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Created May 23, 2011 16:13
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adblock++ から adblock# 形式へ変換する(Firebug上で実行)
* Created by azu.
* Date: 11/05/23 23:36
* License: MIT License
// extensions.adblock++.filter_array の値を入れる
var adblockData = [
["feedad", 1, 326103, true],
["/ads", 1, 217358, true],
["/ad.", 1, 129717, true],
["banner", 1, 108402, true],
["", 1, 93681, true],
["/ad/", 1, 35539, true],
["", 1, 14168, true],
["", 1, 13499, true],
["", 1, 13001, true],
["bdv", 1, 6168, true],
["", 1, 3408, true],
["", 1, 2599, true],
["", 1, 2341, true],
["468_", 1, 1889, true],
["", 1, 1343, true],
["axad", 1, 1162, true],
["", 1, 894, true],
["pagead", 1, 358, true],
["", 1, 13, true],
["imgad", 1, 0, true],
["/^http:\\/\\/ext\\.nicovideo\\.jp\\/thumb\\//$subdocument", 2, 8811, true],
["", 0, 612150, true],
["", 0, 4254, true],
["", 0, 3548, true]
];// これを自分の変えて使う
(function() {
var types = {
"WhiteLists" : 0,
"Filters" : 1,
"RegExps" : 2
function getType(typeNumber) {
for (var type in types) {
if (types[type] == typeNumber) {
return type;
function convertData(data) {
adblockData = data || adblockData;
var result = [];
for (var i = 0,len = adblockData.length; i < len; i++) {
var ary = adblockData[i];
var filter = ary[0];// filert文字列
if (!ary[3]) {// 無効になってるなら無視
switch (getType(ary[1])) {//配列の二番目がtype
case "WhiteLists":
result.push("@@" + filter);
case "Filters" :
case "RegExps":
if (hasSubContent(filter)) {
return result;
// /string/ が誤爆する場合を防ぐ
function validStringFilter(filter) {
if (typeof filter !== "string") {
return filter;
if (filter[0] === "/" && filter[filter.length - 1] === "/") {
return "*" + filter + "*"
} else {
return filter;
function hasSubContent(filter) {
var subcontents;
if (typeof hasSubContent.regExp === "undefined") {
subcontents = ["$image","$script","$stylesheet","$object","$subdocument","$xmlhttprequest",
hasSubContent.regExp = new RegExp("(\\" + subcontents.join("|\\") + ")$", "i");
if (hasSubContent.regExp.test(filter)) {
log("SubContent: " + filter);
return true;
function log() {
console && console.log.apply(this, arguments);
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