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Created January 7, 2018 07:40
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Guidance for implementing Algolia.generate_secured_api_key
$(document).ready(function() {
var hitTemplate = '<a href="reports/{{{slug}}}" class="hit-report-card">' +
'<div id="preview_image" class="hit-report-img" style="content:url(<%= @attachments.find(6).image_url(:preview) %>);">ATTACHMENT ID: {{}}</div>' +
'<div class="hit-report-title dont-break-out">{{{_highlightResult.title.value}}}</div>' +
'<div class="hit-report-date">{{{date_in_words}}}</div>' +
'<div class="hit-report-user">{{user.first_name}} {{user.last_name}}</div>' +
'<div class="hit-report-type">A/B Test</div>' +
var search = instantsearch({
indexName: '<%= Report %>',
urlSync: true
container: '#q',
placeholder: 'Search for reports',
autofocus: false,
poweredBy: true
Sorry if this is a little long winded but I just want to ensure I communicate it properly (also I'm still learning Ruby & Rails so sorry if some issues are Rails questions than Algolia specific).
My Rails app has the following models:
- Company (has_many :users, has_many :reports)
- User (belongs_to :company, has_many :reports)
- Report (belongs_to :company, belongs_to :user)
I have managed to successfull indexed my Report model along with some nested attributes as shown below in the report.rb file.
I read this: and a few other articals that kind of gave me the impression
that the best way to multitenancy with Algolia was to add the company_id to the indexed Reports model and then user the generate_secured_api_key
to filter results from the backend so a user only see's their companies reports in the search results.
- Where does public_key = Algolia.generate_secured_api_key 'YourSearchOnlyApiKey', {'filters'=> '_tags:user_42'} go? In my Report model?
- Do I need to add a migration to my Report model to include a public_key?
- To display Reports where and indexed Report.company_id = what do I put in the 'filters' section? Or is it not a filter?
- Do I need to change anything in my index.html.erb view to display?
# Algolia Integration -
include AlgoliaSearch
algoliasearch do
# all attributes will be sent
attribute :id, :slug, :title, :overview, :result, :company_id, :user_id, :created_at, :updated_at, :date_in_words
attribute :user do
# Adds a nested model for User but restricts to first_name + last_name + email
{ first_name: user.first_name, last_name: user.last_name, email: }
attribute :attachment do
# Adds a nested model for Attachment
{ id: attachment_ids }
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