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Created November 25, 2011 15:16
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#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
use v5.10;
use Proc::Daemon;
use Sys::Syslog;
use IO::Async::Function;
use IO::Async::Stream;
use IO::Async::Loop;
use IO::Async::Listener;
use IO::Async::Timer::Periodic;
use IO::Async::Timer::Countdown;
use IPC::Shareable;
use IPC::Run3;
use IPC::Open3;
use JSON;
use Try::Tiny;
use POSIX ":sys_wait_h";
use constant SOCKNAME => "/tmp/bubba-disk.socket";
use constant PIDFILE => '/tmp/';
use constant MANAGER => '/usr/sbin/diskmanager';
use constant DELAY => 20;
my $daemon = Proc::Daemon->new(
work_dir => '/',
pid_file => PIDFILE
openlog('bubba-diskdaemon', "", "user");
syslog("info", "Starting up");
my $ppid = $$;
my %status;
tie %status, 'IPC::Shareable', $ppid, {
create => 'yes',
mode => 0666,
destroy => 'yes'
} or die "tie failed, stopped";
my $is_running = 0;
%status = (
overall_action => 'idle',
idle => 0,
progress => 0,
done => 0,
error => 0
sub reset_status {
$status{overall_action} = 'idle';
$status{is_idle} = 0;
$status{progress} = 0;
$status{done} = 0;
$status{error} = 0;
my $loop = IO::Async::Loop->new;
syslog("info", "shutting down");
unlink PIDFILE;
unlink SOCKNAME;
unlink SOCKNAME;
my $listener;
sub write_progress {
my($stream)= @_;
done => $status{done},
status => $status{status},
progress => sprintf("%.2f", $status{progress})
$listener = IO::Async::Listener->new(
on_stream => sub {
my ( undef, $stream ) = @_;
autoflush => 1,
on_read => sub {
my ( $self, $buffref, $eof ) = @_;
my $data = $$buffref;
$data =~ s/\s+$//;
my $request;
if(eval { $request = decode_json $data }) {
$$buffref = "";
given($request->{action}) {
when('add_to_lvm') {
if($is_running) {
$stream->write(encode_json({ error => "allready running" })."\n");
$is_running = 1;
try {
my $disk = $request->{disk} || die("Missing parameter 'disk'");
my $vg = $request->{vg} || die("Missing parameter 'vg'");
my $lv = $request->{lv} || die("Missing parameter 'lv'");
my $partition = "$disk"."1";
my $function = IO::Async::Function->new(
code => \&add_to_lvm
$loop->add( $function );
args => [$disk, $vg, $lv, $partition],
on_return => sub {
syslog("info", "returning from add_to_lvm");
$is_running = 0;
on_error => sub {
$is_running = 0;
die $_[0];
} catch {
$stream->write(encode_json({ error => "Caught error: $_[0]" })."\n");
$is_running = 0;
syslog('error',"Caught error: %s",$_[0]);
} finally {
write_progress($stream) unless $@;
when('create_raid_internal_lvm_external') {
if($is_running) {
$stream->write(encode_json({ error => "allready running" })."\n");
$is_running = 1;
try {
my $level = $request->{level} || die("Missing parameter 'level'");
my $external_disk = $request->{external} || die("Missing parameter 'external'");
my $function = IO::Async::Function->new(
code => \&create_raid
$loop->add( $function );
args => [$level, $external_disk],
on_return => sub {
syslog("info", "returning from create_raid");
$is_running = 0;
on_error => sub {
$is_running = 0;
die $_[0];
} catch {
$stream->write(encode_json({ error => "Caught error: $_[0]" })."\n");
$is_running = 0;
syslog('error',"Caught error: %s",$_[0]);
} finally {
write_progress($stream) unless $@;
if($is_running) {
$stream->write(encode_json({ error => "allready running" })."\n");
$is_running = 1;
try {
my $disk = $request->{disk} || die("Missing parameter 'disk'");
my $function = IO::Async::Function->new(
code => \&restore_raid_broken_external
$loop->add( $function );
args => [$disk],
on_return => sub {
syslog("info", "returning from restore_raid_broken_external");
$is_running = 0;
on_error => sub {
$is_running = 0;
die $_[0];
} catch {
$stream->write(encode_json({ error => "Caught error: $_[0]" })."\n");
$is_running = 0;
syslog('error',"Caught error: %s",$_[0]);
} finally {
write_progress($stream) unless $@;
when('restore_raid_broken_internal') {
if($is_running) {
$stream->write(encode_json({ error => "allready running" })."\n");
$is_running = 1;
try {
my $disk = $request->{disk} || die("Missing parameter 'disk'");
my $part = $request->{partition} || die("Missing parameter 'partition'");
my $function = IO::Async::Function->new(
code => \&restore_raid_broken_internal
$loop->add( $function );
args => [$disk, $part],
on_return => sub {
syslog("info", "returning from restore_raid_broken_internal");
$is_running = 0;
on_error => sub {
$is_running = 0;
die $_[0];
} catch {
$stream->write(encode_json({ error => "Caught error: $_[0]" })."\n");
$is_running = 0;
syslog('error',"Caught error: %s",$_[0]);
} finally {
write_progress($stream) unless $@;
when('format_disk') {
if($is_running) {
$stream->write(encode_json({ error => "allready running" })."\n");
$is_running = 1;
try {
my $disk = $request->{disk} || die("Missing parameter 'disk'");
my $label = $request->{label} || die("Missing parameter 'label'");
my $function = IO::Async::Function->new(
code => \&format_disk
$loop->add( $function );
args => [$disk, $label],
on_return => sub {
syslog("info", "returning from format_disk");
$is_running = 0;
on_error => sub {
$is_running = 0;
die $_[0];
} catch {
$stream->write(encode_json({ error => "Caught error: $_[0]" })."\n");
$is_running = 0;
syslog('error', "Caught error: %s", $_[0]);
} finally {
write_progress($stream) unless $@;
when('progress') {
try {
done => $status{done},
status => $status{status},
progress => sprintf("%.2f", $status{progress})
} catch {
$stream->write(encode_json({ error => "Caught error: $_[0]" })."\n");
syslog('error', "Caught error: %s", $_[0]);
when('status') {
try {
status => $status{overall_action}
} catch {
$stream->write(encode_json({ error => "Caught error: $_[0]" })."\n");
syslog('error', "Caught error: %s", $_[0]);
return 0;
read_all => 1,
$loop->add( $stream );
$loop->add( $listener );
addr => {
family => "unix",
socktype => "stream",
path => SOCKNAME
on_resolve_error => sub { print STDERR "Cannot resolve - $_[0]\n"; },
on_listen_error => sub { print STDERR "Cannot listen\n"; },
my $timer;
$timer = IO::Async::Timer::Periodic->new(
interval => DELAY,
first_interval => DELAY * 3,
on_tick => sub {
unless($is_running) {
syslog("info", "Idle timer encountered");
my $countdown = IO::Async::Timer::Countdown->new(
delay => DELAY/2,
on_expire => sub {
unless($is_running) {
} else {
syslog("info", "we wasn't idle...");
$loop->add( $countdown );
$loop->add( $timer );
sub progress {
my( $current, $max ) = @_;
$status{progress} = ($current / $max ) * 100;
sub add_to_lvm {
my($disk, $vg, $lv, $partition) = @_;
try {
$status{overall_action} = 'add_to_lvm';
my @cmd;
my $err;
my $cmd_str;
$status{progress} = 0;
# Disk partition
$status{status} = "Partition disk $disk";
@cmd = [ MANAGER, 'disk', 'partition', $disk, 'lvm' ];
my( $stdout_buf, $stderr_buf );
run3(@cmd, undef, \$stdout_buf, undef);
$err = decode_json($stdout_buf);
if( exists $err->{status} and $err->{status} == 0 ) {
$status{error} = 1;
$cmd_str = join( ' ', @{$cmd[0]} );
$status{status} = "Error: $err->{errmsg}: $cmd_str";
$status{progress} = 20;
# Creation of physical volume
$status{status} = "Creating physical volume for $partition";
@cmd = [ MANAGER, 'lv', 'pvcreate', $partition ];
run3(@cmd, undef, \$stdout_buf, undef);
$err = decode_json($stdout_buf);
if( exists $err->{status} and $err->{status} == 0 ) {
$status{error} = 1;
$cmd_str = join( ' ', @{$cmd[0]} );
$status{status} = "Error: $err->{errmsg}: $cmd_str";
$status{progress} = 40;
# Extension of volume group
$status{status} = "Extending volume group $vg";
@cmd = [ MANAGER, 'lv', 'vgextend', $vg, $partition ];
run3(@cmd, undef, \$stdout_buf, undef);
$err = decode_json($stdout_buf);
if( exists $err->{status} and $err->{status} == 0 ) {
$status{error} = 1;
$cmd_str = join( ' ', @{$cmd[0]} );
$status{status} = "Error: $err->{errmsg}: $cmd_str";
$status{progress} = 60;
# Extension of logical volume
$status{status} = "Extending logical volume $lv in the group $vg";
@cmd = [ MANAGER, 'lv', 'lvextend', "/dev/$vg/$lv" ];
run3(@cmd, undef, \$stdout_buf, undef);
$err = decode_json($stdout_buf);
if( exists $err->{status} and $err->{status} == 0 ) {
$status{error} = 1;
$cmd_str = join( ' ', @{$cmd[0]} );
$status{status} = "Error: $err->{errmsg}: $cmd_str";
$status{progress} = 80;
# Extension of the file system
$status{status} = "Extending the filesystem in volume $lv in the group $vg";
@cmd = [ MANAGER, 'disk', 'extend', "/dev/$vg/$lv" ];
run3(@cmd, undef, \$stdout_buf, undef);
$err = decode_json($stdout_buf);
if( exists $err->{status} and $err->{status} == 0 ) {
$status{error} = 1;
$cmd_str = join( ' ', @{$cmd[0]} );
$status{status} = "Error: $err->{errmsg}: $cmd_str";
$status{progress} = 100;
$status{status} = "Disk $disk has been sucessfully added to $vg-$lv";
$status{done} = 1;
} catch {
$status{done} = 1;
$status{error} = 1;
$status{status} = "Caught error: $_[0]";
$is_running = 0;
$status{overall_action} = 'idle';
sub create_raid {
my($level, $external_disk) = @_;
try {
$status{overall_action} = 'create_raid';
my $steps = 18;
my $vg = "bubba"; # bubba
my $lv = "storage"; # storage
my $internal = "/dev/sda2"; # /dev/sda2
my $mountpath = "/home"; # /home
my @services = (
[ 'cron', '/etc/init.d/cron' ],
[ 'squeezecenter', '/etc/init.d/squeezecenter' ],
[ 'mt-daapd', '/etc/init.d/mt-daapd' ],
[ 'minidlna', '/etc/init.d/minidlna' ],
[ 'proftpd', '/etc/init.d/proftpd' ],
[ 'netatalk', '/etc/init.d/netatalk' ],
[ 'cups', '/etc/init.d/cupsys' ],
[ 'ftd', '/etc/init.d/filetransferdaemon' ],
[ 'dovecot', '/etc/init.d/dovecot' ],
[ 'fetchmail', '/etc/init.d/fetchmail' ],
[ 'samba', '/etc/init.d/samba' ],
progress(0, $steps);
my $external = sprintf "%s%d", $external_disk, 1;
my( $stdout_buf, $stderr_buf );
my @cmd;
my $err;
my @devices;
my $vgs;
my $cmd_str;
# workaround for parted when modifying partition table
system('swapoff', '/dev/sda3');
@cmd = [ MANAGER, 'fstab','is_mounted', $external ];
run3(@cmd, undef, \$stdout_buf, undef);
$err = decode_json($stdout_buf);
if( ref $err eq 'HASH' and $err->{mounted} ) {
$status{status} = "Umounting $external_disk"."1" ;
@cmd = [ MANAGER, 'fstab','umount', $external ];
run3(@cmd, undef, \$stdout_buf, undef);
$err = decode_json($stdout_buf);
if( exists $err->{status} and $err->{status} == 0 ) {
die(sprintf("Error: %s in command %s", $err->{errmsg}, join( ' ', @{$cmd[0]} )))
# Removal of fstab entry
$status{status} = "Removing FsTab entry for $external_disk"."1";
@cmd = [ MANAGER, 'fstab','remove', $external ];
run3(@cmd, undef, \$stdout_buf, undef);
$err = decode_json($stdout_buf);
if( exists $err->{status} and $err->{status} == 0 ) {
die(sprintf("Error: %s in command %s", $err->{errmsg}, join( ' ', @{$cmd[0]} )))
progress(1, $steps);
# partition external
$status{status} = "Partition device $external_disk";
@cmd = [ MANAGER, 'disk','partition', "$external_disk", "raid" ];
run3(@cmd, undef, \$stdout_buf, undef);
$err = decode_json($stdout_buf);
if( exists $err->{status} and $err->{status} == 0 ) {
die(sprintf("Error: %s in command %s", $err->{errmsg}, join( ' ', @{$cmd[0]} )))
progress(2, $steps);
# grab lvs
@cmd = [ MANAGER, 'lv', 'list' ];
run3(@cmd, undef, \$stdout_buf, undef);
$vgs = decode_json($stdout_buf);
LOOP: foreach my $c_vg( @$vgs ) {
if( $c_vg->{name} eq $vg ) {
foreach my $c_lv( @{$c_vg->{lvs}} ) {
if( $c_lv->{name} eq $lv ) {
@devices = map {m#(/dev/\w+\d)#; $_=$1} @{$c_lv->{devices}};
last LOOP;
progress(3, $steps);
# Shutting down services
$status{status} = "Terminating running services";
foreach ( @services ) {
my( $service, $init_d ) = @$_;
next unless -x $init_d;
$status{status} = "Terminating $service";
system $init_d, 'stop';
progress(4, $steps);
# Backing up the system
$status{status} = "Backup system";
system 'mkdir', '/bkup';
system 'mkdir', '/bkup/web';
system 'mkdir', '/bkup/storage';
system 'mkdir', '/bkup/storage/pictures';
system 'mkdir', '/bkup/storage/music';
system 'mkdir', '/bkup/storage/video';
system 'mkdir', '/bkup/storage/extern';
system 'chown', "nobody:users", "--recursive", "/bkup/storage";
system 'chmod', "777", "--recursive", "/bkup/storage";
system 'chown', "root:users", "/bkup/storage";
system 'chown', "www-data:users", "/bkup/web";
system 'chmod', "770", "/bkup/web";
my @users;
open PASSWD, '/etc/passwd';
while (<PASSWD>) {
my($uname,$x,$uid,$gid,$realname,$homedir,$shell) = split ':', $_;
if( $uid >= 1000 && $uid < 65534 ) {
system 'mkdir', "/bkup/$uname";
system 'chmod', '755', "/bkup/$uname";
foreach my $file ( glob( '/etc/skel/*' ) ) {
system 'cp', '--recursive', $file, "/bkup/$uname";
system 'chown', "$uid:$gid", "--recursive", "/bkup/$uname";
if ( -f "/home/$uname/.bubbacfg" ) {
system 'cp', '--archive', "/home/$uname/.bubbacfg", "/bkup/$uname/.bubbacfg";
close PASSWD;
progress(5, $steps);
# Unmounting devices
@cmd = [ MANAGER, 'fstab','is_mounted', "/dev/mapper/$vg-$lv" ];
run3(@cmd, undef, \$stdout_buf, undef);
$err = decode_json($stdout_buf);
if( ref $err eq 'HASH' and $err->{mounted} ) {
$status{status} = "Umounting $vg-$lv";
@cmd = [ MANAGER, 'fstab','umount', "/dev/mapper/$vg-$lv" ];
run3(@cmd, undef, \$stdout_buf, undef);
$err = decode_json($stdout_buf);
if( exists $err->{status} and $err->{status} == 0 ) {
die(sprintf("Error: %s in command %s", $err->{errmsg}, join( ' ', @{$cmd[0]} )))
# Removal of fstab entry
$status{status} = "Removing FsTab entry for /dev/mapper/$vg-$lv";
@cmd = [ MANAGER, 'fstab','remove', "/dev/mapper/$vg-$lv" ];
run3(@cmd, undef, \$stdout_buf, undef);
$err = decode_json($stdout_buf);
if( exists $err->{status} and $err->{status} == 0 ) {
die(sprintf("Error: %s in command %s", $err->{errmsg}, join( ' ', @{$cmd[0]} )))
} else {
@cmd = [ MANAGER, 'fstab','is_mounted', "/dev/$vg/$lv" ];
run3(@cmd, undef, \$stdout_buf, undef);
$err = decode_json($stdout_buf);
if( ref $err eq 'HASH' and $err->{mounted} ) {
$status{status} = "Umounting $vg-$lv";
@cmd = [ MANAGER, 'fstab','umount', "/dev/$vg/$lv" ];
run3(@cmd, undef, \$stdout_buf, undef);
$err = decode_json($stdout_buf);
if( exists $err->{status} and $err->{status} == 0 ) {
die(sprintf("Error: %s in command %s", $err->{errmsg}, join( ' ', @{$cmd[0]} )))
# Removal of fstab entry
$status{status} = "Removing FsTab entry for /dev/$vg/$lv";
@cmd = [ MANAGER, 'fstab','remove', "/dev/$vg/$lv" ];
run3(@cmd, undef, \$stdout_buf, undef);
$err = decode_json($stdout_buf);
if( exists $err->{status} and $err->{status} == 0 ) {
die(sprintf("Error: %s in command %s", $err->{errmsg}, join( ' ', @{$cmd[0]} )))
progress(6, $steps);
# Removal of logical volume
$status{status} = "Removing logical volume $vg-$lv";
@cmd = [ MANAGER, 'lv','lvremove', "/dev/$vg/$lv" ];
run3(@cmd, undef, \$stdout_buf, undef);
$err = decode_json($stdout_buf);
if( exists $err->{status} and $err->{status} == 0 ) {
die(sprintf("Error: %s in command %s", $err->{errmsg}, join( ' ', @{$cmd[0]} )))
progress(7, $steps);
# Removing volume group
$status{status} = "Removing volume group $vg";
@cmd = [ MANAGER, 'lv','vgremove', "$vg" ];
run3(@cmd, undef, \$stdout_buf, undef);
$err = decode_json($stdout_buf);
if( exists $err->{status} and $err->{status} == 0 ) {
die(sprintf("Error: %s in command %s", $err->{errmsg}, join( ' ', @{$cmd[0]} )))
progress(8, $steps);
# Revoval of Physical volume devices
foreach my $partition( @devices ) {
$status{status} = "Removing physical volume $partition";
@cmd = [ MANAGER, 'lv','pvremove', "$partition" ];
my( $stdout_buf, $stderr_buf );
run3(@cmd, undef, \$stdout_buf, undef);
$err = decode_json($stdout_buf);
if( exists $err->{status} and $err->{status} == 0 ) {
die(sprintf("Error: %s in command %s", $err->{errmsg}, join( ' ', @{$cmd[0]} )))
progress(9, $steps);
# update internal partition table
$status{status} = "Updating internal partition type";
@cmd = [ MANAGER, 'disk','set_partition_type', "$internal", "raid" ];
run3(@cmd, undef, \$stdout_buf, undef);
$err = decode_json($stdout_buf);
if( exists $err->{status} and $err->{status} == 0 ) {
die(sprintf("Error: %s in command %s", $err->{errmsg}, join( ' ', @{$cmd[0]} )))
progress(10, $steps);
my $nextmd;
my $partitions;
# Find the top most device, if any
$status{status} = "Querying bext MD device name";
@cmd = [ MANAGER, 'md','get_next_md' ];
run3(@cmd, undef, \$stdout_buf, undef);
$err = decode_json($stdout_buf);
if( ref $err eq 'HASH' and exists $err->{status} and $err->{status} == 0 ) {
die(sprintf("Error: %s in command %s", $err->{errmsg}, join( ' ', @{$cmd[0]} )))
$nextmd = $err->{nextmd};
$partitions = [ $internal, $external ];
progress(11, $steps);
# Creating RAID array
$status{status} = "Creating RAID array $nextmd";
# something is fishy down in the diskmanager, do the creation manually for the time beeing
'-e', '0.90',
'--level', $level,
'--raid-devices', 2,
'--spare-devices', 0,
progress(12, $steps);
# uppdatera mdadm.conf
# Format the RAID array
$status{status} = "Format RAID array $nextmd";
@cmd = [ MANAGER, 'disk','format', $nextmd, 'ext3' ];
run3(@cmd, undef, \$stdout_buf, undef);
$err = decode_json($stdout_buf);
if( exists $err->{status} and $err->{status} == 0 ) {
die(sprintf("Error: %s in command %s", $err->{errmsg}, join( ' ', @{$cmd[0]} )))
progress(13, $steps);
# Setup FsTab
$status{status} = "Setting up FsTab";
@cmd = [ MANAGER, 'fstab','add', $nextmd, $mountpath, 'auto', 'defaults', 0, 2 ];
run3(@cmd, undef, \$stdout_buf, undef);
$err = decode_json($stdout_buf);
if( exists $err->{status} and $err->{status} == 0 ) {
die(sprintf("Error: %s in command %s", $err->{errmsg}, join( ' ', @{$cmd[0]} )))
progress(14, $steps);
# Mount
$status{status} = "Mounting $mountpath";
@cmd = [ MANAGER, 'fstab','mount', $nextmd ];
run3(@cmd, undef, \$stdout_buf, undef);
$err = decode_json($stdout_buf);
if( exists $err->{status} and $err->{status} == 0 ) {
die(sprintf("Error: %s in command %s", $err->{errmsg}, join( ' ', @{$cmd[0]} )))
progress(15, $steps);
# Restore the previous backup
$status{status} = "Restoring backup";
system 'cp', '--archive', '--recursive', glob('/bkup/*'), '/home';
system 'rm', '-rf', '/bkup';
progress(1, $steps);
# Restore default web page
$status{status} = "Restore the default web page";
system 'cp', '-a', glob('/usr/share/bubba-backend/default_web/*'), '/home/web';
system 'chown', 'www-data:users', '/home/web';
progress(16, $steps);
# Restarting services
$status{status} = "Restarting shut down services";
foreach ( reverse @services ) {
my( $service, $init_d ) = @$_;
next unless -x $init_d;
$status{status} = "Restarting $service";
system $init_d, 'start';
progress(17, $steps);
# workaround for parted when modifying partition table
system('swapon', '/dev/sda3');
progress(18, $steps);
$status{status} = "Conversion to RAID-$level complete";
$status{done} = 1;
} catch {
$status{done} = 1;
$status{error} = 1;
$status{status} = "Caught error: $_[0]";
$is_running = 0;
$status{overall_action} = 'idle';
sub restore_raid_broken_external {
my($disk) = @_;
try {
$status{overall_action} = 'restore_raid_broken_external';
my $steps = 2;
my $external = "${disk}1";
my $md = "/dev/md0"; # autodetect?;
progress(0, $steps);
my( $stdout_buf, $stderr_buf );
my @cmd;
my $err;
my @devices;
my $vgs;
my $cmd_str;
# workaround for parted when modifying partition table
system('swapoff', '/dev/sda3');
# partition external disk
$status{status} = "Partition external disk";
@cmd = [ MANAGER, 'disk','partition', "$disk", "raid" ];
run3(@cmd, undef, \$stdout_buf, undef);
$err = decode_json($stdout_buf);
if( exists $err->{status} and $err->{status} == 0 ) {
die(sprintf("Error: %s in command %s", $err->{errmsg}, join( ' ', @{$cmd[0]} )))
progress(1, $steps);
my $nextmd;
my $partitions;
$status{status} = "Adding external disk to array";
@cmd = [ MANAGER, 'md','add', $md, $external ];
run3(@cmd, undef, \$stdout_buf, undef);
$err = decode_json($stdout_buf);
if( exists $err->{status} and $err->{status} == 0 ) {
die(sprintf("Error: %s in command %s", $err->{errmsg}, join( ' ', @{$cmd[0]} )))
progress(2, $steps);
# workaround for parted when modifying partition table
system('swapon', '/dev/sda3');
$status{status} = "The new disk has successfully been added. Synchronizing disks in progress.";
$status{done} = 1;
} catch {
$status{done} = 1;
$status{error} = 1;
$status{status} = "Caught error: $_[0]";
$is_running = 0;
$status{overall_action} = 'idle';
sub restore_raid_broken_internal {
my($disk,$part) = @_;
try {
$status{overall_action} = 'restore_raid_broken_internal';
my $steps = 12;
progress(0, $steps);
my $vg = "bubba"; # bubba
my $lv = "storage"; # storage
my $internal = "/dev/sda2"; # /dev/sda2
my $mountpath = "/home"; # /home
my $md = "/dev/md0"; #autodetect?
my $external = "${disk}${part}";
my @services = (
[ 'cron', '/etc/init.d/cron' ],
[ 'squeezecenter', '/etc/init.d/squeezecenter' ],
[ 'mt-daapd', '/etc/init.d/mt-daapd' ],
[ 'minidlna', '/etc/init.d/minidlna' ],
[ 'proftpd', '/etc/init.d/proftpd' ],
[ 'netatalk', '/etc/init.d/netatalk' ],
[ 'cups', '/etc/init.d/cupsys' ],
[ 'ftd', '/etc/init.d/filetransferdaemon' ],
[ 'dovecot', '/etc/init.d/dovecot' ],
[ 'fetchmail', '/etc/init.d/fetchmail' ],
[ 'samba', '/etc/init.d/samba' ],
my( $stdout_buf, $stderr_buf );
my @cmd;
my $err;
my @devices;
my $vgs;
my $cmd_str;
# workaround for parted when modifying partition table
system('swapoff', '/dev/sda3');
# grab lvs
@cmd = [ MANAGER, 'lv', 'list' ];
run3(@cmd, undef, \$stdout_buf, undef);
$vgs = decode_json($stdout_buf);
foreach my $c_vg( @$vgs ) {
if( $c_vg->{name} eq $vg ) {
foreach my $c_lv( @{$c_vg->{lvs}} ) {
if( $c_lv->{name} eq $lv ) {
@devices = map {m#(/dev/\w+\d)#; $_=$1} @{$c_lv->{devices}};
progress(1, $steps);
# Shutting down services
$status{status} = "Terminating running services";
foreach ( @services ) {
my( $service, $init_d ) = @$_;
next unless -x $init_d;
$status{status} = "Terminating $service";
system $init_d, 'stop';
progress(2, $steps);
# Unmounting devices
@cmd = [ MANAGER, 'fstab','is_mounted', "/dev/mapper/$vg-$lv" ];
run3(@cmd, undef, \$stdout_buf, undef);
$err = decode_json($stdout_buf);
if( ref $err eq 'HASH' and $err->{mounted} ) {
$status{status} = "Umounting $vg-$lv";
@cmd = [ MANAGER, 'fstab','umount', "/dev/mapper/$vg-$lv" ];
run3(@cmd, undef, \$stdout_buf, undef);
$err = decode_json($stdout_buf);
if( exists $err->{status} and $err->{status} == 0 ) {
die(sprintf("Error: %s in command %s", $err->{errmsg}, join( ' ', @{$cmd[0]} )))
# Removal of fstab entry
$status{status} = "Removing FsTab entry for /dev/mapper/$vg-$lv";
@cmd = [ MANAGER, 'fstab','remove', "/dev/mapper/$vg-$lv" ];
run3(@cmd, undef, \$stdout_buf, undef);
$err = decode_json($stdout_buf);
if( exists $err->{status} and $err->{status} == 0 ) {
die(sprintf("Error: %s in command %s", $err->{errmsg}, join( ' ', @{$cmd[0]} )))
} else {
@cmd = [ MANAGER, 'fstab','is_mounted', "/dev/$vg/$lv" ];
run3(@cmd, undef, \$stdout_buf, undef);
$err = decode_json($stdout_buf);
if( ref $err eq 'HASH' and $err->{mounted} ) {
$status{status} = "Umounting $vg-$lv";
@cmd = [ MANAGER, 'fstab','umount', "/dev/$vg/$lv" ];
run3(@cmd, undef, \$stdout_buf, undef);
$err = decode_json($stdout_buf);
if( exists $err->{status} and $err->{status} == 0 ) {
die(sprintf("Error: %s in command %s", $err->{errmsg}, join( ' ', @{$cmd[0]} )))
# Removal of fstab entry
$status{status} = "Removing FsTab entry for /dev/$vg/$lv";
@cmd = [ MANAGER, 'fstab','remove', "/dev/$vg/$lv" ];
run3(@cmd, undef, \$stdout_buf, undef);
$err = decode_json($stdout_buf);
if( exists $err->{status} and $err->{status} == 0 ) {
die(sprintf("Error: %s in command %s", $err->{errmsg}, join( ' ', @{$cmd[0]} )))
@cmd = [ MANAGER, 'fstab','is_mounted', $external ];
run3(@cmd, undef, \$stdout_buf, undef);
$err = decode_json($stdout_buf);
if( ref $err eq 'HASH' and $err->{mounted} ) {
$status{status} = "Umounting $external" ;
@cmd = [ MANAGER, 'fstab','umount', $external ];
run3(@cmd, undef, \$stdout_buf, undef);
$err = decode_json($stdout_buf);
if( exists $err->{status} and $err->{status} == 0 ) {
die(sprintf("Error: %s in command %s", $err->{errmsg}, join( ' ', @{$cmd[0]} )))
# Removal of fstab entry
$status{status} = "Removing FsTab entry for $external";
@cmd = [ MANAGER, 'fstab','remove', $external ];
run3(@cmd, undef, \$stdout_buf, undef);
$err = decode_json($stdout_buf);
if( exists $err->{status} and $err->{status} == 0 ) {
die(sprintf("Error: %s in command %s", $err->{errmsg}, join( ' ', @{$cmd[0]} )))
progress(3, $steps);
# Removal of logical volume
$status{status} = "Removing logical volume $vg-$lv";
@cmd = [ MANAGER, 'lv','lvremove', "/dev/$vg/$lv" ];
run3(@cmd, undef, \$stdout_buf, undef);
$err = decode_json($stdout_buf);
if( exists $err->{status} and $err->{status} == 0 ) {
die(sprintf("Error: %s in command %s", $err->{errmsg}, join( ' ', @{$cmd[0]} )))
progress(4, $steps);
# Removing volume group
$status{status} = "Removing volume group $vg";
@cmd = [ MANAGER, 'lv','vgremove', "$vg" ];
run3(@cmd, undef, \$stdout_buf, undef);
$err = decode_json($stdout_buf);
if( exists $err->{status} and $err->{status} == 0 ) {
die(sprintf("Error: %s in command %s", $err->{errmsg}, join( ' ', @{$cmd[0]} )))
progress(5, $steps);
# Revoval of Physical volume devices
foreach my $partition( @devices ) {
$status{status} = "Removing physical volume $partition";
@cmd = [ MANAGER, 'lv','pvremove', "$partition" ];
my( $stdout_buf, $stderr_buf );
run3(@cmd, undef, \$stdout_buf, undef);
$err = decode_json($stdout_buf);
if( exists $err->{status} and $err->{status} == 0 ) {
die(sprintf("Error: %s in command %s", $err->{errmsg}, join( ' ', @{$cmd[0]} )))
progress(6, $steps);
# update internal partition table
$status{status} = "Updating internal partition type";
@cmd = [ MANAGER, 'disk','set_partition_type', "$internal", "raid" ];
run3(@cmd, undef, \$stdout_buf, undef);
$err = decode_json($stdout_buf);
if( exists $err->{status} and $err->{status} == 0 ) {
die(sprintf("Error: %s in command %s", $err->{errmsg}, join( ' ', @{$cmd[0]} )))
progress(7, $steps);
# wait for partition update
sleep 5;
my $partitions;
$status{status} = "Assemble degraded array $md";
@cmd = [ MANAGER, 'md','assemble', $md, $external ];
run3(@cmd, undef, \$stdout_buf, undef);
$err = decode_json($stdout_buf);
if( exists $err->{status} and $err->{status} == 0 ) {
die(sprintf("Error: %s in command %s", $err->{errmsg}, join( ' ', @{$cmd[0]} )))
progress(8, $steps);
sleep 5;
$status{status} = "Add internal partition as spare to $md";
@cmd = [ MANAGER, 'md','add', $md, $internal ];
run3(@cmd, undef, \$stdout_buf, undef);
$err = decode_json($stdout_buf);
if( exists $err->{status} and $err->{status} == 0 ) {
die(sprintf("Error: %s in command %s", $err->{errmsg}, join( ' ', @{$cmd[0]} )))
progress(9, $steps);
# Setup FsTab
$status{status} = "Setting up FsTab";
@cmd = [ MANAGER, 'fstab','add', $md, $mountpath, 'auto', 'defaults', 0, 2 ];
run3(@cmd, undef, \$stdout_buf, undef);
$err = decode_json($stdout_buf);
if( exists $err->{status} and $err->{status} == 0 ) {
die(sprintf("Error: %s in command %s", $err->{errmsg}, join( ' ', @{$cmd[0]} )))
progress(10, $steps);
# Mount
$status{status} = "Mounting $mountpath";
@cmd = [ MANAGER, 'fstab','mount', $md ];
run3(@cmd, undef, \$stdout_buf, undef);
$err = decode_json($stdout_buf);
if( exists $err->{status} and $err->{status} == 0 ) {
die(sprintf("Error: %s in command %s", $err->{errmsg}, join( ' ', @{$cmd[0]} )))
progress(11, $steps);
# Restarting services
$status{status} = "Restarting shut down services";
foreach ( reverse @services ) {
my( $service, $init_d ) = @$_;
next unless -x $init_d;
$status{status} = "Restarting $service";
system $init_d, 'start';
progress(12, $steps);
# workaround for parted when modifying partition table
system('swapon', '/dev/sda3');
$status{status} = "$md has been sucessfully restored, full sync will be achieved after a few hours";
$status{done} = 1;
} catch {
$status{done} = 1;
$status{error} = 1;
$status{status} = "Caught error: $_[0]";
$is_running = 0;
$status{overall_action} = 'idle';
sub format_disk {
my($disk,$label) = @_;
try {
$status{overall_action} = 'format_disk';
my $partition = "${disk}1";
my( $err, $stdin_buf, $stdout_buf, $stderr_buf, $buffer );
# Disk partition
$status{status} = "Partition disk $disk";
my @cmd = [ MANAGER, 'disk', 'partition', $disk, 'raw', $label ];
run3(@cmd, undef, \$stdout_buf, undef);
$err = decode_json($stdout_buf);
if( exists $err->{status} and $err->{status} == 0 ) {
die(sprintf("Error: %s in command %s", $err->{errmsg}, join( ' ', @{$cmd[0]} )))
progress(10, 100);
sleep 5;
# while the partitions might have been completed, it can take an second or five to sync it
# so we sleep for 5 secs to make sure it's synced. (this will especially happen for small
# USB memory sticks)
# Disk format
$status{status} = "Format disk $disk";
my $cmd = [ MANAGER, 'disk', 'format', "${disk}1", 'ext3' ];
$stderr_buf = 1; # we want to dump errors here
my $pid = open3($stdin_buf, $stdout_buf, $stderr_buf, @$cmd );
my $token = ftok( '/tmp/dmgshm', $pid );
if( my $sid = shmget( $token, 4096, S_IRUSR | IPC_CREAT ) ) {
while( waitpid( $pid, WNOHANG ) != -1 ) {
shmread($sid, $buffer, 0, 4096);
substr($buffer, index($buffer, "\0")) = '';
progress( 10 + $buffer * .8, 100) if $buffer;
shmctl( $sid, IPC_RMID, 0);
} else {
waitpid( $pid, 0 );
my $json_str;
my $output = <$stdout_buf>;
$json_str = decode_json($output);
if( exists $json_str->{status} and $json_str->{status} == 0 ) {
die(sprintf("Error: %s in command %s", $err->{errmsg}, join( ' ', @{$cmd[0]} )))
progress(90, 100);
sleep 5;
# we'll sleep again before we really sync the new stuff.
system( MANAGER, 'disk', 'probe', $disk );
progress(95, 100);
# Tuning filesystem
# TODO move to diskmanager
$status{status} = "Tuning disk $disk";
$cmd = [ 'tune2fs', '-c', 0, '-i', 0, "${disk}1" ];
run3 $cmd, \$stdin_buf, \$stdout_buf, \$stderr_buf;
progress(100, 100);
$status{status} = "$disk has been sucessfully formated";
$status{done} = 1;
} catch {
$status{done} = 1;
$status{error} = 1;
$status{status} = "Caught error: $_[0]";
$is_running = 0;
$status{overall_action} = 'idle';
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