchmod='hdfs dfs -chmod'
alias hchown='hdfs dfs -chown'
alias hcopyFromLocal='hdfs dfs -copyFromLocal'
alias hcopyToLocal='hdfs dfs -copyToLocal'
alias hcount='hdfs dfs -count'
alias hcp='hdfs dfs -cp'
ayman /
Last active April 24, 2017 13:06
This is an extra annotated, commented illustration example from a Keras tutorial.
# Tutorial from:
import numpy
from keras.datasets import cifar10
from matplotlib import pyplot
from scipy.misc import toimage
from keras.models import Sequential
from keras.layers import Dense
from keras.layers import Dropout
from keras.layers import Flatten
from keras.constraints import maxnorm
ayman /
Last active June 24, 2016 19:20
Simple wget script to slurp down a website for preservation.
if [[ $# -lt 2 ]] ; then
echo 'USAGE: ./'
exit 1
wget \
--recursive \
--no-clobber \
--page-requisites \
--html-extension \
ayman /
Last active June 9, 2016 00:50
Display a pretty status on a Raspberry Pi. I forget where I found the base script, but this has a few modifications.
## zip=94114
if [ -n "$1" ]; then
ip=`ip addr show scope global | grep inet | cut -d' ' -f6 | cut -d/ -f1 | tr "\n" " "`
oip=`wget -q -O - | tail`